Oratorio di San Rocco
The Church Oratorio di San Rocco in Siena (also Oratorio di San Rocco alla Lupa and Oratorio dei Santi Rocco e Giobbe in Vallerozzi called) is dedicated to Saint Roch of Montpellier dedicated (16 feast day August). The copatron of the Church is Job .
The church is located inside the city walls at 63 Via Vallerozzi (facade). The back is adjacent to Via Pian d'Ovile . Both are located in the third third of the city, Terzo di Camollia, in the Contrada Lupa (she-wolf), of which she is the counterpart church. The building complex includes the crypt , which is now used as a contrade museum and was restored in 2002, as well as the Cappellone (large chapel).
The building was built at the instigation of people who turned away from the Compania laicale di San Sebastiano (Via Garibaldi) and founded the Compania di San Rocco . The construction of the church began around 1511, as described in a report by Sigismondo Tizio from the same year. From 1526, the interior decoration was started by Senese artists. To this end, the Compagnia laicale di San Rocco founded the Tavola del Crocefisso circle , in which Bernardino Capitelli, Ilario Casolani , Giovan Paolo Pisani, Simondio Salimbeni and Niccolò Tornioli took part. The column with the Lupa romana (Roman she-wolf or Capitoline-wolf ) was erected in 1548 and replaced as early as 1602. The she-wolf is now in the Sala delle Vittorie . The wolf, which is now before the church was donated to the city of Rome from 1966. The facade consists of a round window , decorated in polychrome , with the arms of Arte dei Calzolai ( Schuhmacher - Guild ), below this there is a wall niche with the statue of St. Rochus from the Mazzuoli workshop .
One of the most important works of art in the church is the Storie di San Rocco fresco cycle by Crescenzio Gambarelli and Rutilio Manetti , which was created between 1605 and 1610 in the adjoining Cappellone di San Rocco building. The oratory was completed between 1530 and 1540. Since the start of construction, in which the contrada participated, the place has been used as a church and as a contrada seat. The first differences between the church and the contrada arose around 1740, when the contrada was no longer to use the Cappellone . The disputes were settled on August 8, 1743 and the contrade was allowed to use the premises, but for a compensation of 12 scudi and 7 lire and the symbolic contribution of three decorated white candles annually. In addition, from this point on, the Palios (Palii) obtained had to be exhibited in the rooms of the church. The rectangular campanile with its four arches and four bells also dates from the 18th century.
On March 21, 1785, on the instructions of Grand Duke Leopold II , the Contrade had to leave San Rocco and moved to the Chiesa di San Donato ai Montanini at what was then Piazzetta di San Donato (today Piazzetta dell'Abadia on the border of the contrade to the caterpillar (Bruco)) , but at the same time applied to Archbishop Tiberio Borghesi to get San Rocco back. This request was granted on February 8, 1786 and confirmed by Leopold II on September 10, 1789. Since then it has been owned by the Contrada Lupa. Major restorations took place in 1910, 1933/34 and 1962. The reverse fountain, designed by the architect Giovanni Barsacchi and executed by Emilio Montagnani and made in bronze, has adorned the back of the church since 1962. The church belongs to the Archdiocese of Siena-Colle di Val d'Elsa-Montalcino .
Works in the interiors (selection)
- Mattia Bolognini : Lo sposalizio della Vergine (oil painting on canvas, 204 × 118 cm, early work by Rutilio Manetti's pupil)
- Ilario Casolani : San Carlo Borromeo (canvas painting, created 1629)
- Domenico Manetti : Storie della Vita di San Giobbe (created 1651)
Rutilio Manetti with Crescenzio Gambarelli : Storie di San Rocco , fresco cycle in the Cappellone, created between 1605 and 1610, contains the individual works:
- San Rocco guarisce un appestato (second vault, created around 1605 by Gambarelli)
- San Rocco libera a Roma dalla peste il cardinale Britannico e la città (second vault, created around 1605 by Gambarelli)
- Il cardinale presenta il santo al papa (second vault, created around 1605 by Gambarelli)
- San Rocco risana un appestato a Piacenza (second vault, created around 1605 by Gambarelli)
- Giovanni e Libera, genitori di San Rocco, pregano per avere un figlio (first vault, created by Manetti between 1605 and 1610)
- Libera mostra al marito la crocetta rossa apparsa sul petto del piccolo Rocco (first vault, created by Manetti between 1605 and 1610)
- San Rocco dona il pane ai poveri (first vault, created by Manetti between 1605 and 1610)
- Il Santo accanto al letto del padre morente (first vault, created by Manetti between 1605 and 1610)
