Pietro D'Achiardi

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Pietro D'Achiardi (born October 28, 1879 in Pisa ; died December 18, 1940 in Rome ) was an Italian painter and art historian .


D'Achiardi was the son of the mineralogist Antonio D'Achiardi (1839-1902) and his wife Marianna (née Camici). He had an older brother Giovanni (1872–1944) who, like his father, became a mineralogist. He initially studied literature until 1901 at the University of Pisa , where his father was a professor, and at the same time worked as a draftsman and painter of landscapes and seascapes. He then went to Rome to attend further courses on medieval and modern art history with Adolfo Venturi at the newly founded “Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni storico-artistici” at the University of Rome . He was supported by a three-year scholarship, which he used for two years in Rome and one year for a study trip abroad. After his return, he wrote a short treatise on the painter Sebastiano del Piombo in 1906 and collected further material about this artist in the following two years, so that in 1908 he was able to publish a comprehensive monograph . In the same year he was commissioned by Pope Pius X to continue the work of the late painter Ludwig Seitz and to reorganize the Pinacoteca Vaticana in a wing of the new building on the west side of the Vatican. On March 28, 1909, Pius X was able to open an exhibition of the works that D'Achiardi had brought together from the various collections of the palaces and the places inaccessible to the public. For the collection of the Pinakothek he published the compilations Guida della Pinacoteca Vaticana (1913) and La nuova Pinacoteca Vaticana (1914).

D'Achiardi was inspector of the Galleria Borghese from 1909 to 1913 and then became professor of art history at the Academy of Fine Arts and at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Rome. From 1922 to 1924 he was responsible for the Basilica Agoniae Domini in the garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem worked, for whom he designed wall mosaics. In the years 1926 to 1929 he accepted both private and public orders for restoration in Rome, for example he worked for the Barluzzi family on a mosaic decoration in their villa. In 1929, D'Achiardi designed a mosaic for the redesign of the Palazzo Venezia with the depiction of the robbery of Europe and sea creatures based on Roman models from Ostia for the floor in the “Sala del Mappamondo”.

He was a member of the royal Accademia di San Luca and the papal Accademia dei Virtuosi al Pantheon .

As a painter, he mainly created landscapes, also in particular designs for mosaics, mostly religious themes.

Works (selection)


  • 1910: Etching La Via del Paradiso
  • 1937: Paesaggio di Larenzana con calesse in the Museo d'Arte in Avellino .


  • Alcune opere di Sculptura in Legno dei secoli XIV e XV. In: L'arte. Rivista di storia dell'arte medievale e moderna. 7th year, ISSN  0004-3362 1904, pp. 356-376 (Italian, ub.uni-heidelberg.de ).
  • Gli affreschi di S. Piero a Grado presso Pisa e quelli gia esistenti nel portico della basilica Vaticana. In: Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Scienze Storiche. Volume 7, Tipografia della R. Accademia dei Lincei, Rome 1905, pp. 193-285.
  • Un quadro sconosciuto di Melozzo da Forli. In: L'arte. Rivista di storia dell'arte medievale e moderna. 8th year, ISSN  0004-3362 1905, pp. 120–122 ( ub.uni-heidelberg.de ).
  • Sebastiano del Piombo, Monografia storico-artistica. With a foreword by Adolfo Venturi. Casa editrice de “L'Arte”, Rome 1908 ( archive.org ).
  • Les dessins de D. Fr. Goya y Lucientes au Musée du Prado in Madrid. Anderson, Rome 1908.
  • La collezione Messinger. Imprimerie de l'Unione Editrice, Rome 1910.
  • Guida della Pinacoteca Vaticana. Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana, Rome 1913.
  • La nuova Pinacoteca Vaticana . In: Biblioteca apostolica vaticana (ed.): Collezioni archeologiche, artistiche e numismatiche dei Palazzi Apostolici . tape 8 . Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche, Bergamo 1914, OCLC 1072713271 .


  • Mario Rivosecchi: Pietro D'Achiardi. Tipografia Ferrazi, Rome 1942.
  • Achiardi, Pietro D ' . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. tape 1 : A-D . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1953, p. 7 .
  • Gianfrancesco Lomonaco, Paolo Emilio Trastulli: Tra 800 e 900 Pietro D'Achiardi: un toscano a Roma. Edizioni Dilor, Rome 1984.
  • Maria Grazia Branchetti Buonocore:  D'Achiardi, Pietro. In: Massimiliano Pavan (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 31:  Cristaldi – Dalla Nave. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1985, pp. 575-578.
  • Sven-Wieland Staps: D'Achiardi, Pietro . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 23, Saur, Munich a. a. 1999, ISBN 3-598-22763-9 , p. 342 f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Maria Grazia Branchetti Buonocore:  D'Achiardi, Pietro. In: Massimiliano Pavan (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 31:  Cristaldi – Dalla Nave. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1985, pp. 575-578.
  2. ^ Laura De Carlo, Matteo Flavio Mancini, Nicola Santopuoli: La sala del Mappamondo a Palazzo Venezia. In: Graziano Mario Valenti (ed.): Prospettive architettoniche: conservazione Digitale, divulgazione e studio. Volume 1. Sapienza Università Editrice, Rome 2014, ISBN 978-88-98533-45-9 , p. 292 ( editricesapienza.it PDF).
  3. A copy in the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, DC ( La Via del Pardiso entry in the museum database ).