Right comes (KO in KA)

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Right comes (KO in KA)
POL1Z1STENS0HN feat. Justice
publication 1st February 2018
length 4:25
Genre (s) rap
Author (s) Jan Böhmermann , Andreas Fabritius
Producer (s) Andreas Fabritius

Right comes (KO in KA) is a rap song that Jan Böhmermann recorded in 2018 under the pseudonym POL1Z1STENS0HN feat. Justice published. The music video belonging to the song was shown on February 1, 2018 in the program Neo Magazin Royale on ZDFneo and only a few hours earlier on YouTube and download portals. Among other things, the Koenig Museum in Bonn served as the filming location . It was chosen because on September 1, 1948, the Parliamentary Council met in the atrium of the museum for the ceremonial opening of its constituent session.


The lyrics casually refer to customer reviews by Haftbefehl , Sido and Bushido , who had drawn their fans' attention to their consumer experiences via social media channels. Bushido, for example, complained about the poor service at a post office, arrest warrant, because he was rebooked from a five-star to a four-star hotel on a package tour. In the text, “Pol1z1stens0hn” threatens his opponents with legal action instead of violent acts. However, in the further course of the text this will also be extended to other lawbreakers. In the video, Böhmermann appears as a typical gangster rapper , but also Justitia with a blindfold, scales, sword, partially bare breast and sexualized language.


The song is primarily perceived as a swipe at Bushido, Sido and arrest warrant and the German hip-hop scene, which is assumed to be effeminate:

"New enemy images - The philistine rap from Germany"

Jan Böhmermann (...) strikes out under his rapper pseudonym 'POL1Z1STENS0HN' for another all-round blow against the gangster rap scene (sic) . "

"(...) At the same time, the moderator denounces the German rap scene, which is becoming increasingly soft."

“Gangster rappers are no longer what they used to be. (...) The new opponents of the gangster rappers today were (...) the Deutsche Post and a travel agency ... "

“Under the title 'Recht comes (KO in Karlsruhe)', 'Pol1z1stens0hn' (...) distributes as usual provocatively against the so-called gangsta rap scene (...). His (note: arrest warrant) rap colleagues Bushido and Sido (...) also recently complained about alleged petty bourgeois trivia via social media. (...) The team from 'Neo Magazin' lets the new philistine bourgeoisie ring through between the lines. "

Right-wing populists are also mocked in the video: “Böhmi knows who are currently the greatest enemies of the democratic constitutional state, of course, and shows Nazi symbols and the well-known Querfront magazine Compact, which is repeatedly referred to as the mouthpiece of the alternative for Germany. "(...) possibly he is alluding to the 408 days of negotiation between the NSU process, and certainly also to the AfD."

“(...) There are also numerous taunts against new rights and NSU as well as Volkswagen and their emissions tests on monkeys. Some quotes from the former lawyer and Nazi hunter Fritz Bauer have also been incorporated "

In addition, a picture editor is mentioned who wrote an article with a controversial headline after the riots at the G20 summit in Hamburg in 2017 .

A lack of originality was occasionally criticized after I have police . Laut.de described the song as "a bit lame". The star complained: “The ZDF presenter (...) has simply taken on too much. (...) A shovel less would certainly have done the song good. Overall, it lacks the liveliness and bite that you otherwise know from Böhmermann. " The world spoke of" recycling of the better kind. "

The press spokeswoman for Museum Koenig criticized the wording of the text and the fact that Justitia was shown in the video with poorly dressed clothes. The language and choice of words in satire are justified, but they do not fit the museum.

One day after it was broadcast, the video had been viewed 318,000 times on YouTube and the video has now been viewed more than five million times.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b This is what Museum Koenig says about the Böhmermann video. In: General-Anzeiger (Bonn) . February 5, 2018, accessed February 17, 2018 .
  2. a b Sabine Heine (press spokeswoman): Jan Böhmermann filmed “Right Comes” in the Koenig Museum, among other places. Museum Koenig, February 2, 2018, accessed on February 17, 2018 .
  3. a b New hit from "POL1Z1STENS0HN" Jan Böhmermann. In: GQ magazine . Retrieved February 17, 2018 .
  4. Targeting the tough gangster rappers. In: Bunte . February 2, 2018, accessed February 17, 2018 .
  5. ^ A b Jan Pitscheneder: Jan Böhmermann: The POL1Z1STENSOHN raps again. In: Computer Bild . February 2, 2018, accessed February 17, 2018 .
  6. Jan Böhmermann dissects “Arrest Warrant” and Bushido. In: Stuttgarter Nachrichten . February 1, 2018, accessed February 17, 2018 .
  7. Böhmermann's swipe at gangsta rappers. In: Hamburger Abendblatt . February 1, 2018, accessed February 17, 2018 .
  8. Lukas Hiegle: KO in Karlsruhe: Justice is the star of the new Böhmermann parody. In: ka-news . February 5, 2018, accessed February 17, 2018 .
  9. David Büchler: POL1Z1STENSOHN ft. Justice - law comes (KO in KA). In: hiphop.de. February 1, 2018, accessed February 17, 2018 .
  10. Carola Padtberg: Where is Böhmermann's easy joke? In: Der Spiegel . February 2, 2018, accessed February 17, 2018 .
  11. Jan Böhmermann publishes the rap song "Right comes". In: Berliner Morgenpost . February 1, 2018, accessed February 17, 2018 .
  12. POL1Z1STENS0HN ridicules rap bourgeoisie. In: laut.de. February 1, 2018, accessed February 17, 2018 .
  13. Hendrik Holdmann: Funny is different: Böhmermann is back with a rap song. In: Stern. February 2, 2018, accessed February 17, 2018 .
  14. ^ Daniel Krüger: Jan Böhmermann's show calls for renewal. In: The world. February 2, 2018, accessed February 17, 2018 .
  15. POL1Z1STENS0HN feat. Justice - RIGHT COMES (KO in KA) | NEO MAGAZIN ROYALE with Jan Böhmermann. In: YouTube. Neo Magazin Royale, February 1, 2018, accessed on February 11, 2020 (German).