Paul Engelbrecht

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Eduard Franz Paul Engelbrecht (born August 18, 1849 in Groß-Strehlitz , Province of Silesia , † August 26, 1909 in Wilmersdorf ) was a Prussian officer , most recently lieutenant general .


Engelbrecht joined Infantry Regiment No. 63 of the Prussian Army in 1867 , but switched to Infantry Regiment No. 87 in 1870 . With the regiment he took part in the war against France in 1870/71 . From 1874 to 1875 he was an educator at the Wahlstatt Cadet House and from 1875 to 1877 a teacher at the Hauptkadettenanstalt . Although he returned to Infantry Regiment No. 87 in 1877, he worked at the cadet school until 1880. From 1885 he was exclusively a teacher at the Anklam War School , but in 1889 he went as a company commander to Infantry Regiment No. 128 , where he was battalion commander from 1893 to 1897. Engelbrecht was then commander of the Anklam War School and from June 16, 1901 to April 21, 1905, commander of the infantry regiment "von Grolmann" (1st Posensches) No. 18 . Engelbrecht, who had been major general since April 22, 1905 , then acted as commander of the 23rd Infantry Brigade in Neisse until March 20, 1908, and in Gleiwitz from 1904 .


  • Richard Nesselhauf: The officer corps of the Grolman Infantry Regiment (1. Posenschen) No. 18 from its foundation in 1813 to 1913. Completed on March 1, 1913. Volume II of the regimental history, Gaede: History of the Infantry Regiment von Grolman (1st Posenschen) No. 18. ES Mittler & Sohn . Berlin 1913.
  • Hildenbrand: Master list of the 1st Nassau Infantry Regiment No. 87. H. Prickarts printer. Mainz. no year, pp. 110–111.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Günter Wegmann (Ed.), Günter Wegner: Formation history and staffing of the German armed forces 1815-1990. Part 1: Occupation of the German armies 1815–1939. Volume 2: The staffing of the active infantry regiments as well as the hunter and machine gun battalions, military district commands and training managers from the foundation or list until 1939. Biblio Verlag. Osnabrück 1992. ISBN 3-7648-1782-8 . P. 89.
  2. Dermot Bradley (Ed.), Günter Wegner: Occupation of the German Army 1815-1939. Volume 1: The higher command posts 1815-1939. Biblio Publishing House. Osnabrück 1990. ISBN 3-7648-1780-1 . P. 248.