Operational Defense Center

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The Operative Abwehrzentrum (OAZ) was a central point for the investigation of extremist- motivated crimes of the police state security in Saxony . The aim was to work closely with other authorities, in particular the public prosecutor's office and the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution . On October 1, 2017, it was merged with Department 5 (Police State Protection) of the LKA Saxony to form the “Police Terror and Extremism Defense Center” (PTAZ).


In July 1991, on the initiative of then Interior Minister Heinz Eggert (CDU) and against the background of the pogrom in Hoyerswerda, the "Soko Rex" was founded, which was supposed to counter the drastic right-wing extremist acts of violence and attacks.

The founding of the OAZ in November 2012 was preceded by an accumulation of violence and criminal offenses by right-wing extremists in Saxony. In a nationwide comparison, the Free State of Saxony has one of the largest scenes of violent right-wing extremists and their bourgeois sympathizers. The parties NPD and “The III. Weg ”and a number of comradeships form the political climate for right-wing crime.


Interior Minister Markus Ulbig (CDU) entrusted Bernd Merbitz with the management of the OAZ. The permanent "Soko Rex" of the criminal police was subordinated to the OAZ. For a nationwide presence in the Free State of Saxony, five investigation sections were formed, each with 13 officials. These are

The Central Investigation Section has been established in Dresden. Public prosecutors and police investigators work closely together here. An evaluation center for internet research was set up. The mobile task force and search groups (MEFG) with officers familiar with the scene are led by the OAZ and deployed according to the situation. The Mobile Task Force State Security (MEK) reports to the OAZ .


The delimitation of tasks to the police state protection of the police headquarters results from § 6 (2) ff. Of the Saxon Police Organization Ordinance (SächsPolOrgVO).

SächsPolOrgVO: The Leipzig Police Directorate is also responsible for the collection and evaluation of information for the preventive fight against criminal offenses and the prosecution in the Area of ​​the PMK -right and PMK-left as well as for the enforcement police tasks in the field of law enforcement

  1. in cases of the formation of terrorist organizations (§§ 129a and 129b StGB) and the related offenses in § 129a Paragraph 1 and 2 StGB in the area of ​​PMK-right and PMK-left,
  2. in cases of peace treason, high treason, endangering the democratic constitutional state, treason and endangering external security in the area of ​​PMK-right and PMK-left, with the exception of the cases under Sections 86 and 86a of the Criminal Code,
  3. if this is ordered in individual cases by the State Ministry of the Interior or
  4. if requested by the public prosecutor.

The Police Directorate Leipzig can take over the enforcement police investigations into criminal offenses of the PMK-rechts and PMK-links, if

  1. it is necessary to conduct cross-departmental investigations and uniform prosecution appears appropriate,
  2. they are related to their jurisdiction to prosecute or
  3. another police department requests it because of the size, the regional nature or the high publicity.


The OAZ repeatedly investigates violent crimes, including those that are perpetrated in the Saxon province and are not known nationwide. Examples of the search work of the OAZ are the attacks on several asylum seekers' homes in Saxony in 2014 and 2015 as well as the threats against elected officials such as the mayor of Tröglitz .

In 2013 the OAZ carried out an investigation against the " German Police Relief Organization ", a vigilante group from the Reich Citizens' Movement , which among other things assaulted and tied up a bailiff in the Meissen area.

As part of the investigation into the arson attacks on Deutsche Bahn on June 19, 2017, the OAZ investigated references to the G20 summit in Hamburg .

Results and criticism

In response to a request from the left , Saxony's government published an OAZ balance sheet in March 2015. According to this, a total of 279 preliminary investigations into right-wing extremist acts of violence and criminal offenses had been initiated by this time, and there were 631 suspects. The clearance rate was 73.1 percent. Left-wing extremists were investigated in 39 cases and against 18 accused; the rate of resolved cases was 33.3 percent. From 2013 to the beginning of 2015, there were a total of almost 600 preliminary proceedings with more than 850 suspects and an average clear-up rate of around 70 percent.

For criticizing Kerstin Köditz , security expert of the Left in Saxony, which pointed out that the clear-up rate could be even higher if we focused more on the far right. After all, the more than 25 percent of cases that have not been resolved could also include the ten murders by the NSU terrorist cell.

Criticism is also exercised that the Saxon state government (CDU / FDP) strongly emphasizes for image reasons that the OAZ investigates against all extremist activities, although the vast majority of right-wing extremist crimes are: "At least since the NSU murders it has been known that Saxony is a The problem with right-wing violence has and has so far investigated 631 suspects from the right-wing extremist milieu , which is comparatively high compared to 18 investigations against left-wing extremists . And yet: in the Dresden Ministry of the Interior , both camps are equated like a prayer wheel, ”wrote the Stuttgarter Zeitung in August 2015.

Individual evidence

  1. Police Saxony (accessed on October 19, 2017)
  2. ↑ A powerful network for the operational defense center for right-wing extremism (November 29, 2012) (accessed on July 9, 2015)
  3. http://www.revosax.sachsen.de/vorschrift_sum/13754.html
  4. ^ Andreas Debski: Operatives Abwehrzentrum - Significant increase in neo-Nazi attacks in Saxony. In: lvz.de. March 31, 2016, accessed April 1, 2016 .
  5. Investigations against German Police Relief Organization: two more apartments searched. In: lvz.de. July 25, 2013. Retrieved June 24, 2017 .
  6. ↑ Arson attacks on railway lines: Police are still looking for the perpetrators. In: Kreiszeitung.de. June 20, 2017. Retrieved June 24, 2017 .
  7. Archived copy ( memento of the original from July 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / mopo24.de
  8. ^ Harald Lachmann: Neo-Nazis in Saxony: Threats from the right corner Stuttgarter-Zeitung.de, August 3, 2015.