Parwis Taslimi

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Parwis Taslimi, 2020

Parwiz Taslimi (born July 10, 1919 in Qazvin , † in Iran ; Persian پرویز تسلیمی) was an Iranian chemical engineer and university professor .


Taslimi belonged to the Baha'i'm and was related to Abdul Hussein and Manuchehr Taslimi . From 1927 to 1933 he attended elementary school in Qazvin and then high school in Tehran , where he passed his matriculation examination in 1941 . He studied chemistry at the Technical University of Tehran , where he obtained a diploma as a chemical engineer in 1945 . In 1946 he married Aladokht Alai (* 1928), with whom he fathered several children. From 1947 to 1948 he worked as a chemical engineer in an oil refinery in Abadan . In 1948 he became a chemistry assistant at the University of Tehran and, from 1949, gave chemistry lessons at the Alborz High School in Tehran. In 1954 he was appointed deputy head of the chemical laboratory of the veterinary faculty. In 1955, the University of Tehran allowed him doctoral studies in Germany, where he in 1960 at the University of Tübingen at Günther Hillmann with a thesis on the biosynthesis of thyroid hormone doctorate .

In the following years he founded the science faculty of the Shahid-Tschamran University , where he was professor of chemistry for many years. He supervised numerous doctoral theses at various Iranian universities.

As a member of the Baha'i community, Taslimi belonged to a social elite that has been ostracized in Iran since the beginning of the Islamic Revolution . Therefore, his relatives and others fled. a. to Switzerland . His widow Aladokht and children live in Switzerland, the filmmaker Omid Taslimi is one of his grandchildren.

Publications in German


ش‍رح ح‍ال و م‍دارج ع‍ل‍م‍ی و اداری و دان‍ش‍گ‍اه‍ی (دک‍ت‍رم‍ح‍س‍ن ع‍رف‍ان) ، (دک‍ت‍ر ای‍رج ا‍ع‍ت‍ص‍ام) ،ی‍ز (دک‍ت‍رت ر(Academic information on Dr. Mohsen Erfan , Dr. Iraj Etesam and Dr. Parviz Taslimi). Iranian National Archives . 1346 ( Iranian calendar = 1967 or 1968 ( Gregorian calendar )). Call number : 297/23941 (archive location: 316 p. 4 up1; container number: 01790133). link

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Parwiz Taslimi: Contributions to the biosynthesis of the thyroid hormone . Tübingen 1960, OCLC 720287878 , p. 37 .
  2. Nasser Sedghi: Baha'is never give up on the power of divine justice. In: Iran Press Watch , July 29, 2011.
  3. See e.g. B. History of the Department of Chemistry on the website of the Shahid Chamran University (in Persian ) and summary in English
  4. Personal report by Ali Akbar Khani
  5. Mohammad Reza Amirjani: "History of the Biology Department " (Persian)
  6. See entries on and on .
  7. Seyyed Habibullah Teddi: “Sectarianism: The Bahaitum under Pahlavis Iran” (in Persian) ; see mention under " Manuchehr Taslimi "
  8. Congratulations on the 80th birthday of Aladokht Taslimi-Alai in Birsigtal-Bote No. 4, January 24, 2008, p. 20.