Rowohlt's German encyclopedia

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Rowohlt's German Encyclopedia (abbreviation rde , usually in lower case by the publisher: rowohlts deutsche enzyklopädie ) or with the full title Rowohlt's German Encyclopedia: the knowledge of the 20th century in paperback with encyclopedic keyword is a thematically structured monographic series of publications that has been published since 1955 published in Hamburg and Reinbek near Hamburg by Rowohlt ( rororo ). It was edited by Ernesto Grassi . After this series of non-fiction books was founded, the famous monographs (rm) followed in 1958 . The first volumes of this series of paperbacks appeared before the Fischer encyclopedias .

The various subject areas in the series include art history , sociology , political and social sciences , psychology , ancient history , physics , ethnology , biology , religious studies , architecture , contemporary history , history , philosophy , cultural history , archeology , Indology , technology , theology , natural science (en ), Theater studies , economics , intellectual history , education , mythology , medicine , zoology , literary studies , history of literature , politics , anthropology , history of religion .

In the following overview, titles are usually cited with the encyclopaedic keyword specified; it does not claim to be up-to-date or complete:


The first editions are usually given. Many of the volumes in the series saw additional editions. The subject areas were usually also indicated.

  • 1 Sedlmayr, Hans : The revolution of modern art. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1955 (subject art history)
  • 2. Schelsky, Helmut : Sociology of Sexuality: About the relationships between gender, morality and society. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965 Subject Sociology:
  • 3 Schmölders, Günter : Subject Political and Social Sciences: Business cycles and crises. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1955
  • 4 Kemper, Werner : Subject area psychology: The dream and its meaning. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1955
  • 5 Altheim, Franz : Subject area Ancient history: Empire around midnight: Asia's way to Europe. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 6 Oppenheimer, Julius Robert Subject Physics: Science and General Thought. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1955
  • 7 Benedict, Ruth : Urformen der Kultur. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1955
  • 8 Heisenberg, Werner : Subject area physics: The image of nature in today's physics. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 9 Gorer, Geoffrey : Subject area ethnology: The Americans: a study of the psychology of nations. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 10 Ortega y Gasset, José : Subject Sociology: The uprising of the masses. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 11 Kubie, Lawrence S. Subject Psychology: Psychoanalysis without a secret. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 12 Einstein, Albert ; Infeld, Leopold : The evolution of physics: from Newton to quantum theory. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 13 Uexkull, Jacob von ; Kriszat, Georg: Subject Biology: Forays through the environments of animals and people: a picture book of invisible worlds. Theory of meaning / [Jakob von Uexküll]. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 14 Marcuse, Ludwig : Subject Psychology: Sigmund Freud: his image of people. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 15 Otto, Walter F .: Subject area religious studies: Theophania: the spirit of the ancient Greek religion. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 16 Baudin, Louis : Subject Ethnology: The Socialist State of the Inca. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 17 Eysenck, Hans Jürgen : Subject area Psychology: Paths and aberrations of psychology. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 18 Giedion, Sigfried : Subject Architecture: Architecture and Community: Diary of a Development. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 19 Hess, Walter (Ed.): Subject area art history: documents for understanding modern painting. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1971
  • 20 Portmann, Adolf : Subject area Biology: Zoology and the new image of man: biological fragments of a doctrine of man. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1960
  • 22 Thienemann, August : Subject Biology: Life and Environment: From the General Budget of Nature. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 23 Boveri, Margret : Subject area contemporary history: The betrayal in the 20th century. 1, For and against the nation: the visible happenings. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 24 Boveri, Margret: Subject area contemporary history: The betrayal in the 20th century. 2, For and against the nation: the invisible happenings. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 25 / 26a Friedrich, Hugo: The structure of modern poetry: from the middle of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth century. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1967
  • 25 Friedrich, Hugo: The structure of modern poetry: from Baudelaire to the present. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 26 Bidez, Joseph : Subject history: Emperor Julian: the fall of the pagan world. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 27 Guardini, Romano : Subject Philosophy: The Death of Socrates: an interpretation of the Platonic writings Euthyphron, Apologie, Crito and Phaedo. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1962
