Paul Nagel

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Paul Nagel (born March 28, 1925 in Cologne ; † March 24, 2016 there ) was a German metal sculptor , painter and blacksmith .


Paul Nagel completed an apprenticeship as a blacksmith in 1939. From 1941 he attended evening courses at the mechanical engineering school and also the art school of German craftsmanship.

In 1943 he was called up for military service and was wounded in English captivity at the end of the war.

From 1946 he began to study with the metal sculptor and university professor Josef Jaekel at the Cologne factory schools . He also studied from 1950 with the glass painter and art professor Wilhelm Teuwen .

In 1951 he passed his master's examination as a blacksmith with distinction and then began his professional activity as a freelance artist from 1952.

Art orientation

Paul Nagel was a devout Christian and viewed his work and works as a serving duty. His artistic work predominantly covered all works that relate to the church area, in particular the interior of a church. This includes sculptures made of stone, bronze or wood, as well as panel paintings and large wall and ceiling paintings. He also planned the entire interior architecture of churches, including floor coverings in marble or travertine, with elaborately designed reliefs. He chose suitable lighting and benches, and he also designed entire altar areas.

Dome with Golgotha ​​cross
Golgothakreuz Church of the Holy Sepulcher

His blacksmithing can be seen on the surfaces of church doors and canopies, which are lined with ornate columns and towering towers.

His largest forge has been in front of the southern transverse facade of Cologne Cathedral since 1996, an iron mesh fence almost sixty meters long and up to 3.80 meters high, which is supposed to protect the sculptures and bronze doors from vandalism without covering them.

The interior and decoration of the Carmelite Church in Würzburg was completely designed by him, starting with the large mural on the back wall of the chancel, the altar with its mighty vaulted canopy , the side chapels, to the design of the organ prospect . Another example of the artistic design of a church interior in the sense of a total work of art is the parish church of St. Martin in Bad Bergzabern . In the years 1993–1998 Paul Nagel redesigned the entire interior as well as the liturgical furnishings of this baptistery of Saint Edith Stein .

His artistic church work can be found worldwide. On the dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem , for example, a 4.50 meter high Golgotha cross designed by him can be seen.

In 2006, a sculpture created by Paul Nagel by Edith Stein, the patroness of Europe, was installed in the last free outside niche of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome . The sculpture is six meters high and carved in one piece from white Carrara marble . On the base of the statue you can read: Teresia Benedicta a Cruce (The one blessed by the cross). The sculpture was a gift from Cardinal Joachim Meisner to Pope Benedict XVI.

Paul Nagel died on Maundy Thursday 2016 at Cologne Cathedral. The Archbishop of Cologne Cardinal Woelki announced this at the beginning of the Maundy Thursday liturgy in the cathedral.


  • 1956 Catholic Day in Cologne
  • 1958 World Exhibition in Brussels (Vatican Pavilion)
  • 1964 ARS SACRA in Cologne
  • 1969 Solo exhibition - Catholic Office, Bonn
  • 1974 Group exhibition of the Artists' Union in the Archdiocese of Cologne on the occasion of the 84th Catholic Day
  • 1988 Traunstein cultural center, on the occasion of the partnership between Wesseling and Traunstein
  • 2005 Exhibition Ornatus Ecclesiae in Wesseling
  • 2006 Art and Gallery House, Bochum (Kunstkreis Wattenscheid e.V.)
  • 2008 Pax-Bank, Berlin



  • Art has a serving function, and when it no longer serves it ceases to be art .


Figure of Anna Maria de Heers on the Cologne town hall tower
Grille in front of the south portal of Cologne Cathedral

Paul Nagel's catalog raisonné contains well over a thousand entries. The following are excerpts from the most important works:

