Roland Marwitz

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Roland Hermann Julius Marwitz (born February 10, 1896 in Stettin ; † October 7, 1961 in Munich ) was a German writer , actor and dramaturge .


Marwitz first attended private schools and then a secondary school and, after graduating from 1915 to 1916, completed an artistic training at the Marie Seebach School of the Royal Theater in Berlin . After his first engagement at the Nuremberg City Theater in 1917, he was drafted into military service in the First World War.

After the end of the war, Marwitz worked as an actor at various theaters in Berlin from 1919 to 1921 , before he worked as a dramaturge and director at the Stadttheater Bonn until 1930 . His pan-European play Ewig Europa premiered there in 1929 . During his work as a dramaturge and director at the municipal theaters in Magdeburg from 1933 to 1934, he also worked for the Berlin-based Vossische Zeitung . One day before the Reichstag elections in March 1933 , his drama Danish Ballade premiered in Stuttgart , but was canceled just three days later and later referred to as "undesirable" by Reich dramaturge Rainer Schlösser . After losing his position as a dramaturge at the Magdeburg Municipal Theaters, he worked as a freelance writer from 1934.

Marwitz, who also worked under the pseudonym Hans Malow, wrote the play Tanz im Termidor in the 1940s, which alluded to the German occupation of Paris in World War II and which was not allowed to be premiered in Germany, but had its premiere in Prague . After the end of the Second World War , he was chief dramaturge at the Passauer Kammerspiele between 1946 and 1947 . He has also published the 1946 book of poems echo , the 1947 first the eight picture engined play Napoleon has to Nuremberg was followed by that of the young stage Hamburg hans zesch-ballot as Napoleon Bonaparte was premiered.

In 1948 he wrote the novel My life is yours . With Romance around Maya (1950) and his most famous work The Mole and the Swallow (1961), two more novels were published. However, his main job was since 1954 for the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation . The last posthumous publication was Die Wandlung in 1963 .

Other works

  • 1932: Danish ballad, drama
  • 1934: Florian gets the castle, comedy
  • 1939: All women are yours, Roman
  • 1942: Flowers from the previous evening, novel

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