  • 28 Schrödinger, Erwin: Nature and the Greeks: Cosmos and Physics. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 29 Baade, Fritz: Subject Economics: World Food Economy. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 30 Brown, James Alexander Campbell: Subject Psychology: Psychology of Industrial Performance, Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 31 Eliade, Mircea: Subject area religious studies: the sacred and the profane: on the essence of the religious. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 32 Nicol, Hugh: Subject Biology: Humans and Microbes. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956
  • 33 Pevsner, Nikolaus : Subject area of ​​art history: Pioneers of modern design: from Morris to Gropius. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 34 Furtwängler, Franz Josef. Subject Social Science: The Trade Unions: Their History and International Impact. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 35 Altheim, Franz: The undefeated God: Paganism and Christianity. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 36 Grassi, Ernesto: Subject Philosophy: Art and Myth. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 37 March, Arthur: Subject area physics: The new thinking of modern physics. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 38 Hofstätter, Peter Robert: Group dynamics: Critique of the mass psychology. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1968
  • 39 Malraux, André: Psychology of Art. [1], The Imaginary Museum. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958 (subject area art history)
  • 40 Benz, Ernst : Spirit and Life of the Eastern Church. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957 (subject area history of religion)
  • 41 Bagge, Erich R .; Diebner, Kurt; Jay, Kenneth: Physics: From Uranium Fission to Calder Hall. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 42 Ortega y Gasset, José: Subject Cultural History: About the Hunt. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 43 Abbagnano, Nicola; Grassi, Ernesto: Subject Philosophy: Philosophy of Human Conflict: An Introduction to Existentialism. With a contribution "What is existentialism" / by Ernesto Grass. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 44 Marquardt, Hans: Subject area Biology: Natural and artificial genetic changes: Problems of mutation research. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 45 Hauser, Arnold: Subject area art history: social history of medieval art. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 47 Achinger, Hans: subject area social sciences: social policy as social policy: from the worker question to the welfare state. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 48 Jantzen, Hans: Subject area of ​​art history: Gothic art: classical cathedrals of France: Chartres, Reims, Amiens. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 49 Ducrocq, Albert: Subject area physics: atomic science and prehistory. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 50/51 Hocke, Gustav René  ; Grassi, Ernesto (ed.). Subject Art History: The World as a Labyrinth: Manner and Mania in European Art; Contributions to the iconography and formal history of European art from 1520 to 1650 and the present Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 52 Oppenheimer, Julius Robert: Subject area physics: atomic power and human freedom. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 53 Gehlen, Arnold: The soul in the technical age: social-psychological problems in industrial society. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1963
  • 54 Vacano, Otto W. von: Subject area archeology: The Etruscans in the ancient world. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 55 Thilenius, Richard: The division of Germany: a historical analysis. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1963
  • 56 Wolff, Otto: Subject Indology: India's contribution to the new image of man: Ramakrishna, Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 58 Margret Boveri: Subject Contemporary History: Treason in the 20th Century. 3, Between ideologies: Center Europe. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957
  • 59 Sänger, Eugen: Subject area technology: space travel - technical overcoming of war: current aspects of supersonic aviation and space travel. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 60 Malraux, André :: Subject area art history: Psychology of art. 2, The artistic design. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 61 Geōrgiadēs, Thrasybulos G .: Music and rhythm among the Greeks: to the origin of occidental music. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 62 Brunner, Emil: Subject area theology: God and his rebel: a theological anthropology. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 63 Kracauer, Siegfried : Section Cultural History: From Caligari to Hitler: a contribution to the history of German film. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 64 Ferdinandy, Michael de : Subject history: Tschingis Khan: the break-in of the steppe people. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 65 Sartre, Jean-Paul: What is literature? : an essay. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 66 Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro : Section Cultural History: Zen and the Culture of Japan. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 67 Wetter, Gustav A .: Subject Area Natural Science: Philosophy and Natural Science in the Soviet Union. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 68 Stanislavskij, Konstantin S .: Subject theater studies: theater, direction and actors. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 69/70 Mead, Margaret: Subject area ethnology: man and woman: the relationship of the sexes in a changing world. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 71 Sedlmayr, Hans: Subject area art history: Art and truth: On the theory and method of art history. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 72/73 Riesman, David; Denney, reel; Glazer, Nathan: Subject Sociology: The Lonely Mass: An Investigation of Changes in American Character. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 74 Buytendijk, Frederik JJ : Subject Psychology: Humans and Animals: A Contribution to Comparative Psychology. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 75 Baade, Fritz : Department of Economics: World Energy Economy: Atomic Energy - Immediate Program or Future Planning? Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 76/77 Grassi, Ernesto: The second clearing up: Encyclopedia today. Lexical index for volume 1 - 75, Rowohlt's German encyclopedia. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 78 Huizinga, Johan : Subject Cultural History: European Humanism: Erasmus. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 79 König, René: Subject Sociology: Basic Forms of Society: The Community. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1958