  • 1949 Siegburg, entrance to the Elisabeth School - bust of Saint Elisabeth
  • 1953 Brühl, Castle Church - Reconstruction of the lattice in the Castle Church
  • 1955 Cologne-Braunsfeld, St. Josef - Large standing cross for the altar, six candlesticks
  • 1955 Linnich, parish church - pulpit
  • 1955 Wesseling, St. Marien - cornerstone of the church
  • 1955 Cologne , Gürzenich - fountain for the wine restaurant of the Cologne Gürzenich.
  • 1955 Cologne, Gürzenich - relief with leaves
  • 1956 Wesseling , St. Josef - Altar
  • 1957 Alfter-Oedekoven, St. Maria - Ascension Easter candlestick
  • 1959 Wuppertal-Nachbarebreck, St. Maria Himmelfahrt - candlestick
  • 1959 Kall-Steinfeld, Benedictine Abbey of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary - latticework
  • 1959 Troisdorf-Friedrich-Wilhelmshütte, church - baptismal font with John the Baptist
  • 1959 Wesseling- Urfeld , Evangelical Church - baptismal font
  • 1961 Wuppertal-Nachbarebreck, St. Maria Himmelfahrt - pulpit
  • 1961 Cologne-Niehl, St. Katharina - latticework
  • 1961 Brühl-Schwadorf, parish church St. Severin - baptismal altar
  • 1962 Wesseling, St. Marien - stone walls and door handle to the church
  • 1962 Cologne, Old Alban - latticework
  • 1963 Cologne, Dom - finishing grille in front of the southern staircase leading to the crypt
  • 1963 Cologne, Dom - door in the main room of the crypt
  • 1963 Marienau, Charterhouse - Giebelstein
  • 1963 Wiel-Bielstein, St. Bonifatius - holy water kettle
  • 1963 Bonn-Mehlem, St. Hildegard - latticework for the Mariahilf altar
  • 1964 Wesseling, Marienschule - tile painting in the stairwell
  • 1964 Marienau, Charterhouse - tower crosses and weather vanes
  • 1964 Cologne, St. Pantaleon - lattice doors in the crypt
  • 1964 Cologne, Alt-Alban - Altar cross
  • 1964 Lübeck, St. Bonifatius - latticework
  • 1967 Hennef-Bödingen, St. Marien - fittings for the church portal
  • 1968 Drake, St. Severinus - keystone with dove
  • 1968 Cologne, Minoritenkirche - four large altar candlesticks
  • 1968 Hennef-Happerschoß, St. Remigius - candlestick with Bishop Remigius
  • 1968 Hennef-Happerschoß, St. Remigius - main portal
  • 1968 Cologne, Dom - lattice for the crypt
  • 1969 Wesseling, St. Andreas - Six candlesticks for the sacristy
  • 1969 Wachtberg-Niederbachem, St. Gereon - lattice door, sacristy door
  • 1970 Cologne, cathedral - lattice door
  • 1970 Drake, St. Severinus - latticed door to the staircase, sacristy bell , two holy water basins
  • 1970 Wesseling, relief "Tobias with the angel"
  • 1971 Cologne-Brück, St. Adelheid - church tower cross
  • 1971 Bonn, State Representation of North Rhine-Westphalia - iron sculpture
  • 1972 Olsberg-Bruchhausen, St. Cyriakus - baptismal font with pigeon
  • 1972 Cochem-Cond, St. Remaclus - bars around the sacraments niche
  • 1973 Wesseling, St. Andreas - bronze door / door
  • 1974 Düsseldorf-Bilk, St. Martin - latticework with a figure of Mary
  • 1975 Bochum, Studienkolleg Essen - grid with a medieval Pietà
  • 1976 Essen, Münster - Seven individual parts of a parapet grille in an octagon
  • 1977 Cologne, cathedral - lattice to the bishop's crypt, 2 lattices in the crypt, portal in the northern crypt exit, portal in the southern crypt exit, gate in the staircase (small)
  • 1977 Odenthal, St. Pankratius - entrance gate
  • 1977 Würzburg, Carmelite Monastery - complete interior of the church
  • 1977 Wesseling, St. Germanus - Altar
  • 1977 Wesseling, St. Germanus - floor of the chancel
  • 1978 Wesseling- Urfeld , St. Thomas - Eternal Light
  • 1978 Essen, Münster - Gallery grids in Essen Minster
  • 1978 Frechen-Königsdorf, St. Sebastianuskapelle - lattice
  • 1978 Würzburg, Carmelite Monastery - design of the inner courtyard
  • 1979 Würzburg, Carmelite Monastery - floor of the entire interior of the church
  • 1979 Odenthal, St. Pankratius - Frame for the Stations of the Cross
  • 1980 Cologne-Lövenich, St. Severin - gargoyle tower roof
  • 1980 Cologne, St. Aposteln - latticework with a central cross
  • 1980 Mülheim-Heissen, St. Joseph - floor of the entire interior of the church
  • 1980 Ratingen-Lintorf, St. Anna - flooring of the entire interior of the church
  • 1981 Mülheim-Heissen, St. Joseph - stone inlays as wall decorations
  • 1981 Mülheim-Heissen, St. Joseph - Sculpture of the "Scout", candlestick wreath above the altar, weather vane with angel
  • 1981 Essen, Münster - latticework in the sacrament chapel, in front of the burial place and in front of the Perpetual Help
  • 1982 Gelsenkirchen, St. Urbanus - latticework
  • 1982 Cologne-Heimersdorf, Christie Verklerung - flooring of the entire interior of the church
  • 1983 Cologne, St. Maria im Kapitol - columns for latticework
