Philipp Wolfgang Teuffel von Birkensee

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Philipp Wolfgang Freiherr Teuffel von Birkensee (born January 24, 1722 in Hochdorf; † 1795 ) was a Prussian major general , chief of infantry regiment No. 30 and knight of the order Pour le Mérite .


Philipp Wolfgang came from the uradeligen family Teuffel of Birkensee from the Palatinate , which in 1250 in Nuremberg is first mentioned in a document. In 1743 he came into Prussian service as an ensign in the Georg Hessen-Kassel infantry regiment . In 1744 he became second lieutenant and in 1745 prime lieutenant . In the Seven Years' War after the surrender of the Saxon army at Pirna , he received a grenadier company in 1756, which was recruited from captured Saxons. He was with the "Wietersheim" infantry regiment and was also adjutant general to General Wietersheim . But the regiment soon broke up and the remnants were distributed to other regiments. So it happened that Birkensee did not lead a company again until April 1761 , this time in the "Wunsch" infantry regiment .

In 1760 he was Major became 1767 lieutenant colonel and in 1771 Colonel . In 1778 he was appointed major general and in November 1778 received the infantry regiment "Sobeck" in Anklam from the king . In 1781 he asked for his release, which was approved in the same year.

From 1745 to 1779 he took part in all of Friedrich's campaigns. In 1745 he fought with distinction in the battle of Kesselsdorf and in 1762 in the battles near Gostin and Leutmannsdorf, after the latter he received the order Pour le Mérite. During the War of the Bavarian Succession he was a Brigade Colonel in Prince Heinrich's army.


Individual evidence

  1. Philipp Friedrich Gampert: Speech at the crypt of (...) Philipp Wolfgang Teufel von Pirkensee, former royal Prussian major general, held on February 18, 1795 on Lazarus Todtenacker, Regensburg 1795
  2. ^ Kurd Wolfgang von Schöning : The generals of the Chur-Brandenburg and royal Prussian army. P. 121, digitized.