Pierre de Pelleport

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Pierre Pelleport

Pierre de Pelleport (born October 26, 1773 in Montréjeau , † December 15, 1855 in Bordeaux ) was a French Général de division .

Live and act

At the age of 20, Pelleport joined the army on June 24, 1793. He was soon able to distinguish himself through bravery and became a supporter of Napoleon at an early age . When he waged war against Italy in 1796 , Pelleport also took part under the command of General Jacques Bernard d'Anselme .

He fought at Montenotte (April 12, 1796), Lodi (May 10, 1796), Arcole (November 15/17, 1796) and Rivoli (January 14/15, 1797) and was promoted for his bravery.

When Napoleon planned his war against Egypt in 1798 , Pelleport was also there. He took part in the siege of Acre (March / May 1799) and was wounded in the battle of Abukir (July 25, 1799). Before Heliopolis (March 20, 1800) he had his own command as a captain and after the Battle of Alexandria (August 31, 1801) he was able to return to France.

After further promotions Pelleport came to Austria with the Grande Army and took a. a. participated in the fighting at Mehrnbach (October 30, 1805) and Dürnstein (November 11, 1805).

In the following year Pelleport fought in Prussia: near Saalfeld (October 10, 1806), Jena (October 14, 1806) and Preussisch Eylau (February 7/8, 1807).

At the beginning of the fifth coalition war , Pelleport came to Napoleon's staff with the rank of colonel and took a. a. participated in the fighting near Aspern (May 21/22, 1809) and Wagram (July 5/6, 1809). After the armistice of Znojmo (July 12, 1809) he was able to return to France.

When Napoleon was planning his Russian campaign in 1812 , Pelleport came to the staff of Marshal Michel Ney . He fought in front of Valutino (August 19, 1812), Mogilev (July 23, 1812), Klyastitsy (July 28/29, 1812) and Borodino (September 7, 1812). After the fire in Moscow he was a. a. Involved in the battles at Malojaroslawez (October 24, 1812), Vyazma (November 3, 1812) and the Berezina (November 26-28, 1812).

In the following year Pelleport fought in front of Großgörschen (May 2, 1813) - the first battle after the war in Russia - in front of Bautzen (May 20/21, 1813) and in front of Leipzig (October 16/19, 1813), where he also was wounded.

At the turn of the year 1813/14 Pelleport was able to resume his service and fought a. a. at Brienne (January 29, 1814) and Champaubert (February 10, 1814). He helped defend Paris (March 30, 1814) and was wounded again in Buttes-Chaumont .

After Napoleon's abdication (→ abdication ), Pelleport turned to the Bourbons and supported King Louis XVIII. During Napoleon's “ Reign of the Hundred Days ” he was on the staff of General Jacques-Laurent Gilly and during the Restoration Pelleport became a member of the Conseil supérieur de la guerre .

When France was preparing for war against Spain in 1823 , Louis-Antoine d'Artois, duc d'Angoulême, appointed General Pelleport to his staff. He was able to prove himself through bravery in the battles at Campillo de Arenas (July 25, 1823) and Trocadero (August 31, 1823).

In 1826 Pelleport married Élisabeth Burète in Bordeaux and had a son with her: Charles de Pelleport-Burète (1827-1900).

Pelleport was no longer involved in the events of the July Revolution of 1830 . In 1834 he took over some tasks in the military administration and on December 25, 1841 King named him Louis-Philippe I for Peer of France . The following year Pelleport took over as successor to David Johnston , the mayor of Bordeaux ; gave up this office after a few weeks.

Then he was brought to the Conseil général de la Gironde (→  General Council ). In 1848 he gave up all his offices after the February Revolution and officially retired on May 30 of the same year.

General Pierre de Pelleport died fifty days after his 82nd birthday on December 15, 1855 in Bordeaux, where he found his final resting place on the Cimetière de la Chartreuse .


Fonts (selection)

  • Souvenirs militaires et intimes. 1793-1853 . Paris 1857.


  • Kevin F. Kiley: Once there were titans. Napoleon's generals and their battles, 1800-1815 . Greenhill, London 2007, ISBN 978-1-85367-710-6 .
  • Charles Mullié: Biography of the célébrités militaires des armées de terre et de mer de 1789 à 1850 . Poignavant, Paris 1851 (2 vol.)
  • Adolphe Robert and Gaston Cougny: Dictionnaire des parlementaires français, vol. 4 . Slatkine Reprint, Geneva 2000, ISBN 2-05-101711-5 (reprint of the Paris 1890 edition)
  • Georges Six: Dictionnaire biographique des généraux & amiraux français de la Révolution et de l'Émpire. 1792-1814 . Saffroy, Paris 1999, ISBN 2-901541-06-2 (reprint of the Paris 1934 edition)
  • Digby Smith : The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book . Greenhill, London 1998, ISBN 1-85367-276-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. Today part of the 19th arrondissement of Paris.

Web links