Richard Goetz

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Richard Götz (also Richard Goetz , born March 21, 1874 , † December 10, 1954 in New York ) was a German art collector and painter who was a well-known figure on the Parisian art scene at the beginning of the 20th century.


Götz, who came from Ulm, studied in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Munich before moving to Paris around 1900. There he belonged to a circle of painters, writers and intellectuals from the Montparnasse district and the Café du Dôme , including Walter Bondy , Wilhelm Uhde , Friedrich Ahlers-Hestermann , Hans Hofmann , Franz Nölken , Walter Alfred Rosam , Julius Meier-Graefe and Rudolf Levy , Hans Purrmann and Albert Weisgerber , he was also friends with Pablo Picasso , Georges Braque , André Derain , Lyonel Feininger , Paul Cassirer and Heinrich Thannhauser .

Franz Mehring mentions Götz, who had lived in a studio apartment on the top floor of the Café du Dome for many years , in his memories. The New Yorker described Götz in 1955 as "the perspicacious art patron [...] in his Paris apartment over the Cafe du Dome, where he became one of the early legendary figures of Montparnasse."

George Seurat: Lighthouse at Honfleur (1886). Goetz owned the painting from 1913 to 1922.

Götz, who gave up painting in the 1920s, was mainly known in Paris as an art collector and dealer; His collection included works by Théodore Géricault ( Alfred Dedreux as a child , 1818/20), Eugène Delacroix , Gustave Courbet , Jean-François Millet , Pierre-Auguste Renoir , Georges Seurat ( Can-Can (Le Chahut) , 1889/90 ), Camille Pissarro and André Derain .

He made loans from his collection available to Alfred Flechtheim for exhibitions in Germany . Richard Goetz was a co-owner of Georges Seurat's famous painting Le Cirque . When the German Wehrmacht marched in , Goetz fled Paris and emigrated to the United States.

Works (selection)

  • Seine bridge in Paris
  • Landscape (copy after Pissarro)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paris encounters 1904–1914. Exhibition catalog of the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum 1965
  2. ^ Christian Geelhaar: Picasso: Trailblazer and promoter of his rise, 1899-1939. Palladion, 1993.
  3. ^ Antje Schneider, Rebecca Duckwitz, Gerhard Marcks-Haus: Hans Purrmann: In the light of color: Still life, nudes, interiors. Braus, 1995.
  4. ^ Franz Mehring: Disreputable Painting - Berlin Dada. Memories of a contemporary. Claassen, Düsseldorf 1983.
  5. ^ The New Yorker , Volume 30, Part 5, 1955.
  6. ^ The Metropolitan Museum of Art . Masterpieces of European Painting, 1800–1920. New York,
  7. National Gallery of Art .
  8. ^ Wilhelm Uhde: From Bismarck to Picasso. Memories and confessions.
  9. ^ Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf, Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Münster: Alfred Flechtheim, collector, art dealer, publisher: exhibition, Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf : 1937. Europe before World War II . Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf, 1987.
  10. ^ John Hoyland, Tate Gallery : Hans Hofmann, late paintings. Tate Gallery, 1988.
  11. 1920–1970: Fifty Years of the Nierendorf Gallery . Review, documentation, anniversary exhibition . Nierendorf Gallery, 1970.