Paul Bemile

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Paul Bemile (born December 20, 1939 in Kokoligu , Ghana ) is Bishop Emeritus of Wa .


Paul Bemile received on 3 August 1968, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On December 19, 1994 Pope John Paul II appointed him bishop of Wa. The retired Archbishop of Tamale , Peter Poreku Dery , donated him episcopal ordination on March 25, 1995 ; Co- consecrators were the Archbishop of Tamale, Gregory Ebolawola Kpiebaya , and the Archbishop of Accra , Dominic Kodwo Andoh .

On February 17, 2016, Pope Francis accepted Paul Bemile's request for resignation for reasons of age.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rinuncia del Vescovo di Wa (Ghana) e nomina del successore. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , February 17, 2016, accessed February 17, 2016 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Gregory Ebolawola Kpiebaya Bishop of Wa
Richard Baawobr MAfr