Reinhold von Wistinghausen

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Coat of arms of the von Wistinghausen noble family

Reinhold Alexander Karl Christian von Wistinghausen (also Renauld Alexander von Wistinghausen, Russian : Райнхольд Александр Кристиан фон Вистингаузен, * 20th June 1863 in Tallinn ; † 12. October 1939 in Berlin ) was a Baltic German nobleman , physician and co-founder of the Estonian Medical Association .


Reinhold Alexander v. W. attended the Knights and Cathedral School in Reval from 1873 to 1883 . He began his medical studies in 1884 and completed it in 1892. Then he was an assistant doctor in the surgery of the district hospital in Dorpat until 1894 . In 1894 he received his doctorate in medicine and began as a volunteer assistant at the Surgical University Clinic in Königsberg , which was followed by further studies in Berlin. From 1895 to 1918 he was a freelance doctor in Reval, in the meantime, in 1896, he temporarily ran a private clinic in Hapsal . At the end of 1896 he worked as an ordinator in the surgical department and in 1897 became an extra-ordinary physician at the College of General Welfare. His next medical job was from 1906 to 1908 as a doctor at the Knight and Cathedral School, followed by the position of chief doctor at the Red Cross Hospital from 1914 to 1916 . Then from 1916 to 1918 he was ordinator and 1917–1918 director of the surgical department of the General Welfare Hospital. Furthermore, he was from 1905 to 1917 managing director and permanent member of the Estonian Sanitary Commission and received the rank of collegiate council . From 1902 to 1908 he was chairman and later honorary member of the Society of General Practitioners in Reval. In 1903 he was elected chairman of the Estonian Medical Society. From 1918 he was in Germany as a surgeon at the Red Cross hospital , in 1919 assistant and titular senior physician at the sanatoriums of the state insurance institutions in Berlin and finally in 1922 he became head of the child tuberculosis department in Beelitz . In 1930 he retired and lived in Berlin until his death.

Origin and family

Reinhold Alexander von Wistinghausen came from the German-Baltic noble family von Wistinghausen , which had been mainly based in Reval since the middle of the 17th century. His father was the physician and Russian chamberlain Karl Alexander von Wistinghausen (1826-1883), who was married to Marie Rodde (1828-1866) in his first marriage. Reinhold Alexander married Elisabeth (Else) Dagmar von Ramm (* 1865) from the Hohenheim family near Hapsal in 1897. Her descendants were:

  • Werner Felix von Wistinghausen (1898–1918)
  • Lothar Eduard Adolph Karl von Wistinghausen (* 1899, † around 1940 in Neusustrum )
  • Kurt Roderich Thomas Klas von Wistinghausen (* 1901, † 1986 in Filderstadt ) ⚭ Elisabeth Steeb (1908–1985)
  • Almar Johann Christian Jakob von Wistinghausen (* 1904) ⚭ Inge Marie von Bonin (* 1908 in Grabow )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Statutes of the Society of General Practitioners in Reval (1899) PDF [1]
  2. Titular: who only holds an office in terms of title, but does not actually exercise it, e.g. B. titular bishop (<neulat. Titularis <lat. Titulus "title") [2]