  • 1983 Cologne, Maternushaus - crowning of the roof on the Great Hall, cross on the sacrament chapel, rooster as crowning of the roof
  • 1983 Würzburg, Carmelite Monastery - main portal of the church
  • 1983 Mülheim-Heissen, St. Joseph - main door system
  • 1984 Wesseling-Urfeld, St. Thomas - hanging cross with body
  • 1985 Gelsenkirchen-Ückendorf, St. Thomas More - baptismal font
  • 1985 Brühl, St. Stephan - Design of a fountain for the church square
  • 1985 Duisburg-Duissern, St. Elisabeth - latticework on the organ gallery
  • 1985 Cologne, cathedral - latticework at the exit to the excavations
  • 1985 Mülheim-Saarn, St. Mariä Himmelfahrt - wrought iron rood screen
  • 1986 Wesseling, City of Wesseling - Design for a fountain
  • 1986 Duisburg-Duissern, St. Elisabeth - frame for the stations of the cross
  • 1986 Cologne, St. Aposteln - The apostles Paul and Barnabas
  • 1986 Würzburg, Carmelite Monastery - latticework "Christ in the Dungeon"
  • 1987 Würzburg, Carmelite Church - Colored version for the organ
  • 1987 Hamburg-Barmbek, St. Sophien - Marien Altar with candle bench , vestibule and grille between anteroom and nave in the west of the church
  • 1987 mountain. Gladbach-Bensberg, Cardinal Schulte Haus - equipment (candlestick wreath, altar, main portal)
  • 1987 Cologne, Dom - canopy frame for the Pietà
  • 1987 Cologne, Dom - Forged rope posts as barrier railings
  • 1988 Dortmund, Liebfrauen - sacrament house with canopy
  • 1988 Bergisch Gladbach-Bensberg, Cardinal Schulte Haus - lattice sacristy door, water basin
  • 1989 Cologne, cathedral - fitting for the depot door in the south transept of the cathedral
  • 1989 Bonn-Dottendorf, St. Quirinus - wreath of leaves on the Marien Altar
  • 1989 Düsseldorf, Kreuzherrenkirche - design of the church interior
  • 1989 Cologne, Minoritenkirche - memorial plaque for the President of the Kolping Society
  • 1989 Xanten, St. Viktor - silver altar
  • 1989 Eichsfeld, Eichsfelder Konvent - Complete chapel on the Hülfensberg
  • 1990 Cologne, St. Elisabeth, Monastery of the Celite Women - six candlesticks
  • 1990 Cologne, Hildegardiskrankenhaus - grid with candle bank
  • 1990 Cologne, St. Aposteln - protective grating for the figure in front of the portrait of the Man of Sorrows
  • 1990 Düsseldorf, Kreuzherrenkirche - floor of the sacristy
  • 1990 Düsseldorf, Kreuzherrenkirche - altar of the Kreuzherrenkirche
  • 1991 Düsseldorf, Kreuzherrenkirche - canopy entrance of the church
  • 1991 Cologne, town hall tower - figure of Anna Maria de Heers
  • 1991 Wuppertal-Sonnborn, St. Remigius - Draft for an organ brochure
  • 1991 Cologne, St. Pantaleon - jewelry carved in stone for the Fatima Madonna
  • 1991 Cologne, Minorite Church - high grave for Adolph Kolping
  • 1991 Cologne, Minoritenkirche - candlesticks for sacrificial candles
  • 1992 Cologne, town hall tower - figure of St. Edith Stein
  • 1992 Wesseling, City of Wesseling - Two bronze horse sculptures in Wesseling-Keldenich
  • 1992 Dortmund, Liebfrauen - painting of the canopy over the sacrament house
  • 1993 Bergisch Gladbach-Bensberg, Cardinal Schulte Haus - organ painting
  • 1993 Ahaus, St. Marien - latticework
  • 1993 Düsseldorf, Kreuzherrenkirche - sacrament house
  • 1993–1995 Mainz, Dom - draft for the colored design of the organ
  • 1995 Morsbach, St. Gertrud - New suspension of the cross
  • 1995 Euskirchen-Kreuzweingarten, Hardtberg House - Marienkapelle
  • 1996 Mainz, St. Peter - tabernacle depicting Noah's Ark
  • 1996 Bad Bergzabern, St. Martin's Baptistery - The interior redesign of the St.Martin's baptistery follows the design of the artist Paul.
  • 1996 Jerusalem, Church of the Holy Sepulcher - Design of the Golden Cross of Light on the dome over Golgotha
  • 1997 Bad Bergzabern, St. Martin - candlestick and baptismal font with the figure of St. Edith Stein
  • 1997 Essen, Münster - crypt grid
  • 1997 Trier, seminary - tabernacle with forged foliage
  • 1998 Höxter, St. Nikolai - flooring of the entire interior of the church
  • 2000 Euskirchen-Kuchenheim, St. Nikolaus - altar candlestick and figure of St. Johannes Maria Vianey
  • 2001 Neuss, St. Josef - Easter candlesticks
  • 2001 Heinsberg, St. Gangolfus parish church - floor of the chancel, chandelier
  • 2002 Wesseling, St. Andreas - concept for the chancel
  • 2004 Lectoure , Convent of the Carmelites - Eternal Light
  • 2004 Lennestadt-Elspe, St. Jakobus - tabernacle stele
  • 2004 Wuppertal-Blombach, St. Peter - choir wall painting
  • 2004 Heinsberg, St. Gangolfus - silver cross
  • 2005 Cologne, Minorite Church - Portal
  • 2006 Rome, St. Peter's Basilica - A sculpture by Edith Stein as the patroness of Europe, made by Paul Nagel, was installed in the last free outside conche of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and was designed by Pope Benedict XVI. blessed.