  • 80 Salin, Edgar: Subject area of ​​intellectual history: From the German fate: Conversation at the turn of the time: Burckhardt - Nietzsche. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 81 Eucken, Walter: Subject area economics: principles of economic policy. Reinbek (near Hamburg): Rowohlt, 1962
  • 82/83 Hocke, Gustav René: Mannerism in literature: language-alchemy and esoteric combination art; Contributions to comparative European literary history. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 84 Čyževsʹkyj, Dmytro I .: Subject area cultural history: Russian intellectual history. 1, Holy Russia: 10th - 17th centuries. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 85 Wandruszka, Mario : The spirit of the French language. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 86 Marcuse, Ludwig. Subject Philosophy: American philosophizing: pragmatists, polytheists, tragedians. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 87 Kayser, Wolfgang. The Truth of the Poets: Changes in a Concept in German Literature. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 88 Barth, Hans. Subject Politics and Economics: Mass and Myth: the ideological crisis at the turn of the 20th century and the theory of violence: Georges Sorel. Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verl., 1959
  • 89 Jantzen, Hans: Ottonian art. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 90 Camus, Albert; Judge, Lieselotte. Subject Philosophy: The Myth of Sisyphus: An Attempt on the Absurd. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 91 Marquardt, Hans; Schubert, Gerhard. Subject area Biology: The radiation hazard to humans from atomic energy: Problems of radiation biology in the technical age. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 92 Alewyn, Richard ; Salzle, Karl. Subject theater studies: The great world theater: the epoch of court festivals in document and interpretation. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 94 Muchow, Hans Heinrich. Subject Pedagogy: Sexual maturity and social structure of youth. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 95 Kerényi, Karl: Subject area mythology: Prometheus: the human existence in Greek interpretation. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 96 Mead, Margaret: Subject Ethnology: Gender and Temperament in Primitive Societies. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 97 Remane, Adolf : Subject area zoology: The social life of animals. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1960
  • 98 Schefold, Karl: Subject area art history: Greek art as a religious phenomenon. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959
  • 100 Schmölders, Günter: Subject State and Economics: The Irrational in Public Finance: Problems of Financial Psychology. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1960
  • 101 Childe, Vere Gordon  ; Grassi, Ernesto; Federmann, Hertha. Subject Prehistory: Prehistory of European culture. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1960
  • 102 Wilhelm, Hellmut. Subject Sociology: Society and State in China: On the History of a World Empire. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1960
  • 103/104 Kellerer, Hans: Statistics in modern economic and social life. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 105/106 Margret Boveri: The betrayal in the 20th century. 4, Treason as an Epidemic: America. Conclusion. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964
  • 107 Kayser, Wolfgang : Subject area literary studies: The grotesque in painting and poetry [Reinbek near Hamburg]: Rowohlt, 1960
  • 108 Behrman, Samuel N .: Subject area of ​​art history: Duveen and the millionaires: on the sociology of the art trade in America. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1960
  • 109 Zeltner-Neukomm, Gerda: The risk of the French contemporary novel: the new world experience in literature. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1960
  • 110 Arber, Agnes R. Subject area Biology: seeing and thinking in biological research. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1960
  • 111/112 Wheeler, Robert Eric Mortimer : Modern archeology: methods and technology of excavation. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1960
  • 113/114 Graves, Robert : Subject area Mythology: Greek mythology. 1 Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1960
  • 115/116 Graves, Robert: Subject area Mythology: Greek mythology. 2 Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965
