Paul Roh

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Paul Roh (born November 1, 1870 in Erfurt , † October 24, 1958 in Baden-Baden ) was a German diplomat.


Paul Roh came from a respected Erfurt family. The father Max Roh was a well-to-do businessman and Erfurt city councilor. The mother Helene b. Biltz came from a well-known family of scientists and pharmacists from Erfurt. His brother Walter Roh (* 1875-?) Became a professional officer in the foot artillery. Paul Roh graduated from the Erfurt high school and then did his one-year voluntary service in an Erfurt regiment (7th Thuringian Field Artillery Regiment No. 19), where he later achieved reserve exercises in the regiment up to the rank of captain d. R. rise.

After graduating from high school in Erfurt, Roh studied law at the University of Lausanne , the University of Leipzig and the University of Greifswald . In 1891 he became a member of the Corps Saxonia Leipzig . In 1894 he was awarded a Dr. jur. utr. PhD .

After taking the assessor examination in 1899, he joined the Foreign Office in 1900 using Erfurt's networks . From 1902 to 1908 he was Vice Consul in Amsterdam and then from 1905 in Chicago . In 1909 he was appointed consul in New Orleans . In 1913, Roh acted as consul general in Odessa, Russia. In the USA in 1916 a private letter from Consul Paul Roh to the outgoing German military attaché and later Chancellor Franz v. Papen a violent press scandal, which was zealously staged and fueled by English government institutions for propaganda reasons. When diplomatic relations were broken off, he returned to Germany in 1917. Subsequently, Roh managed the establishment and organization of a passport office in Eger , later in Krakow . In 1918 he was appointed head of the Reich Passport Office in Arnhem . At the end of the same year he was appointed consul in Rotterdam .

In 1920 he was appointed Consul General for Chile in Valparaíso , where he arrived on July 6, 1921 after a dangerous journey. From 1929 to 1933 he was Consul General First Class for British South Africa , Southern and Northern Rhodesia , Nyassaland , the Mandate Southwest Africa and the English Native Reserves and German Head of Mission with his official seat in Pretoria .

For reasons unknown up to now, the Foreign Office considered it necessary at the end of 1932 to recall Consul General Paul Roh from his country of residence and to put him into retirement, although Roh had always behaved "loyal to the republic" during the entire period of the Weimar Republic. After retiring, the 69-year-old reported in September 1939 to both the Foreign Office and the Army for reuse as a diplomat or officer. But it did not come to be reused. His marriage to the Erfurt factory owner Elise Lehmann had a daughter named Margot (born March 16, 1902 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf), who accompanied her father as a traveling family member on his last diplomatic mission in South Africa.


  • The so-called "jus variandi" of the debtor or creditor with alternative contractual bonds , Greifswald 1994


Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 30 , 626

See also