Pertti Mäkinen

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Pertti Kalervo Mäkinen (born September 16, 1952 in Tyrvää , now Sastamala ) is a Finnish sculptor , medalist and university lecturer.


Pertti Mäkinen completed an apprenticeship at a metalworking vocational school from 1966 to 1968 and then worked as a toolmaker for five years . From 1976 to 1979 he attended the Kankaanpää Art School . His first work was graphics , especially woodcuts . In 1979 he first exhibited in Helsinki.

Many of his works in public spaces were created in teamwork with Ossi Somma and Reijo Paavilainen . Having worked together since 1979, the three are probably the longest-running such group in Finland. All three studied or taught at the Kankaanpää Art School.

Mäkinen has been a medalist since completing his studies. So far he has made around 20 coins and more than 30 medals. Mäkinen's best-known numismatic work is the Finnish 1 euro currency coin minted since 1999 , which shows two swans in flight over two lakes. The lakes shown in the outline are Karhijärvi and Lavijärvi , two small lakes in the immediate vicinity of Mäkinen's hometown Lavia . The place now belongs to the municipality of Pori in the landscape Satakunta .

Mäkinen has been teaching Mäkinen at the Kankaanpää Art School since 1980.

Works (selection)

Public room

  • Lapuan raivaajapatsas , Lapua (with Ossi Somma and Reijo Paavilainen, 1983);
  • Merenkulun muistomerkki , Oulu (with Ossi Somma and Reijo Paavilainen, bronze, base of gray granite, 1985);
  • Päivänkierto , Pori (with Ossi Somma and Reijo Paavilainen, red granite, 1987);
  • Monument to Lauri Viita , Tampere (bronze, 1991);
  • Sampakosken taistelun muistomerkin reliefi , Lavia, Pori (bronze relief , granite, 1998);
  • Muotoja ( forms ), Harjavalta ( Emil Cedercreutz , bronze, 1937, expanded by Pertti Mäkinen, 2002);
  • Haitarijazz , Kouvola (with Ossi Somma and Reijo Paavilainen, Bronze and Granit, 2003);
  • Rakastunut viulu ja mandoliini ( violin and mandolin, in love ), Kiikoinen , bronze, granite base, 2003;
  • Toriparlamentti , Pori (2008).


Finnish euro coin for 1 euro , designed by Pertti Mäkinen (1999)
  • Reverse of the 50 Markka commemorative coin for the first World Athletics Championships (1983);
  • Memorial coin worth 10 Markka for Finland's accession to the EU (with Antti Neuvonen, 1995). The coin was issued in copper-nickel and aluminum bronze as well as a small edition as a collector's coin in silver and gold;
  • Face of the Finnish euro coin for 1 euro (minted since 1999);
  • 10 Euro silver coin for the 200th birthday of Elias Lönnrot (2002);
  • 5 Euro collector's coin for the 2003 Ice Hockey World Championship;
  • 2 euro commemorative coin for the fifth enlargement of the European Union (2004);
  • 10 Euro silver coin for Tove Jansson's 90th birthday (2004);
  • Gold coin worth 100 euros for the 100th birthday of Albert Edelfelt (2004);
  • 10 Euro silver coin “60 Years of Peace” (2005);
  • 20 Euro gold coin for the 10th IAAF World Athletics Championships (2005);
  • 2 euro commemorative coin commemorating the 100th anniversary of the introduction of equality and women's suffrage in Finland (2006);
  • 5 euro collector's coin “150 Years of Demilitarization of the Åland Islands” (2006);
  • 10 euro silver coin for the 100th anniversary of the parliamentary reform (2006);
  • Silver coin worth 10 euros for the 200th birthday of Friedrich Pacius (2009);
  • Silver coin worth 10 euros for Henrik Wigström's 150th birthday (2012);
  • Silver coins for 10 and 20 euros for Emil Wikström's 150th birthday (2014);
  • Silver coins of 10 and 20 euros for literacy (2014);
  • 2 euro commemorative coin commemorating the 90th anniversary of the death of Finnish writer Eino Leino (2016);
  • 100 Euro gold coin on the 90th anniversary of Eino Leino's death (2016);

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Pertti Mäkinen. Betonimyllystä runon siivet / Lauri Viidan muistomerkki , website of the Museum of Modern Art Tampere, accessed December 1, 2018.
  2. a b c d Esko Nummelin: Pertti Mäkinen - Ajattelija ja Tulkitsija, Jolle Tyhjä on Merkityksellinen ja Arvokas , website of the Pori Art Museum, online PDF, 277 kB, accessed on December 1, 2018.
  3. a b Merelle (Merenkulun muistomerkki), 1985 , website of the Oulu Art Museum, accessed December 1, 2018.
  4. Raskaissa saappaissa, lokin siivellä. Veistosvaellus , website of the Kunstmuseum Pori, online PDF, 782 kB, accessed on December 1, 2018.
  5. Sampakosken taistelun muistomerkki , website of the Työvänenliike (labor movement), accessed on December 1, 2018.
  6. Veistoksia Harjavallassa , website of the city of Harjavalta, accessed on December 1, 2018.
  7. Haitarijazz , site of the city of Kouvola, accessed December 1, 2018th
  8. Museums and Art , website of the administrative association Nordsatakunta , accessed on December 1, 2018.
  9. Vuosikertomus 2008 ( annual report 2008 ), website of the Kunstmuseum Pori, online PDF, 2.5 MB, accessed on December 1, 2018.