Peter Werenfels

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Peter Werenfels (born May 20, 1627 in Liestal , † May 23, 1703 in Basel ) was a Swiss Reformed theologian and Antistes of the Basel Church.


Werenfels grew up in Basel, where his father Johann Jakob Werenfels (1597–1655) was appointed pastor at the Martinskirche . There he studied theology and was ordained as a candidate for the ministry in 1647 . From 1650 to 1653 he served Count Friedrich Casimir as court preacher at Ortenburg Castle .

After brief activities as an assistant chaplain in Basel and as a pastor in Wolfisheim near Strasbourg , he succeeded Lukas Gernler, who had been promoted to Antistes, to become archdeacon at the Basel cathedral in December 1655 . In 1671 he was elected pastor at the Leonhardskirche . After Gernler's death in 1675, Werenfels took over his pastoral office at the Münster, which was connected with the office of Antistes and a theological professorship at the University of Basel .

Werenfels was initially Professor of Dogmatics and Dr. theol. , from 1685 professor of the Old Testament and from 1696 for the New Testament . In 1677/78, 1685/86 and 1697/98 he also worked as rector .

Work and meaning

As a representative of a mild reformed orthodoxy , Werenfels campaigned for the loosening of the commitment to confession and, after 1685, promoted the admission of expelled Waldensians and Huguenots . He published many sermons in addition to academic works.


The marriage with Margaretha Grynaeus (1632–1710), daughter of the pastor Samuel Grynaeus, resulted in nine children. The eldest son, Samuel Werenfels , was also a famous theologian.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See excerpt from the Werenfels tribe (PDF; 27 kB, accessed January 24, 2013)
predecessor Office successor
Lucas Gernler Antistes of the Basel Church
Johann Rudolf Zwinger