Red drummer

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Red drummer
Sciaenops ocellatus

Sciaenops ocellatus

Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
incertae sedis
Family : Umberfish (Sciaenidae)
Genre : Sciaenops
Type : Red drummer
Scientific name of the  genus
Gill , 1863
Scientific name of the  species
Sciaenops ocellatus
( Linnaeus , 1766)
Sport fisherman with a red drummer, 1.37 m long and almost 30 kg in weight.

The red drum (English: Red Drum, Spanish : corvina roja), Sciaenops ocellatus L., on the North American east coast is similar in shape to the southern European common umber ( Umbrina cirrosa ), but is even more closely related to the sea ​​raven ( Sciaena umbra ) . The red drummer is the only species in the genus Sciaenops .


The name Roter Drummler refers to the beautiful brown-red color of this Sciaeniden , which can very often be faded to a brownish silver. Most of the time, the black eye spot (often even lighter-edged) is clearly visible dorsally on the side of the base of the tail, sometimes further spots further forward. The back can be banded indistinctly lighter, especially in younger animals. The fins are mostly brown ( fin formula : D1 X, D2 I / 28–31). The fish can live to be over 1.5 m long, weigh 45 kg and easily 50 years old. He is relatively large scales and without barbels . He has a clear pinched gullet bite with hemispherical teeth. The teeth on the edge of the mouth, however, are weak.


It lives in shallower coastal areas, even in the surf zone (e.g. on groynes), over fine sands and seagrass meadows and feeds on benthic (crabs) and nectic (shrimps and the like) crustaceans , molluscs , worms (he likes to dig) and fish ( e.g. Brevoortia ). Its distribution area extends from Massachusetts south to Florida , it is common in the eastern Gulf ; less often, however, also on the coasts of Texas , on the Atlantic coast of Mexico and the Antilles to the northern coasts of Brazil .

He was also settled in distant areas, e.g. B. Israel , Réunion and Singapore , on the Pacific coast of Central America, even in the Black Sea - because it is a popular, appealing and tasty “sport fish” (for surf anglers). Of course, these fish are artificially reproduced in many places (e.g. in Martinique ) and released - with all the dubious “side effects” of this procedure. However, it is of less importance for commercial (net or bottom line) fishing.

As with so many umberfishes, there is a tendency for juvenile fish to accumulate in brackish water bays , but also older fish sometimes swim quite far up in rivers in winter. Spawning takes place (in Florida, for example) from August to November with loud drumming (the ♂) from the age of 3 with a length of approx. 50–60 cm - d. H. this fish is fast growing. The larvae hatch after about 24 hours.


  • CR Robins and GC Ray: A field guide to Atlantic coast fishes of North America. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston 1986

Web links

Commons : Red Drummer ( Sciaenops ocellatus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files