  • Tobias Nagel (ed.): Ornatus Ecclesiae. Paul Nagel, Works 1949–2005. Documentation on the occasion of the exhibition from April 2nd to May 3rd, 2005 in Wesseling . VML Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden 2005, ISBN 3-89646-029-3 .

Web links

Commons : Paul Nagel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the Carmelite Monastery in Würzburg
  2. Edith Stein Statue - Photo ( Memento of the original from April 9, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Rundschau-Online, report on Edith Stein Statue article from March 18, 2006
  4. Archdiocese of Cologne - Archive Report - Edith Stein Statue ( Memento of the original from June 6, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. ^ Celebration of the Last Supper from Cologne Cathedral with Cardinal Woelki., March 25, 2016, accessed on March 30, 2016 (in the video from minute 9:25).
  6. Bernd Rosenbaum: Paul Nagel receives award , Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, Rhein-Erft, from 23/24. January 2016, p. 37
  7. Ulrike Weinert: Art from citizens for citizens , KStA Rhein-Erft from September 29, 2016, p. 34
  8. Source of quotation: Rundschau-Online
  9. Tobias Nagel (ed.): Ornatus Ecclesiae. Paul Nagel, Works 1949–2005. Documentation on the occasion of the exhibition from April 2nd to May 3rd, 2005 in Wesseling . VML Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden 2005, ISBN 3-89646-029-3 ( table of contents online ).
  10. ^ History of the Carmelite Monastery in Würzburg
  11. ^ History of the Carmelite Monastery in Würzburg
  12. ^ History of the Carmelite Monastery in Würzburg
  13. ^ History of the Carmelite Monastery in Würzburg
  14. Equipment and architecture of the church  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on the website of St. Sophien, Hamburg-Barmbek (accessed December 19, 2011.)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  15. ^ A b Hiltrud Kier , Bernd Ernsting , Ulrich Krings : Cologne, the council tower: its history and its program of figures . Ed .: City of Cologne. JP Bachem Verlag , Cologne 1996, ISBN 3-7616-0858-6 , p. 664 .
  16. Catholic parish St.Martin - Bad Bergzabern  ( page can no longer be accessed , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  17. Archdiocese of Cologne - Archive Report - Edith Stein Statue ( Memento of the original from June 6, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /