Rhine valley Karlsruhe-Rheinsheim

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Bird sanctuary (SPA)
"Rhine Low Karlsruhe-Rheinsheim"
In the area "Little Lake Constance"

In the area "Little Lake Constance"

location Dettenheim , Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen , Karlsruhe , Linkenheim-Hochstetten and Philippsburg , Baden-Württemberg , Germany
surface 51.157 km²
WDPA ID 555537845
Natura 2000 ID DE-6816-401
Geographical location 49 ° 8 '  N , 8 ° 23'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 8 '22 "  N , 8 ° 23' 22"  E
Rhine valley Karlsruhe-Rheinsheim (Baden-Württemberg)
Rhine valley Karlsruhe-Rheinsheim
Setup date November 20, 2007
administration Karlsruhe Regional Council
particularities three sub-areas

The area Rhine valley Karlsruhe-Rhine home is with Ordinance of 20 November 2007 of the Regional Council Karlsruhe been instructed European bird sanctuary (reserve identifier DE-6816-401) in Württemberg Baden- district of Karlsruhe and the city of Karlsruhe in Germany .


The three sub-areas of the approximately 51 square kilometer bird sanctuary "Rheinniederung Karlsruhe - Rheinsheim" are located east of the Rhine , between Philippsburg in the north and Karlsruhe in the south.
They are distributed over the city of Karlsruhe (239.6 ha = 4.7%) and the city of Philippsburg as well as the communities Dettenheim , Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen and Linkenheim-Hochstetten in the district of Karlsruhe (4876.1 ha = 95.3%).


The protected area "Rheinniederung Karlsruhe-Rheinsheim" is described as "Altaue and current flood plain in the meandering zone of the Rhine with softwood, hardwood floodplains, floating leaf plants, reeds, agriculturally used lowlands, water bodies, dams, gravel pits and reeds".


The bird sanctuary "Rheinniederung Karlsruhe-Rheinsheim" is considered to be a resting area of ​​international importance, as a density center of the black kite and one of the most important breeding areas for whinchat , puff-eared tit , great reed warbler and teal in Baden-Württemberg.

Habitat classes

N06 - inland waters, standing and flowing
N08 - heather, scrub, etc.
N09 - dry grassland, steppes
1 %
N10 - Moist and mesophilic grassland
1 %
N14 - reclaimed grassland
N15 - Other farmland
N16 - deciduous forest
N21 - non-forest areas with wooden plants (fruit and olive groves, vineyards)
N23 - Other (cities, roads, landfills, pits, industrial areas)

Protection purpose

The area-related conservation objectives are described differently depending on the species :

Breeding birds

Breeding bird species that are listed in Appendix I of the Birds Directive and for which special measures are to be applied across Europe. A total of 39 species fall into this category in Baden-Württemberg and eleven in the "Rheinniederung Karlsruhe-Rheinsheim" protected area .

Bluethroat ( Luscinia svecica )

Preservation of silting zones, reeds and moist, loose willow bushes, flowing waters and their floodplains, preservation of richly structured ditch edges, dams and embankments, of early stages of succession, of secondary habitats such as abandoned peat cuttings with the aforementioned habitats, preservation of the food supply, especially with insects and their larvae as well Preservation of undisturbed or at least undisturbed breeding sites during the breeding season (March 15 to August 15).

Kingfisher ( Alcedo atthis )

Preservation of near-natural waters, of steep walls and demolition edges made of excavable substrate in the vicinity of the water, of fallen trees suitable for the breeding tube system in the vicinity of the water, of structures that can be used as a seat for hunting such as strong riparian wood with branches hanging over the water, preservation of a Water quality that ensures good visibility for prey, a water dynamic that enables the formation of new bank breaks suitable for nesting, preservation of secondary habitats such as abandoned mining sites with bodies of water and steep banks, the food supply with small fish species and juvenile fish as well as the maintenance of undisturbed or at least undisturbed breeding sites during the breeding season from February 15th to September 15th.

Gray woodpecker ( Picus canus )

Preservation of richly structured light deciduous and mixed deciduous forests with open areas for feeding, of alluvial forests, of extensively cultivated orchards, preservation of poor grasslands, poor hay meadows or cattle pastures, preservation of edge strips, rain areas, embankments and lined, stepped forest edges, of old wood islands and old wood islands , especially of standing dead wood, preservation of trees with large caves and the food supply.

Red- backed shrike ( Lanius collurio )

Preservation of extensively managed orchards, grassland and heathland areas, of low and medium hedges from native species, in particular thorn or prickly wooded trees, preservation of litter meadows and open bog edges, preservation of individual trees and bushes in the open landscape, of field lines, grass paths, Ruderal and perennial corridors and fallow land, field and meadow margins, secondary habitats such as abandoned mining sites with the aforementioned habitats and maintenance of the food supply, especially with larger insects.

