Peter Sickius

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Peter Sickius (also: Sick, Sicke ; * 1530 in Rendsburg , † April 26, 1588 in Goldberg ) was a German Protestant theologian and educator.


Sickius enrolled at the University of Rostock in August 1551 under the rectorate of Konrad Ebene . Here he completed a study of the philosophical sciences and on October 15, 1555 acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy. On July 9, 1556 he moved to the University of Wittenberg , where he was accepted into the Senate of the Faculty of Philosophy on July 25, 1556. In 1558 he went to the University of Königsberg on Philipp Melanchthon's suggestion , where he lectured on the New Testament at the philosophical faculty.

In this capacity, he was made dean of the faculty and, as its representative, became rector of the university in the summer semester of 1563. In 1559 he was inspector of the alumni, in 1566 sole professor of theology in Königsberg and associated assessor at the Samland Consistory. As such, in the winter semester of 1567/68, 1571/72 and 1573/74 he took over the rectorate of the Alma Mater again . In 1575 he followed a call as rector of the grammar school in Elbing . In 1579 he went to Brieg in the same capacity , where he had to have the principles of the grammar school printed in German on royal orders. Finally, in 1583, he moved to Goldberg as the successor to Valentin Defiantendorf , where he made up his mind.


  • De statu ecclesiae prutenicae et confessione Alberti senioris, adversus calumnis Pauli Schlichii. 1568
  • Chytraei regulas vicae
  • Oratio de vestigiis Sapientiae Dei. Königsberg: Johann Daubmann, 1573
  • Oratio de statu ecclesiarum. Königsberg, Johann Daubmann 1572


Individual evidence

  1. other information 1528
  2. ^ Adolph Hofmeister : The register of the University of Rostock II. (Mich. 1499 - Ost. 1611), Rostock 1891 p. 120 ( online ); see also: Enrollment of Peter Sickius in the Rostock matriculation portal
  3. Peter Sickius' doctoral degree in the Rostock matriculation portal