Paul Desjardins

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Paul Desjardins

Paul Desjardins (born November 22, 1859 in Paris as Louis Paul Abel Desjardins , † March 13, 1940 in Pontigny ) was a French philosopher and writer .


In 1892 he founded the Union pour l'action morale , which was called Union pour la vérité from 1906 , as a forum for the discussion of different philosophical and literary directions.

Decades of Pontigny

From 1910 he gathered writers, philosophers and artists from all countries several times a year in the Abbaye de Pontigny ( secularized former abbey in northern Burgundy ). Up until the last meeting on September 5, 1939, intellectuals from various directions of French or Francophile intellectual life met here to discuss questions about the intellectual situation during the “Decades of Pontigny”, meetings of around 10 days, and to “live philosophy” together “, As Max Müller called it. Among others, André Gide , Edmond Jaloux , Roger Martin du Gard , Jean Schlumberger , André Maurois , Pierre Viénot , Jacques Rivière , François Mauriac , Paul Valéry , Charles Du Bos , André Malraux , Paul Claudel , Antoine de Saint-Exupéry , Jean -Paul Sartre , Simone de Beauvoir , TS Eliot , Thomas Mann , Heinrich Mann , Angelo Tasca (30s) and Ernst Robert Curtius .

The tradition of the Decades of Pontigny was continued after his death by his daughter Anne Desjardins (1899–1977), wife of the classical scholar Jacques Heurgon , in Royaumont (since 1947), and from 1952 in the castle of Cerisy-la-Salle ( Department of Manche ), which was still owned by the family. Edith Heurgon and Catherine Peyrou, their daughters, kept or keep the cultural center Center culturel international de Cerisy-la-Salle alive; Peyrou passed away in November 2006. The meetings are also called Colloques de Cerisy .


  • Esquisses et impressions. Paris 1888
  • Le devoir present. Paris 1892
    • Excerpt: The duty of the hour, in PD, ed. And transl., New becoming in France. Testimonies from leading French. Ernst Klett, Stuttgart 1938, pp. 68-78
  • Nicolas Poussin . Biography critique. Librairie Laurens, Paris 1903
  • Catholicisme et critique. Réflexions d'un profane sur l'affaire Loisy. Paris 1905


  • Edouard Rod: Dédicace à M. Paul Desjardins, in ders.:. Les idées morales du temps présent. Paris 1891. pp. I - VII
  • Jean Dietz: M. Paul Desjardins. Paris 1930
  • Paul Desjardins et les décades de Pontigny. Etudes, témoignages and documents inédits. Paris 1964
  • Ekkehard Blattmann: Heinrich Mann and Paul Desjardins. Mann's trip to Pontigny in 1923. Peter Lang, Frankfurt 1985
  • Thomas Mann: Paris account , in dsb., Collected works. S. Fischer, Volume IX, pp. 9-97 (28-30)
  • Paul Distelbarth : New becoming in France. Testimonies from leading French. Ernst Klett Verlag , Stuttgart 1938
  • Melsene Timsit: The literature business in France, in Verena von der Heyden-Rynsch Ed .: Vive la littérature! Contemporary French literature. Hanser, Munich 1989, p. 248ff., Spec. on Desjardins and Cérisy p. 252

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  1. Vérité referred to the truth in the Dreyfus affair , namely the captain's innocence
  2. ^ Full text , pp. 283ff.
  3. After 1920 the group of participants partially overlaps with the Aline Mayrisch salon in Cercle de Colpach
  4. Description of the meeting of the "Union pour la Verité" on January 21, 1926 chaired by Desjardins
  5. therein detailed Vita Desjardins' pp. 46–49 with details of his companions; and on the Union de la vérité pp. 136–140