Valentin Friedland

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in Goldberg / Złotoryja

Valentin Friedland called Trozendorf (born February 14, 1490 in Troitschendorf near Görlitz , today rural community Zgorzelec , Poland , † April 26, 1556 in Liegnitz ) was a humanistic schoolboy and founder and rector of the first humanistic grammar school in Silesia .


Valentin Friedland called Trozendorf, after his birthplace Troitschendorf, attended the school in Görlitz , studied in Leipzig and returned to Görlitz as a teacher in 1515, where he spread knowledge of Greek. Luther's demeanor induced him to resign and to go to Wittenberg in 1518 , where he  dearly joined the reformers, namely Philipp Melanchthon .

In 1523 he followed the call as rector of the high school in Goldberg in Lower Silesia. In 1527 he was appointed by Duke Friedrich II (Liegnitz) to the Protestant University of Liegnitz , which he founded and where the humanist Valentin Krautwald also taught. In 1529 he went back to Wittenberg, and in 1531 to Goldberg for the second time. Under his 33-year leadership, the school achieved European fame there. The language of instruction and colloquial use was Latin.

The school coetus was organized on the model of the Roman Republic: there were consuls , senators , censorships , quaestors and comitia ; Over the whole of the little state, Defiantendorf stood as a strict dictator perpetuus. Melanchthon said he was "born to be rector like the older Scipio Africanus was born to be a general". When the Goldberg schoolhouse burned down in 1554, he moved his school to Liegnitz.


  • Catechesis scholae Goldbergensis. Wittenberg 1558.
  • Precationes Valentini Trocendorfii, recitatae in schola Goltbergensi, anno proximo ante mortem ex eius ore exceptae, et editae . Crato, Wittenberg 1564.
  • Rosarium scholae Trocedorfii contectum ex rosis decerptis ex Paradiso Domini Crato, Wittenberg 1565. ( digitized version )
  • (With Lorenz Hartranfft) Ware Christian and glimpseous refutation of the Jrthumbs of the Schwenckfelder . With the explanation of many beautiful sayings of holy scriptures, also derivation of previous arguments or pleadings, which are used against the power and action of the Spirit in the Predig-Ampt. Fritsch, Görlitz 1578. ( digitized version )
  • Catechism samples a beautiful Christian Rosario for the student youth at Goldberg . Richtzenhan, Jena 1578. ( digitized version )
  • Methodi doctrinae catecheticae scholae Goldbergensi . Rhamba, Görlitz 1595.
  • Compendium praeceptionum grammaticarum Philippi Melanchthonis in usum Scholae Gorlicensis . Gnorismata regularum in syntaxi, & formae applicandi exempla. Rhamba, Görlitz 1614.
  • The Lord's Rosenkrantz, V. Trocendorfii. With a little confessional book for the children and Leyen . Lauer, Nuremberg 1617. ( digitized version )


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