Without guilt

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German title Without guilt
Original title Pour elle
Country of production France , Spain
original language French
Publishing year 2008
length 95 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Fred Cavayé
script Fred Cavayé
Guillaume Lemans
production Olivier Delbosc
Eric Jehelmann
Marc Missonnier
music Klaus Badelt
camera Alain Duplantier
cut Benjamin Weill

Without guilt is a French-Spanish thriller by Fred Cavayé from the year 2008 .


Teacher Julien Auclert lives an innocent life with his diabetic wife Lisa and their son Oscar. His wife is also a teacher. One day the police storm the apartment and arrest Lisa. She is accused of killing her boss. There are witnesses who saw her at the crime scene, her fingerprints are on the fire extinguisher with which the woman was killed, and the victim's blood is on Lisa's clothes. She is sentenced to 20 years in prison. In fact, Lisa is innocent and she saw the perpetrator who ran towards her in the underground car park. She didn't notice the dead woman next to her passenger door, but she put away the fire extinguisher that was in front of her car. Despite her testimony that another woman was at the scene, this cannot be verified. Three years have passed since then and when a further investigation into the case by the Court of Cassation finds that there is insufficient evidence of Lisa's innocence, she attempts suicide because she can no longer stand it in prison. Julien visits his wife with Oscar once a week in prison, but the boy increasingly refuses to be touched by his mother.

Julien realizes that Lisa will not survive prison life. He meets with the non-fiction author Henri Pasquet, who has published a book called Life on the Run . In it he describes how he escaped from prison seven times. He was never caught, but after a while he always turned himself in to the police. Julien learns how an outbreak and, above all, the years in freedom can succeed, receives insider tips and warnings about which beginners' mistakes should be avoided. Among other things, you need a lot of money, false passports, you first have to flee abroad and from there by plane to another country. The new identity should not be too far from the profession actually learned. It is important to consistently break off any family or friendship bridges and to have the courage to do all of this consistently. Julien starts the preparations. In the following three months he obtained false passports with new identities, gradually sold all the furniture in the apartment, saves money and observed the prison in order to find a "key" for a possible liberation of Lisa. She is temporarily treated in psychiatry because she persistently refuses to inject insulin after attempting suicide .

Julien finally finds the key in the supplier of the laboratory results. He succeeds in taking Lisa's result paper and forging it.

Shortly before the end of the preparations - Julien only wants to sell the house she has inherited from Lisa in order to raise enough money - he learns that Lisa will be relocated to Rennes in three days because the health care is better there. Julien now has to free Lisa within three days. Since he cannot sell the house in such a short time, he initially plans a bank robbery, but in the end threatens a drug dealer who has hardly any money with him. At gunpoint, Julien forces him to take him to his employer. There Julien can take a large amount of cash, but is shot by the drug lord before he shoots him. His informant is seriously injured by the boss and Julien takes him in the car, but the young man dies on the way and Julien drops him off at a bus stop. Julien moves out of his apartment and moves into a hotel room not far from a hospital under the new name. He smuggles the falsified test results back into the laboratory results trolley and Lisa is actually taken to the hospital shortly afterwards as an acute case, next to which Julien and Oscar have moved into a hotel room. The police are already on Julien's heels, however, because the remains of broken headlight glasses from a Volvo - Julien's car - have been found on the property of the dead drug dealer . Since Julien's car model is only registered 37 times in Paris, he is immediately visited as the husband of a prison inmate. The investigators find his apartment empty and learn that Lisa is on her way to the hospital. A second patrol is requested to prevent irregularities during the transfer. Julien visits Lisa in the hospital disguised as a doctor and overpowers her two guards. He escapes with her from the hospital and can barely escape the police. They leave the hotel room with Oscar when the police can no longer be seen on the street. They can flee across the border to Belgium because they take two other people on board via a car-sharing agency and then fall through the “two adults, one child” search grid at the motorway toll station. At Liege Airport can check in good time before the investigation report of Interpol , together with passport photographs comes on the ticker. Your escape destination is San Salvador . You reach the city, Henri Pasquet's words in your ear: It is not the actual escape that is the most difficult thing, but rather not being caught again immediately afterwards.


Ermita del Rocío, where the film was set

It was filmed in France and Spain without guilt . The building seen at the end of the film is the Ermita del Rocío in El Rocío , Spain. The film had its limited release in France on October 30, 2008, screened at several festivals and officially hit French cinemas on December 3, 2008. The film was shown in Germany on February 5, 2009 and was released on DVD on January 15, 2010. On June 7, 2011, ZDFneo first showed it on German television.

Paul Haggis shot a US remake of the film in 2010 with 72 hours - The Next Three Days .


"Exciting film with well-dosed action scenes, a cleverly constructed plot and haunting characters."

“Although the thriller leaves some motifs in the dark, the actors are convincing across the board - especially the crumpled Lindon, whose part in the remake Russell Crowe took over. Conclusion: Despite the gaps: exciting crime adventure. "

“Once again an atmospherically densely staged French thriller by Fred Cavayé, who wrote the script together with Guillaume Lemans. Although it seems very unlikely that a caring family father and teacher will turn his back on bourgeois life and dive into the underworld to free the wrongly convicted wife from prison, apart from that, 'No Guilt' is a gripping work with a strong leading actor duo. So it's no wonder that Hollywood director and Oscar winner Paul Haggis also took on the story and staged the US remake '72 hours - The Next Three Days ' with Russell Crowe and Elizabeth Banks in 2010. "


Marc Missonnier, Fred Cavayé, Olivier Delbosc and Eric Jehelmann were nominated for Without Guilt 2009 for a César in the category Best First Work .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Locations in the Internet Movie Database
  2. Publication in the Internet Movie Database
  3. a b Without guilt. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  4. No fault on cinema.de
  5. No fault on prisma.de
  6. Nominations and Awards in the Internet Movie Database