Pandora Viruses

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"Pandora Viruses"
Classification : Viruses
Area : Varidnaviria
Empire : Bamfordvirae
Phylum : Nucleocytoviricota
Class : Megaviricetes
Order : Algavirales
Family : Phycodnaviridae / "Pandoraviridae"
Genre : "Pandoravirus"
Taxonomic characteristics
Genome : dsDNA
Baltimore : Group 1
Symmetry : spherical , amphora-shaped
Cover : available
Scientific name

The " Pandoraviruses " are a proposed genus " Pandoravirus " (from Greek  Πανδώρα Pandṓra " all-giver ", see also Pandora's box ) of giant viruses . These are DNA viruses from the Phylum Nucleocytoviricota (outdated Nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses , NCLDV). The double-stranded DNA genome is 1.9-2.5 megabase pairs in size . Within this group, the Pandora viruses appear according to Natalia Yutin, Eugene V. Koonin et al. strongly modified Phycodnaviruses , which possibly favors an assignment to this virus family ( Phycodnaviridae ) instead of to a separate one (called " Pandoraviridae " by suggestion ). Pandora viruses have the largest known genome among viruses . The tropism (host spectrum) of the Pandora viruses includes amoeba . Pandora viruses were found in Germany a few years ago, although it was not until 2013 that it was confirmed by molecular biology that they were actually Pandora viruses. The interesting thing here is that they were found in acanthamoeba from the contact lens cases of a keratitis patient.


The virion (virus particle) has dimensions of about one micrometer long and 0.7 micrometer wide, making them one of the largest viruses known. The virion is oval shaped and has an opening at one end. Pandora viruses are about the size of a smaller bacterium.


The genome of Pandoravirus salinus is 2,473,870 bp ( base pairs ) in size and encodes a predicted 1430 proteins. The GC content is 62%, with Pandoravirus dulcis the size is 1,908,524 bp with a predicted 1070 coded proteins and a GC content of 64%. The genome of Pandoravirus salinus consists of a total of 2,556 genes , and of Pandoravirus dulcis of 1,500 genes. 93 percent of the genes of these two Pandora viruses are completely alien (with no homology in databases ). There is evidence of a distant relationship with the Phycodnaviruses : Like the Mollivirus, Pandoraviruses apparently share a common ancestor with the Coccolithoviruses within the Phycodnaviridae family .


External system

Schulz et al. proposed the following system in November 2018:


" Dishui Lake Phycodnavirus 1 " (DSLPV1)




" Yellowstone lake phycodnavirus 1 ", " 2 ", " 3 "




" Clandestinivirus ST1 "


" Usuepativirus LCD7 "




" Mollivirus "


Pandora Viruses


" Sylvan virus "



Template: Klade / Maintenance / Style

The cladogram is supplemented by Rolland et al. (2019). The basic representatives of the group are still under discussion, see Phycodnaviridae §Inner Systematics .

Internal system

Neither the genus as such nor individual species have been officially recognized by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) (as of November 2018). As of May 2020, the NCBI knows the following species in the genus:

  • Genus " Pandoravirus "
  • Species " P. braziliensis "
  • Species " P. celtis "
  • Species " P. dulcis " (first description / type)
  • Species " P. hades "
  • Species " P. inopinatum "
  • Species " P. kadiweu "
  • Species " P. macleodensis "
  • Species " P. massiliensis "
  • Species " P. neocaledonia "
  • Species " P. pampulha "
  • Species " P. persephone "
  • Species " P. quercus "
  • Species " P. salinus "
  • Species " P. tropicalis "

The following cladogram is a consensus of the proposals by Aherfi et al. (2018), Legendre et al. (2018) and CNRS (2018) and (2019):

 " Pandoravirus
 Clade A 

" P. inopinatum "


" P. pampulha "


" P. quercus "

Template: Klade / Maintenance / 3


" P. dulcis " ("PVd") (isolated from an Australian freshwater lake)


" P. salinus " ("PVs") (isolated from Chilean coastal waters)


" P. celtis "

Template: Klade / Maintenance / 3Template: Klade / Maintenance / 4

 Clade B 

" P. brasiliensis "


" P. massiliensis "


" P. macleodensis "


" P. neocaledonia "

