Renealmia cernua

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Renealmia cernua
Renealmia cernua

Renealmia cernua

Order : Gingery (Zingiberales)
Family : Ginger family (Zingiberaceae)
Subfamily : Alpinioideae
Genre : Renealmia
Type : Renealmia cernua
Scientific name
Renealmia cernua
( Sw. Ex Roem. & Schult. ) JFMacbr.

Renealmia cernua is a species of plant inthe ginger family (Zingiberaceae). Due to its durability, it serves as a cut flower .


Vegetative characteristics

Renealmia cernua is a perennial herbaceous plant that usually reaches heights of 1 meter, but can also be up to 2 meters high. As survival organs, they form rhizomes . The whole stem axis is leafy.

The alternate leaves are sessile. The bald, simple leaf blade is about 30 centimeters long and up to 6 centimeters wide, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, pointed to acuminate at the base and has a clear central rib.

Generative characteristics

The terminal, initially upright, later nodding, spike-like inflorescence is egg-shaped or ellipsoidal with a length of 5 to 10 centimeters. The leathery, orange-colored, parallel-veined, lanceolate bracts overlap tightly like roof tiles. The flowers are individually in the bracts.

The fragrant flowers are threefold and zygomorphic . The three sepals are fused and 1.5 centimeters long. The corolla tube is shorter than the chalice. The three yellow, leathery petals are fused with tubes and end in egg-shaped corolla lobes that end around the edge of the calyx. The labellum is about 1 centimeter long and linear-ovoid.

There are ten to twelve seeds in the elliptical capsule fruit .


The diaspores are spread by birds .


Renealmia cernua occurs in the area between Guatemala to Panama and Peru and is mainly known from Costa Rica and Panama. It can be found in the tropical rainforest mainly on the coast and in coastal areas, mostly in the lowlands, but also at altitudes of up to 1300 meters.


It was first published under the name ( Basionym ) Costus cernuus by Olof Peter Swartz in Johann Jacob Römer and Joseph August Schultes . The new combination to Renealmia cernua (Sw. Ex Roem. & Schult.) JFMacbr. was published by James Francis Macbride . Further synonyms for Renealmia cernua (Sw. Ex Roem. & Schult.) JFMacbr. are: Calathea strobilifera (Miq.) grain. , Maranta strobilifera Miq. , Phrynium strobiliferum (Miq.) K. Koch .


  1. ^ A b c Paul Carpenter Standley : Flora of Costa Rica , Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series, Volume XVIII, Part 1, Chicago, USA, 1937, p. 189.
  2. ^ A b c d Paul Carpenter Standley , Julian Alfred Steyermark : Flora of Guatemala. In: Fieldiana: Botany , Volume 24, Part 3, Chicago, USA, 1952, p. 201. online.

Web links

Commons : Renealmia cernua  - album with pictures, videos and audio files