Partido Almirante Brown

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Almirante Brown
Argentina - Buenos Aires - Almirante Brown.svg
Location of Almirante Brown in Gran Buenos Aires
Capital Adrogué
population 515,556 (2001 census)
surface 129.33 km²
Population density 4,225.87 inhabitants / km²
governor Manuel Alfredo Rodríguez (PJ)
Other cities 12 localidades
Founded by law in 1875.

Almirante Brown is a partido of the Province of Buenos Aires in eastern Argentina . The area belongs to the metropolitan area of ​​the capital Buenos Aires . The capital is Adrogué .

The Partido borders (clockwise) in the northwest with Lomas de Zamora , in the northeast with Quilmes , in the southeast with Florencio Varela , in the south with Presidente Perón and in the west with Esteban Echeverría .


The Partido is divided into the following 12 localities (2001 census):

Web links

Coordinates: 34 ° 51 ′  S , 58 ° 24 ′  W