Perito industriale

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Diploma of a Perito industriale Capotecnico , specializing in meccanica

Perito Industriale (also Perito Industriale , abbreviated Per. Ind. Or by ind.. ), According to Italian legislation a protected job title and a feasible before the name of titles for professionals with skills and expertise in the technical and commercial sector and the associated services sector appropriate training and diploma . In South Tyrol the term “ qualified industrial technician ” is officially used for this in German translation .


The training for the Perito industriale took place until 2010 in the former school form of the Istituto Tecnico Industriale (ITI) ; in South Tyrol the name for this was commercial college . For comparable job profiles, there was the Istituto Tecnico per Geometri (ITG) for land surveying, the Istituto Tecnico Agrario (ITA) for agricultural technology, the Istituto Tecnico Aeronautico (ITAER) for aviation, the Istituto Tecnico Nautico (ITN) for seafaring and the like. a. If the abbreviations were followed by the letter S (for statale "state"), it was a state institution. With the reform of the Italian school system implemented in 2011 , these training institutions were combined in the Technological College , Italian Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico (ITT). The training cycle is part of the continuing area of upper secondary level ( Istruzione secondaria superiore ).

A specific aspect of the training to become a Perito industriale is the acquisition of the ability to work independently in the various designated fields, above all through a broad field of acquired competencies that can constantly be adapted to new circumstances. This also includes the ability to recognize economic aspects of employment. With the exam for professional qualification diploma of Perito Industriale is State final examination ( Esame di stato ) and Italian variant of the general university entrance qualification (in Austria and Switzerland Matura, in Germany Abitur connected).

Due to the double qualification with its in-depth theoretical components, the entire training period is one to two years longer than for the basic vocational training in Italy following the middle school or lower secondary level ( Istruzione secondaria di primo grado ) at an Istituto Professionale (vocational school) with the final certificate Diploma di qualifica professionale , which roughly corresponds to the German and Austrian journeyman or skilled worker certificate . The course is therefore comparable to that at a higher technical school in the German or a higher technical institute in the Austrian educational system. While in the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning ( EQF ) the simple vocational school qualification is assigned to level 4, the profession of perito industriale is assigned to level 5.

Since 2001, training for this job description has also been offered at university level, and since 2016 only. The course leads to the Laurea degree (corresponds to the Bachelor of Engineering ; EQF level 6). In future it will be a prerequisite for freelance work (see below).

History and specialties

The professional profile of the perito industriale first appears in the law on the reorganization of vocational training of 1912. It is substantiated in the law on the protection of the title and professional practice of engineers and architects of 1923, which also defines the professional profiles of geometers and periti industriali more narrowly.

With the law for the reorganization of the middle technical education of 1931, the school curriculum was made more precise. The five-year training to become a Perito industriale comprised two stages: the biennium in the first two years (grades IX and X since school enrollment) and the triennium (grades XI – XIII). While in the biennium general subjects and the basics in the natural sciences and technology were taught and introductory training courses took place in workshops, in the triennium there was a technical specialization and deepening in theory and practice; almost half of the teaching time had direct practical relevance and was held in workshops and laboratories.

Classic subject areas of the training are meccanica ( mechanical engineering ), edilizia ( construction ), elettrotecnica ( electrical engineering ), elettronica e telecomunicazioni ( electronics and telecommunications ), informatica ( computer science ), ottica ( optics ), tessile ( textiles ) etc .; The specializations were continuously adapted to newer requirements as a result of technical progress. In the diploma they are added to the title as “specializzazione” . In everyday life, the job titles often appear shortened, e.g. B. as Perito meccanico instead of Perito industriale (Capotecnico), specializzazione meccanica for the industrial technician with a degree in mechanical engineering.

Professional fields of activity

In addition to taking up university studies , entering professional life in the commercial sector as an employee with special responsibilities and as a manager - in the narrower technical field, the diploma for Perito industriale was also awarded with the additional designation Capotecnico (= technical manager, foreman ) - or As Istruttore tecnico (= technical teacher, trainer ) in training workshops of companies and schools, the qualified Periti industriali have the option of freelance work as appraisers and experts . To do this, however, after gaining practical experience, they have to undergo another state examination for the Abilitazione all'Esercizio della Libera Professione , after which they only enter the Albo professionale , a directory similar to the craft role prescribed for all liberal professions , at one of the Can register the existing Collegi dei Periti industriali at the provincial level . According to a transitional arrangement, only Laureati (see above) will be included in this list from 2021 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Letter from the National Council of Periti Industriali to the Italian Minister of Justice on the correct use of the title dated June 23, 2000, prot. n.642 (PDF file, Italian; accessed March 30, 2017)
  2. Etymology: Latin peritus , Italian perito "expert who has practical knowledge of various subject areas", "expert"; Ital. industriale (from Latin industria "zealous activity, diligence, entrepreneurship"), in contrast to the German, refers to all fields of practical trade, also beyond " industry " in the narrower sense and also includes handicrafts .
  3. Description of the profession (Italian; accessed on August 9, 2017)
  4. ^ Official Journal of the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Südtirol No. 38 / I-II of September 18, 2012, p. 138; Judgment of the Administrative Court of Bolzano No. 482 of September 29, 1997 on the appropriateness of the designation of qualified industrial technicians . - The word element trade reflects the broader meaning of the Italian industriale and refers to the competence to be able to practice the profession as a trade . - Internationally, the job is usually with Engl. Industrial engineer translates.
  5. See the vocational training system in Italy. Brief description. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg 2003. - Classification of professional qualifications in the information portal for foreign professional qualifications of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (accessed on September 22, 2018)
  6. In Italy, graduates are legally entitled to the title dottore .
  7. Legge n. 854 of July 14, 1912, Article 3
  8. Legge n. 1395 of June 24, 1923, Article 7, 2nd paragraph
  9. Legge n. 889 of June 15, 1931; Gazetta ufficiale of July 17, 1931, Art. 9; At. 12
  10. Since 2005, in addition to school lessons, the program alternanza scuola lavoro (“change from school to work”) has offered joint projects with companies and internships.
  11. ↑ Compound from Italian capo "Anführer, Leiter" and Italian tecnico "Technische" or "Techniker". - Translation of the professional title Perito Industriale Capotecnico as "foreman technician with technical college degree" in the information portal for foreign professional qualifications of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (accessed on September 22, 2018)
  12. German literal: "Ability to exercise the free occupation"
  13. ^ Albo unico dei Periti industriali ; Access page to the colleges in the provinces (Italian; accessed April 3, 2017)
  14. Internet page of the College of Periti Industriali of the Province of Bozen-Südtirol (German; accessed on April 3, 2017)
  15. Legge n.17 of February 2, 1990, Gazzetta Ufficiale n.35 of February 12, 1990
  16. Decreto-Legge n. 42 of March 29, 2016; Gazzetta Ufficiale n.72 of March 29, 2016; Press release (Italian; accessed April 5, 2017). - After the entry they have the title Perito industriale laureato , abbreviated dott. by. ind. ; s. the rules for using titles (Italian; accessed on December 22, 2017)

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