Purple Heron ( Ardea purpurea )

Preservation of the natural and near-natural wetlands such as river valleys, floodplain landscapes and moors, the shallow water zones in standing and weakly flowing waters as well as the floodplains, the reed beds, large sedge areas and reed stands with open water areas, the habitats without sources of danger such as unsecured overhead lines, unsecured chimneys and wind turbines from long reed-water boundary lines such as those created by bays, reed islands and open water ditches as well as smaller free water areas within the reed beds, from large open land complexes of grassland and moors with high groundwater levels and water meadows, maintenance of a water quality that ensures good visibility for prey , Preservation of the food supply, in particular with fish, amphibians, small mammals, large insects, reptiles and earthworms as well as maintenance of undisturbed or at least undisturbed resting and sleeping places tze as well as wintering and feeding areas.

Bittern ( Botaurus stellaris )

Preservation of the natural and near-natural wetlands such as river valleys and floodplains, the shallow water zones in standing and weakly flowing waters as well as the floodplains, the reed beds and reed stands with open water areas, the habitats without sources of danger such as non-bird-safe overhead lines and wind turbines, maintenance of long reed-water boundary lines how they come about through bays, reed islands and open water ditches as well as smaller free water areas within the reed beds, maintenance of a water quality that ensures good visibility for prey, preservation of the food supply, especially with fish, amphibians, small mammals, large insects, reptiles and worms as well as conservation undisturbed or at least undisturbed resting and sleeping areas as well as wintering and feeding areas.

Marsh harrier ( Circus aeruginosus )

Preservation of silting zones, reed beds and large sedge beds, wet meadow complexes, in particular with litter meadows or extensively used wet meadows, habitats without sources of danger such as non-bird-safe overhead lines and wind turbines, preservation of grass and shrub fringes, secondary habitats such as abandoned mining sites or at least the aforementioned habitats and conservation low-disturbance breeding sites during the breeding season from March 15th to September 15th.

Black kite ( Milvus migrans )

Preservation of diversely structured cultural landscapes, of sparse forests, in particular alluvial forests, of field trees, large individual trees and rows of trees in the open landscape, grassland, islands of old wood and old, large-crowned trees with free approach, especially near the forest edge, preservation of natural flowing and still waters, conservation of trees with clumps, of habitats without sources of danger such as non-bird-safe overhead lines and wind turbines as well as maintenance of undisturbed or at least undisturbed breeding sites during the breeding season from March 1st to August 15th.

Black Woodpecker ( Dryocopus martius )

Preservation of extensive forests, old trees and islands of old wood, dead wood, preservation of trees with large caves as well as the food supply, especially with ants.

White stork ( Ciconia ciconia )

Preservation of extensive, extensively used grassland with wet meadows and cattle pastures, temporally differentiated uses in grassland, of grass, reed and perennial borders, especially in connection with meadow ditches, of high groundwater levels, maintenance of fens, small bodies of water, water ditches and of temporarily flooded depressions , the habitats without sources of danger such as non-bird-safe overhead lines and unsecured chimneys, the nest sites and nesting aids as well as maintaining the food supply, especially with small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, large insects and worms.

Honey buzzard ( Pernis apivorus )

Preservation of diversely structured cultural landscapes, light deciduous and mixed and pine forests, field trees, extensively used grassland, old wood islands and old, large-crowned trees with free access, preservation of the poor grasslands, trees with clumps, preservation of the food supply, especially with wasps and bumblebees as well as the maintenance of undisturbed or at least low-disturbance breeding sites during the breeding season from May 1st to August 31st.

Migratory birds

Other migratory bird species not listed in Appendix I that breed in the country and have been selected for the protected areas. A total of 36 species fall into this category in Baden-Württemberg; Eleven species are recorded in the protected area “Rheinniederung Karlsruhe - Rheinsheim”.

Tree falcon ( Falco subbuteo )

Preservation of light forests with bordering open landscapes, of old trees and islands of old wood, of overhangs, of field trees or groups of trees in fields or along waterways, of extensively used grassland, of waterways with structurally rich bank areas and silting areas, of nesting opportunities such as crow's nests, of the food supply, in particular with small birds and large insects as well as undisturbed or at least undisturbed breeding sites during the breeding season from April 15 to September 15.

Tasmanian tit ( Remiz pendulinus )

Preservation of floodplains, of pronounced herbaceous layers and typical climbing plants of the floodplain forests such as hops and clematis, of secondary habitats such as abandoned mining sites with the aforementioned habitats, conservation of the swamps with their forests, the bank areas of the waters with reeds, bushes and white willow stands or other trees with drooping branches as well Preservation of undisturbed or at least undisturbed breeding sites during the breeding season from March 15th to July 31st.

Great Reed Warbler ( Acrocephalus arundinaceus )

Preservation of the water-based reed beds with adjacent open water areas, in particular reeds with different age structures and stable stalks, maintenance of long reed bed-water boundary lines such as those created by bays, reed islands and open water ditches as well as smaller free water areas within the reed beds, of secondary habitats such as rain overflow basins the aforementioned habitats, maintenance of the food supply, in particular with larger insects, and maintenance of undisturbed or at least undisturbed breeding sites during the breeding season (May 1 to August 31).

