Oh how beautiful is Panama (film)

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Original title Oh how nice is Panama
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2006
length 70 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Martin Otevrel
script Guido Schmelich
production Willi Geike ,
Irina Probost
music Annette Focks
camera Miroslav Valásek
cut Sascha Wolff

Original speaker

Oh, how beautiful is Panama is a German cartoon for children from 2006 and is based on the book of the same name by Janosch .

A continuation of the story came in 2012 with the film version of Come, We'll Find a Treasure in German-speaking cinemas.


The two friends Little Tiger and Little Bear live in a small house near a river. The little tiger is always adventurous and likes to look for mushrooms in the forest. The little bear, on the other hand, prefers to stay at home and cook his friend a delicious meal or go fishing by the river. The little tiger's constant companion is the " tiger duck", a small yellow-black striped wooden duck with wheels.

One morning, the two of them found a wooden box on the river bank with the label “Panama” on the side and with a smell of bananas inside. They believe that this is the smell of Panama and then decide to travel to the land of their dreams and find happiness in the distance.

With a fishing rod, a pot and the tiger duck in their luggage, the little bear and the little tiger set off on their long journey to the unknown land. During their march they become unsure which way is the right one and how far they still have to go. Even the animals they encounter on the way cannot help them. Hoping to get to their destination faster, the little bear and the little tiger jump on a freight train and get to know the travel donkey Mallorca. This tells that he is also on a journey. In contrast to the little bear and the little tiger, however, he is not looking for a specific place, but for love.

After the train has to stop for a long time due to a fallen tree, the little bear and the little tiger move away from the train and go to the nearby forest to pick mushrooms. In doing so, they forget the time and just miss the freight train. Walking on foot again, you will come across an old suspension bridge that spans a deep river valley. Despite great caution, the little tiger falls into the river and initially disappears without a trace. Finally the little bear finds him on an old ingrown ship not far from the suspension bridge. They then make the ship afloat again and continue their journey on the water. In the ocean, they happen to come across a fish that the little bear caught in their old home and then released. The fish had then promised to return the favor the next time they met. He joins the two and wants to help them find Panama.

After the ship is smashed in a violent storm, the three are washed up on a lonely beach. There they find bananas in abundance and therefore believe that they have finally found their dream country Panama. After a short time, however, they have had enough of bananas and are longing for more variety in their menu. In their search for mushrooms, they are disappointed to find that they are on a small island that cannot possibly be Panama.

They want to leave the island again, so they keep an eye out for a passing ship. To get a better view, after a while they climb a particularly tall palm tree. While doing this, the little bear slips and falls down. However, a bird of paradise catches the little bear in time and brings him back to the top of the palm tree. The little bear and the little tiger complain of their suffering to the bird, which then promises to take them to the land of their dreams.

After a long flight, the bird ends up at an overgrown house in the middle of a green hilly landscape. The little bear and the little tiger assume that this place is the long-awaited Panama. As they take a closer look at the house, the two happily notice that it is their old home and that this is the true place of their dreams.


“Despite some changes to the content, which make the adventure journey of the lovable heroes a bit more 'spectacular', the look and charm of the original are retained. Thanks to detailed pictures, memorable characters and poetic music, a coherent (children's) cinema pleasure. "

“That's enough for a medium afternoon with some medium story. That's not enough for a movie with the name Janosch on it. "

"[...] And although the children's film smooths out Janosch's images in the conventional cartoon style, leaves some elements such as the red sofa underexposed and adds some action, but the character of the original is retained."

- star

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for Oh, how beautiful is Panama . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , September 2007 (PDF; test number: 107 259 DVD).
  2. Age rating for Oh, how beautiful is Panama . Youth Media Commission .
  3. Come on, we'll find a treasure on kino.de
  4. Oh, how beautiful is Panama. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  5. ^ Film review from September 22, 2006
  6. ^ Film review from September 24, 2006