  • 117/118 Bezzola, Reto R. Subject area of ​​literary history: love and adventure in courtly novels: Chrétien de Troyes. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 119/120 Ducrocq, Albert: Victory over space: Earth satellites and lunar conquest. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 121 Cohen, Albert Kircidal. Subject Sociology: Criminal Youth: on the sociology of youth gangs. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 122 Čyževsʹkyj, Dmytro : Cultural history subject: Russian intellectual history. 2, Russia between East and West: 18th - 20th centuries. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 123 Mantel, Wilhelm: Subject economics: Forests and forests: interrelationships between nature and economy. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 124 Schachtschabel, Hans Georg: Subject area economics: Automation in economy and society. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 125/126 Davidson, Basil: Subject History: Primeval Times and the History of Africa. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 127 Bahrdt, Hans Paul: The modern city: sociological considerations for urban planning. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 128 Kardelj, Edvard: Politics: Avoidability or inevitability of war: the Yugoslav and Chinese thesis. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 129/130 Watts, Alan: Subject Philosophy: Zen Buddhism: Tradition and Living Present. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 131/132 Bally, Gustav; Freud, Sigmund. Subject Psychology: Introduction to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis: with Freud's original texts. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 134 Kaschnitz von Weinberg, Guido. Roman art. 1, The creative in Roman art. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 135 Hölzle, Erwin: Subject area history: History of the two-part world: America and Russia: Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 136 Eliot, TS: Subject Sociology: On the Concept of Culture. [Reinbek near Hamburg]: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 137 Kaschnitz von Weinberg, Guido: Roman art. 2, Between the Republic and the Imperial Era. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 138 Gehlen, Arnold: Subject area anthropology: Anthropological research. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 139/140 Malinowski, Bronislaw; Seinfeld, Hugo [translator]: Subject area anthropology: sex drive and repression in primitives. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1962
  • 141 Le Corbusier: To the students. The Charte d'Athenes / Le Corbusier. With a foreword by Jean Giraudoux. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1962
  • 142 Hoffmann, Ernst. Subject Philosophy: Plato: an introduction to his philosophizing. [Reinbek near Hamburg]: Rowohlt, 1961
  • 143 Lauterbach, Albert. Department of Economics: Psychology of Economic Life. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1962
  • 144 Klein, Helmut; Grassi, Ernesto (ed.); Reischock, Wolfgang. Subject pedagogy: Polytechnical education and upbringing in the GDR: development, experiences, problems. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1962
  • 147/148 Muchow, Hans Heinrich: Youth and Zeitgeist: Morphology of the cultural puberty. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1962
  • 149 Argan, Giulio Carlo: Gropius and the Bauhaus. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1962
  • 150 Kaschnitz von Weinberg, Guido: Roman art. 3, The Basics of Republican Architecture. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1962
  • 153/154 Klug, Oskar: Subject Political and Economic Sciences: Catholicism and Protestantism on the question of property: a socio-political analysis. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 155/156 Hicks, John; Maneval, Helmut: Subject Economics: Introduction to Economics. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1962
  • 157/158 Bultmann, Rudolf: Subject area history of religion: The early Christianity in the context of ancient religions. [Reinbek b. Hamburg]: Rowohlt, 1962
  • 159 Salisbury, Harrison Evans: Subject Sociology: The Broken Generation. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1962
  • 160 Wachsmann, Konrad: Subject area architecture: turning point in building. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1962
  • 161 Predöhl, Andreas: Subject area of ​​economics: The end of the global economic crisis: an introduction to the problems of the global economy Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1970
  • 162 Altheim, Franz: Subject area history of late antiquity: Development aid in antiquity: the great empires and their neighbors. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1962
  • 163/164 Schmölders, Günter: Subject State and Economics: History of Economics: Overview u. Reading samples. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965
  • 165 Kaschnitz von Weinberg, Guido: Roman art. 4, Architecture in the Empire. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1963
  • 166: Mayntz, Renate: Subject area Sociology: Sociology of Organization. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1963
  • 167/168: Brenner, Hildegard: The art politics of National Socialism. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1963
  • 169 Hölzle, Erwin: Subject History: The Revolution of the Two-Part World: A History of Powers 1905 - 1929. Reinbek: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verl., 1963
  • 170 Otto, Walter F .: Special Volume: The Reality of the Gods: On the Indestructibility of the Greek Worldview. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1963
  • 171/172 Schelsky, Helmut : Subject Sociology: Loneliness and Freedom: Idea and Shape of the German University and its Reforms. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1963
  • 173 Lauterbach, Albert: Sociology: Capitalism and Socialism in a New View. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1963
  • 174 Whorf, Benjamin Lee ; Krausser, Peter (Ed.): Subject linguistics: Language, thinking, reality: Contributions to metalinguistics and philosophy of language. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1963
  • 175/176 Ducrocq, Albert: Man in space: the 2nd stage of development of spacecraft. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1963