Goosander ( Mergus merganser )

Preservation of the natural and near-natural wetlands such as river valleys, floodplain landscapes and moors, the populated waters, the shallow water zones in standing and weakly flowing waters with rich underwater and bank vegetation, the covered silted areas with reed beds of different age structures and large sedge areas, maintenance of a water quality that offers good visibility Guaranteed for prey capture, preservation of secondary habitats such as peat cuttings and ponds with the aforementioned habitats, preservation of the food supply with small fish species and young fish populations as well as amphibians as well as preservation of undisturbed or at least undisturbed resting, moulting, wintering and foraging areas.

Gray bunting ( Emberiza calandra )

Preservation of extensively used grassland areas and richly structured fields, fallow land, strips of field margins as well as grass and shrub fringes, grass and earth paths, field hedges, solitary trees and bushes, preservation of the food supply, in particular with insects as nestling food and wild herb seeds as well as maintenance of disturbance-free or at least low-disturbance breeding sites during the breeding season from April 15th to August 31st of each year.

Lapwing ( Vanellus vanellus )

Preservation of spacious open cultivated landscapes, pastures, poor meadows with patchy vegetation structure, fallow grassland, arable land with late vegetation development and adjacent grassland, flood troughs, occasionally flooded depressions and wet arable areas, preservation of extensively used wet meadow complexes, natural and natural maintenance of river plains undisturbed or at least undisturbed breeding sites during the breeding season from February 1st to August 31st.

Common teal ( anas crecca )

Preservation of the eutrophic vegetation-rich shallow water lakes, small bodies of water and wet meadow ditches carrying water, the slow-flowing waters with shallow water zones, the vegetation-rich moor lakes, the silted areas with reed beds, sedge beds, water-bearing wood, silt areas and shallow water zones, preservation of secondary habitats such as abandoned mining sites as well as conservation with the aforementioned habitats or at least poorly disturbed breeding or moulting sites during the breeding and rearing season (March 15 to August 31) and the moult (July 1 to September 30).

Pochard ( Aythya ferina )

Preservation of the shallow water lakes with rich bank vegetation and large open water areas as well as the weakly flowing ditches and the brook with rich bank vegetation, the silting areas with reeds, sedge or rush stands, the open shallow water zones, preservation of secondary habitats such as rain overflow basins with the aforementioned habitats and preservation of undisturbed or at least low-disturbance Breeding and moulting sites during the breeding and rearing season (April 15 to October 15) and the moult (July 1 to September 15).

Water rail ( Rallus aquaticus )

Preservation of standing water with shallow water zones, flowing water sections and water ditches with covered bank vegetation, reeds and moors with at least small open water areas, covered silted areas with shallowly flooded reed beds, large sedge beds and bank bushes, habitats without sources of danger such as overhead lines, preservation of secondary habitats such as abandoned quarries with the aforementioned habitats as well as maintenance of undisturbed or at least low-disturbance breeding sites during the breeding season (March 15 to September 15).

Reversible neck ( Jynx torquilla )

Preservation of loosened deciduous, mixed and pine forests in dry locations as well as alluvial forests with clearings or on the edge of open land, preservation of extensively managed orchards, grasslands, heather and stone bar hedge areas, of lean hay meadows or cattle pastures as well as wooded fields, preservation of temporary differentiated uses in grassland, of old trees and old wood islands, of trees with caves, preservation of edge strips, rainen, embankments and fringed stepped forest edges as well as preservation of the food supply, especially with meadow ants.

Little Grebe ( Tachybaptus ruficollis )

Preservation of at least partially covered still waters, wet meadow ditches, slow-flowing brooks and meadow ditches, siltation zones with reed beds such as reeds, bulrushes, swaths of water or reed grass, maintenance of a water quality that guarantees good visibility for prey, preservation of secondary habitats such as abandoned peat cuttings Habitat and maintenance of undisturbed or at least undisturbed breeding sites during the breeding season (February 15 to September 15).

Contiguous protected areas

With the bird sanctuary "Rhine valley Karlsruhe-Rhine home" are the nature reserves " Altrhein Little Lake " (reserve number 2081), " Old Rhine-Königsee " (2016) and " Rußheimer Altrhein-Elisabethenwört " (2058) and the conservation area " Rheinaue north of Karlsruhe " ( 2.15.012) designated as contiguous protected areas.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ordinance of the Ministry of Food and Rural Areas establishing European Bird Protection Areas (VSG-VO) of February 5, 2010 (PDF; 38 kB)
  2. Reserve Characteristics at rips-dienste.lubw.baden-wuerttemberg.de; accessed on February 26, 2019.
  3. Profile of the SPA area in the protected area directory of the LUBW , with "Bird Protection Area Ordinance Annex 1"