Paul Wilhelm Kolb

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Paul Wilhelm Kolb (born August 16, 1920 in Munich , † April 28, 2014 in Bonn ) was the long-standing President of the German Federal Office for Civil Protection .


Paul Wilhelm Kolb was first lieutenant at the end of the Second World War . After the end of the war, he studied law and economics at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and received his doctorate in this subject with a thesis on public law . He initially worked as a lawyer, but then switched to public administration. There he was a personnel officer in the Federal Ministry of Defense and held leading positions in the Federal Office for Defense Technology and Procurement as well as in the Federal Ministry for Affairs of the Federal Defense Council . In 1968 he was first Vice President and in 1969, succeeding the late Rudolf Schmidt, President of the Federal Office for Civil Protection (from 1974 Federal Office for Civil Protection) and remained so until his retirement in 1985; his successor was Hans-Georg Dusch .

In retirement, Paul Wilhelm Kolb continued to deal with disaster control : until 1998 he was President of the Protection Forum he founded in 1986 , a platform for cooperation in security research ; he was followed by Klaus-Dieter Kühn . He was also a member of the Standing Conference for Disaster Management and Disaster Risk Reduction and of the German Committee for Disaster Reduction and from 1988 President of the German Protection Association . He was the editor of the handbook emergency preparedness or civil protection practice , which is often referred to as the Kolb after him .


In his engagement in civil protection and disaster control, he campaigned for uniform structures throughout Germany, the basis of which had been created with the law on the expansion of disaster control shortly before he took office. He promoted security research and emphasized the similarity of the methods of disaster and environmental protection. He was able to prevent the independence from the Federal Office for Civil Protection, which the Technical Relief Organization sought again in the mid-1980s.


Paul Wilhelm Kolb was awarded the following medals and decorations for his commitment:


Emergency preparedness , founded by Paul Wilhelm Kolb, continued by Rudolf Wandel. Loose-leaf work, 10 volumes. Walhalla Fachverlag, Regensburg, ISBN 3-8029-6700-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Family obituary notice . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung of May 10, 2014.
  2. a b Dr. Paul Kolb became President of the BzB. In: Federal Association for Self-Protection (Ed.): Ziviler Bevölkerungsschutz 6/1969. Münchner Buchgewerbehaus GmbH, Munich ( PDF file , 11 MB).
  3. a b c d e f g h Klaus-Dieter Kühn: Dr. Paul Wilhelm Kolb was 85 . In: Civil Protection 4/2005, pp. 48–49. ( PDF file , 94 kB).
  4. a b Winfried Glass: What happened to the flask? In: Emergency Preparedness 3/2008 , p. 34. Walhalla Fachverlag Regensburg.
  5. Minutes of the 106th cabinet meeting on December 13, 1967, 1. Personal data ( RTF file , 11 kB).
  6. a b Festschrift "50 Years of Civil and Population Protection in Germany" . Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (Ed., 2008).
  7. a b Longstanding President of the BZS Dr. Paul Wilhelm Kolb passed away. Report from May 12, 2014. Website of the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance.
  8. Award of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Ministerialblatt für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, 33rd volume, no. 100, issued in Düsseldorf on October 6, 1980, pp. 2135–2141 ( PDF file , 930 kB).
  9. Dr. Paul Wilhelm Kolb received DRK decorations. In: Civil Defense Magazine 9/1981 ( PDF file , 26 MB).