Otto Heinrich Flottmann

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Flottmann family grave, in front right the grave of Otto Heinrich Flottmann. A grieving miner with a hammer drill is depicted as a grave statue.

Otto Heinrich Flottmann (born December 24, 1875 in Bochum ; † February 28, 1944 in Erlangen ) was a German entrepreneur and owner of the Flottmann works .


Flottmann, eldest son of the married couple Friedrich Heinrich Flottmann and Emilie Flottmann geb. Teichgräber , received the Reichs patent in 1904 for the “ pneumatic hammer drill with ball control and automatic implementation ”, which revolutionized mining and road construction , among other things , and continued the family business.

From 1931 Flottmann was a party member of the NSDAP and served as President of the Bochum Chamber of Commerce and Industry from May 1933 to November 1934 .

On December 24, 1935, the city of Herne granted Flottmann her honorary citizenship ; this honorary citizenship was symbolically revoked in October 2013. He is buried in the south cemetery in Herne.

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Individual evidence

  1. Herner Council recognizes honorary citizenship in a symbolic act. In: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung of October 17, 2013
