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The Principes ( Latin : the first) formed until the army reform in the 2nd century BC. The first members of the battle formation (hence the name) of the Roman legion . In the early days of the Roman Republic , the Legion basically fought like the Greek phalanx and the equipment was similar to that of the Greek hoplites .

At that time, the equipment and thus also its use in combat was based on the division into asset classes, since the equipment had to be procured yourself. The Principes belonged to the second wealthiest class (after the Equites ). They were therefore equipped with complete, high-quality armor and armament. This made them particularly suitable for fighting on the front line in a clash of infantry. The less armored Hastati stood behind them, mainly reinforcing the lance wall. The only lightly armed Velites of the lowest asset class retreated to the flanks or completely behind the battle line during the meeting of the main formations.

The Principes have been in the second meeting since the introduction of manipulation tactics . Like the Hastati and at times the Triarians , they were armed in number and armed with javelins ( pilum ), swords ( gladius or later spathe ) and the large Roman shield ( scutum ). However, they were mostly older and more experienced troops who had served in the war for many years. Although the equipment of the legionnaires was in principle standardized at this time, those who had served longer could invest their wages in better equipment or steal it from the fallen. Principes thus continued to wear mostly higher quality armor and armament than the Hastati, but no longer to the same extent as at the time of armament according to class.

See also