Template: Klade / Maintenance / 3Template: Klade / Maintenance / 4

Template: Klade / Maintenance / Style


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e ICTV: ICTV Master Species List 2019.v1 , New MSL including all taxa updates since the 2018b release, March 2020 (MSL # 35)
  2. Eugene V. Koonin, Natalya Yutin: Evolution of the Large Nucleocytoplasmatic DNA Viruses of Eukaryotes and Convergent Origins of Viral Gigantism . In: Advances in Virus Research , Volume 103, AP January 21, 2019, pp. 167-202, doi: 10.1016 / bs.aivir.2018.09.002 .
  3. Lucie Gallot-Lavallée, Guillaume Blanc, Jean-Michel Claverie; Grant McFadden (Ed.): Comparative Genomics of Chrysochromulina Ericina Virus and Other Microalga-Infecting Large DNA Viruses Highlights Their Intricate Evolutionary Relationship with the Established Mimiviridae Family . , in: Journal of Virology , American Society for Microbiology (2017), doi: 10.1128 / JVI.00230-17
  4. Natalya Yutin, Eugene V, Koonin: Pandoraviruses are highly derived phycodnaviruses . In: Biology Direct , 2013 8, p. 25, doi: 10.1186 / 1745-6150-8-25
  5. Natalya Yutin, Yuri I. Wolf, Eugene V. Koonin: Origin of giant viruses from smaller DNA viruses not from a fourth domain of cellular life . In: Virology . October 2014; Pp. 38–52, PMC 4325995 (free full text), doi: 10.1016 / j.virol.2014.06.032 , PMID 25042053 , see supplement 04
  6. a b Natalya Yutin, Eugene V. Koonin: Pandoraviruses are highly derived phycodnaviruses . In: Biology Direct . 8, October 2013, p. 25. doi : 10.1186 / 1745-6150-8-25 . PMID 24148757 . PMC 3924356 (free full text)
  7. P. Scheid, B. Hauröder, R. Michel: Investigations of an extraordinary endocytobiont in Acanthamoeba sp .: development and replication. In: Parasitol Res. Volume 106, No. 6, 2010, pp. 1371-1377. doi: 10.1007 / s00436-010-1811-4 .
  8. David M. Needham, Alexandra Z. Worden et al .: A distinct lineage of giant viruses brings a rhodopsin photosystem to unicellular marine predators , in: PNAS, 23 September 2019, doi: 10.1073 / pnas.1907517116 , ISSN 0027-8424 , here: Supplement 1 (xlsx)
  9. a b Frederik Schulz, Lauren Alteio, Danielle Goudeau, Elizabeth M. Ryan, Feiqiao B. Yu, Rex R. Malmstrom, Jeffrey Blanchard, Tanja Woyke: Hidden diversity of soil giant viruses . In: Nature Communications , volume 9, November 19, 2018, Article number: 4881 (2018), doi: 10.1038 / s41467-018-07335-2
  10. The genera Prymnesiovirus and Raphidovirus are not considered in this work, Phaeovirus is prescribed as Phaevirus . YLPV seems to mean Yellowstone Phycodnavirus YSLPV 1 to 3, the spelling Yellow Lake Phycodnavirus (Ylpv-A, Ylpv-B) is otherwise only found in Kinyanyi et al . (2018). For clarification, see Zhang et al . (2015)
  11. Corrected, see Phycodnaviridae §Systematics
  12. a b c Clara Rolland, Julien Andreani, Amina Cherif Louazani, Sarah Aherfi, Rania Francis, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Ludmila Santos Silva, Dehia Sahmi, Said Mougari, Nisrine Chelkha, Meriem Bekliz, Lorena Silva, Felipe Assis, Fábio Dornas, Jacques Yaacoub Bou Khalil, Isabelle Pagnier, Christelle Desnues, Anthony Levasseur, Philippe Colson, Jônatas Abrahão, Bernard La Scola: Discovery and Further Studies on Giant Viruses at the IHU Mediterranee Infection That Modified the Perception of the Virosphere , in: Viruses 11 (4), March / April 2019, pii: E312, doi: 10.3390 / v11040312 , PMC 6520786 (free full text), PMID 30935049 , Fig. 2a
  13. NCBI: Pandoravirus (genus)
  14. Sarah Aherfi, Julien Andreani, Emeline Baptiste, Amina Oumessoum, Fábio P. Dornas, Ana Claudia dos SP Andrade, Eric Chabriere, Jonatas Abrahao, Anthony Levasseur, Didier Raoult, Bernard La Scola, Philippe Colson: A Large Open Pangenome and a Small Core Genome for Giant Pandoraviruses . In: Front Microbiol. , 9, 10 July 2018, p. 1486, doi: 10.3389 / fmicb.2018.01486 , PMC 6048876 (free full text), PMID 30042742
  15. Matthieu Legendre, Elisabeth Fabre, Olivier Poirot, Sandra Jeudy, Audrey Lartigue, Jean-Marie Alempic, Laure Beucher, Nadège Philippe, Lionel Bertaux, Eugène Christo-Foroux, Karine Labadie, Yohann Couté, Chantal Abergel, Jean-Michel Claverie: Diversity and evolution of the emerging Pandoraviridae family . In: Nature Communications , Volume 9, No. 1, June 11, 2018, ISSN  2041-1723 , doi: 10.1038 / s41467-018-04698-4
  16. List of the main “giant” viruses known as of today . (PDF) Université Aix Marseille, Center national de la recherche scientifique, April 18, 2018
  17. a b Center national de la recherche scientifique: List of the main “giant” viruses known as of today (March 2019) , Université Aix Marseille, March 2019.
  18. Pandoravirus dulcis . In: NCBI Taxonomy Browser . 1349409.
  19. Pandoravirus salinus . In: NCBI Taxonomy Browser . 1349410.