Paul Mako

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Paulus Mako von Gerek-Gede , also Pál Makó (born July 17, 1724 in Jászapáti , Jászság County , Hungary ; different dates of birth: July 18, 1724 and July 9, 1723; † August 19, 1793 in Ofen ) was a Hungarian Jesuit and University professor .


Paulus Mako came from an old Hungarian noble family and entered the Jesuit order at the age of 17.

He taught logic and metaphysics at the University of Tyrnau , where Gerard van Swieten , the advisor to Maria Theresa , Archduchess of Austria , noticed him and appointed him to the Theresian Academy as a teacher of mathematics , experimental physics and mechanics ; in the first two subjects he gave his lectures in Latin , he taught mechanics in German.

After the abolition of the Jesuit order , he returned to Hungary as a secular priest and was appointed abbot of St. Margaretha von Béla by Maria Theresa , canon of the cathedral of Vác , royal council and director of the philosophical faculty and assessor of the local senate of the University of Tyrnau , which had since been moved to Pest-Ofen (today Semmelweis University ).

Paulus Mako had a pronounced talent for languages ​​and, besides Hungarian, mastered the German, French, Italian and Latin languages ​​like his mother tongue and was also quite capable of Greek and Hebrew.

His Latin elegies were used in language teaching in Swiss schools.

In his philosophical writings he applied the method of Christian Wolff and purged scholastic issues from science .

Shortly before his death he translated the work of the philosopher Johann August Eberhard Sittenlehre der Reason into Latin so that there was a corresponding textbook on this science in the philosophical schools of Hungary.

Fonts (selection)

  • Elegiarum liber unicus. Tyrnaviae 1752. New edition under the title: Carminum elegiacorum libri tres. Tyrnviae 1764 and finally: Elegiacon auctum et emendatum adjecto odario in secundas Josephi II. Nuptias. Budae 1780.
  • Compendiaria Physicae institutio . Vindobonae 1762-1764.
  • Compendiaria Matheseos institutio. Algebra et Geometria. Vindobonae 1764.
  • Compendiaria Logices institutio. Vindobonae 1765. Reprinted in Venice .
  • Compendiaria Metaphysices institutio . Vindobonoae 1761, last edition 1797. Also reprinted in Venice.
  • Dissertatio de figura telluris . Olomucii 1767.
  • Calculi differentialis et integralis institutio . Viennae 1768.Reprintedfrequently in Silesia , Switzerland and Italy .
  • De arithmeticis et geometricis aequationum resolutionibus . Viennae 1770.
  • Physical treatise on the properties of lightning and the means against striking . Vienna 1772.
  • Dissertatio physica de natura et remediis fulminum . Goritiae 1773. In Hungarian translation by Nikolaus Revay Pressburg 1781.
  • Physical treatise on the northern light . Vienna 1773.
  • Theorems from the equilibrium of the body, from machine theory and from hydraulic engineering . Vienna 1773.
  • Oratio, quam anno 1777, cum regia scientiarum universitas Budae collocaretur adornavit etc. Vienna 1777.
  • Elementa Matheseos purae. Budae 1778.
  • Elementa Geometriae purae. Budae 1778.
  • Dissertationes physicae . Budae 1780.
  • Descriptio provinciae Moxitarum in regno Peruano quam e scriptis postumis Francisci Xaverii Eder e Soc. Jesu annis XV sacri apud eosdem Curionis, digessit, expolivit et adnotatiunculis illustravit. Budae 1791.

Literature (selection)