Reisachmühle (Langdorf)

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Community Langdorf
Coordinates: 49 ° 0 ′ 44 ″  N , 13 ° 12 ′ 18 ″  E
Height : 510 m above sea level NN
Postal code : 94264
Area code : 09922
Reisachmühle with the railway viaduct

Reisachmühle is a district of the municipality of Langdorf in the Lower Bavarian district of Regen .


The hamlet of Reisachmühle , which already belongs to the municipality of Langdorf, is located where the Zwiesel – Bodenmais railway line crosses the Michelsbach on a viaduct about one kilometer outside of Zwiesel .


Lady Chapel

In 1833 the miller's son Kaspar Reisach from Deggendorf built a paper mill here . The Reisachmühle originally belonged to the Brandten community . Here Nikolaus Reisach operated his oil felling in the 19th century by producing oil from rapeseed . The subsequent owner Max Helml turned it into a mill and operated it together with a cutting saw until 1956. Then the building was changed.

In 1899 Max Tröppl built a small Lady Chapel, which was restored in 1947. In 1982 the chapel burned down. The valuable wood-carved figure of the Virgin Mary, a foundation of the nun Anselma Tröppl, who belongs to the English Misses , was also lost. The chapel was rebuilt a few months after the fire by the owners, Josef Ellerbeck and his wife.

Monte monument

Monte monument

A little further on is the Monte monument on the Reisachberg . On December 20, 1870, a tethered balloon approached the place. Workers from the nearby Paulisäge rushed to the Reisachberg, grabbed the tow rope of the balloon and pulled it to the ground.

In the gondola there were provisions, papers, photos, war mail, life jackets and four carrier pigeons in a cage. The district administrator was notified by telegram and the balloon was brought to Zwiesel. It turned out to be a balloon launched during the siege of Paris . The Monte No. 45 balloon, named General Chany , had a balloon height of 37.50 meters including the basket. He started from Paris and was supposed to bring four inmates with important mail to Brussels .

A storm with snowfall, however, drove the balloon off and forced an emergency landing near Rödersdorf ( Gebsattel municipality ). Pilot Verrecke and three other inmates were captured. Then the storm tore the balloon from its anchor and it flew as far as the Reisach mill. In addition to Zwiesel, the booty was put on display in Deggendorf , Passau , Straubing , Regensburg , Nuremberg , Augsburg and Munich and finally placed in the royal armory. The exhibition brought proceeds of 4,670 guilders, half of which, after deducting 1,000 guilders costs, received the military support fund and the Zwiesel volunteer fire brigade , which helped organize the exhibition. The Monte Monument was inaugurated on September 1, 1895. On this occasion, all those who were still alive in the war received a commemorative coin, and the raft servant Johann Dümmlein, who was the first to hold up the balloon, was given a special honor. In 2008, the Agenda working group for art and culture restored the monument.

20th century

Towards the end of the Second World War , a defensive base was to be built near Reisachmühle and the railway viaduct was to be blown up. Although the preparations had already been made, there was no contact with the enemy.

When, with effect from January 1, 1976, the municipality of Brandten was incorporated into Langdorf as part of the municipal reform, Reisachmühle also became part of the municipality of Langdorf.


  • Erwin Steckbauer: Idylle im Michelsbachtal , in: Der Bayerwald-Bote , number 125, May 31, 2008
  • Josef Schaller: Chronicle of Zwiesel and the surrounding area , Verlag A. Maier, Zwiesel, 1993

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart and Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 622 .