- Il giovane Rocco rinuncia alla nobilità e si fa pellegrino (side wall, created between 1605 and 1610 by Manetti)
- Cura gli appestati nell'Ospedale di Acquapedente (side wall, created by Manetti between 1605 and 1610)
- San Rocco appestato è confortato dal proprio cane (side wall, created by Manetti between 1605 and 1610)
- Il nobile Gottardo, seguendo il carne, scopre San Rocco (side wall, created by Manetti between 1605 and 1610)
- Il Santo risana le bestie (side wall, created by Manetti between 1605 and 1610)
- San Rocco ei cittadini di Piacenza odono la voce divina (side wall, created by Manetti between 1605 and 1610)
- Funerali di San Rocco (side wall, built by Manetti between 1605 and 1610)
- Martino V. ei padri conciliari a Costanza portano in processione la statua del Beato Rocco (side wall, created by Manetti between 1605 and 1610)
- Bernardino Mei : Storie della Vita di San Giobbe
Astolfo Petrazzi :
- Gloria di San Giobbe (work with contributions by Francesco Bertini)
- Transito di San Giobbe (work with contributions by Francesco Bertini, created 1648)
Simondio Salimbeni :
- Disputa di Gesù al tempio
- Riposo durante la fuga (originated in 1620)
- Discesa dello spirito Santo
- Transito della Madonna (oil painting on wall, 1621)
- Ventura Salimbeni : Apparizione della Madonna col Bambino a San Rocco (canvas painting, made in 1603)
- Girolamo Sellari (Girolamo Sellari da Carpi): Epifania or Adorazione dei Magi (oil painting on canvas, 204 × 118 cm, created around 1550. Comes from the possessions of Ippolito II. D'Este )
- Bernardino Vanni: Visitazione
Raffaello Vanni :
- Incoronazione della Madonna (oil painting on canvas, 204 × 118 cm)
- San Giobbe e il demonio (canvas painting, 1622)
Works of unsecured origin
- Assunzione di Maria Vergine , attributed to Giovanni di Lorenzo Cini
- La circoncisione di Gesù , (unknown artist from the 16th century, 211.5 × 114.5 cm)
- Educazione di Maria Vergine , attributed to Deifebo Burbarini
- Attributed to I Santi Giacomo, Girolamo, Antonio da Padova e Beato Sorore , Francesco Bertini
- San Michele , canvas painting from the environment of Vincenzo Rustici (possibly by Francesco Rustici )
- San Sebastiano , canvas painting from the environment of Vincenzo Rustici
- Attributed to Santi quattro patroni di Siena , Ilario Casolani
- Attributed to Sposalizio di Maria Vergine , Simondio Salimbeni
- Statua del Cappellone , St. Depicting Rochus is assigned to the Gambarelli. It was located in the apse of the church until 1951 and since then in a wall niche of the Cappellone .
The stage for the organ above the entrance gate was created in 1878 by Girolamo Rubini, Giuseppe Partini and Tito Sarrocchi . The organ itself was designed by Nicomede Agati (1796–1885) and his relative Luigi (1823–1911). It was restored in 1986 by Anselmi-Tamburini from Pianengo .
- Gianfranco Campanini and Andrea Muzzi: Oratori di Contrada. Editrice Tipografia Senese, Siena 1995
- Senio Sensi (Ed.): Contrada della Lupa. sd Siena, Poggibonsi 2007
- Piero Torriti: Tutta Siena. Contrada per Contrada. Edizioni Bonechi, Florence 2004, ISBN 88-7204-456-1
Web links
- Official website of the Contrada Lupa for the Oratorio di San Rocco
- Eco Museo Siena: Oratorio dei Santi Rocco e Giobbe in Vallerozzi.
- Eco Museo Siena: Il Cappellone di San Rocco.
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b c d e f Eco Museo Siena: Oratorio dei Santi Rocco e Giobbe in Vallerozzi.
- ↑ InToscana website for the Museum of the Contrada Lupa, accessed on July 11, 2011 (Italian)
- ^ A b Eco Museo Siena: Il Cappellone di San Rocco.
- ↑ a b c d e Senio Sensi (ed.): Contrada della Lupa.
- ^ Website of the online edition of the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani on Ilario Casolani, accessed on July 11, 2011 (Italian)
- ↑ Mattia Bolognini (Montevarchi, 1605 - Siena, 1667) ( Memento of the original from March 25, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Website of the Contrada Lupa on the museum, accessed on March 23, 2016 (Italian)
- ↑ Girolamo Sellari detto da Carpi ( Memento of the original from March 25, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Website of the Contrada Lupa on the museum, accessed on March 23, 2016 (Italian), with illus.
- ↑ Raffaello Vanni: Incoronazione della Vergine ( Memento of the original from March 25, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Website of the Contrada Lupa on the museum, accessed on March 23, 2016 (Italian), with illus.
- ↑ (Ignoto del Sec. XVI). La circoncisione di Gesù ( Memento of the original from March 25, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Website of the Contrada Lupa on the museum, accessed on March 23, 2016 (Italian), with illus.
Coordinates: 43 ° 19 ′ 23 " N , 11 ° 19 ′ 53.6" E