  • 177/178 Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth: rororo-Wissen: Surveys in the mass society: Introduction to the methods of demoscopy. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1971
  • 179/180 Uexküll, Thure from: Subject medicine: Basic questions of psychosomatic medicine. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964
  • 181 Miller, Henry: Subject area literature: The art of reading: a life with books Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1963
  • 182 Claus, Jürgen: Subject Art History: Theories of contemporary painting in self-testimonies. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1969
  • 183/184 Vorländer, Karl; Vorländer, Karl; Metzke, Erwin: History of Philosophy. 1, Philosophy of Antiquity / arr. by Erwin Metzke ... - 1963. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1963
  • 185/186 German language history. 1, Old High German. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 187/188 Dönhoff, Marion: Subject Politics: The Federal Republic in the Adenauer era: Criticism and Perspectives. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1963
  • 189/190 Farner, Konrad (Hrsg.): Subject Politics: The Way of Socialism: Sources u. Documents from the Erfurt program in 1891 to the declaration of Havana in 1962. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964
  • 191/192 Eggers, Hans: German language history. 2, Middle High German. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965
  • 193/194 Vorländer, Karl; Metzke, Erwin: History of Philosophy. 2, Philosophy of the Middle Ages / arr. by Erwin Metzke. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1969
  • 196 Sartre, Jean-Paul; Schmitt, Herbert [translator]: Subject Philosophy: Marxism and Existentialism: An attempt at a method. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965
  • 199 Lemberg, Eugene. Subject Sociology: Nationalism. 2, Sociology and Political Education. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964
  • 200 Schefold, Karl: Roman art as a religious phenomenon. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964
  • 201 Jommi, Goffredo; Taube, Otto von [translator]. Subject literary studies: Reality of unreal poetry: Don Quixote and Dante. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1964
  • 202 Wendt, Ingeborg Y .: Politics: Japan goes to the left. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964
  • 203/204 Raupach, Hans: Subject Economics: Soviet Economy. 1, History of the Soviet Economy / Hans Raupach. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964
  • Grassi, Ernesto: 205/206: History and documents of occidental pedagogy. 1, Middle Ages / Eugenio Garin. Source selection for the German edition: Ernesto Grassi. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964
  • 207 Greiner, Martin; Poser, Therese (Hrsg.): Subject area literary science: The emergence of modern entertainment literature: Studies on the trivial novel of the 18th century. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964
  • 208 Loewenstein, Karl: Subject area history: British parliamentarism: emergence and shape. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964
  • 209/210 Banham, Reyner: Subject Architecture: The Revolution of Architecture: Theory and Design in the First Machine Age. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964
  • 211/212 Gerbore, Pietro: Subject history: forms and styles of diplomacy. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964
  • 213 Galbraith, John Kenneth. Subject Economics: Taboos in US economics and politics. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuchverl., 1964
  • 214 Strotzka, Hans: Subject area Psychology: Introduction to social psychiatry. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965
  • 215/216 Grønbech, Vilhelm Peter : Subject area cultural history: Greek intellectual history. 1, Hellas: Greek Intellectual History; the nobility / Vilhelm Grønbech. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965
  • 217/218 Rudy, Zvi: Subject Sociology: Sociology of the Jewish People. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965
  • 220 Hoffer, Eric; Maucy, Christoph D. [translator]. Subject Sociology: The fanatic: a pathology of the partisan. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965
  • 221/222 Haller, Johannes : The papacy. 1, The Basics. Reinbek (near Hamburg): Rowohlt, 1965
  • 223/224 Haller, Johannes: The papacy. 2, The construction. Reinbek (near Hamburg): Rowohlt, 1965
  • 225/226 Haller, Johannes: The papacy. 3, The completion. Reinbek (near Hamburg): Rowohlt, 1965
  • 227/228 Haller, Johannes. The papacy. 4, The Coronation. Reinbek (near Hamburg): Rowohlt, 1965
  • 229/230 Haller, Johannes: The papacy. 5, the collapse. Reinbek (near Hamburg): Rowohlt, 1965
  • 231/233 Höllerer, Walter (Ed.). Subject literary studies: theory of modern poetry. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 234/236 Esslin, Martin; Falk, Marianne [translator]: Subject theater studies: The theater of the absurd: revised by the author, Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965
  • 237 Chabod, Federico: Subject area contemporary history: The emergence of the new Italy: from dictatorship to republic. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965
  • 238/239 Claus, Jürgen [Editor]: Subject area art history: Art today: people, analyzes, documents. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1967
  • 238/239 Claus, Jürgen: Art today: people, analyzes, documents. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965
  • 240/241 Nadeau, Maurice: History of Surrealism: Aragon, Artaud, Breton, Dali, Eluard, Ernst, Péret, Queneau, Reverdy, Soupault, Tzara. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965
  • 242/243 history of philosophy. 3, philosophy of the renaissance, beginning of the natural sciences / edit. by Hinrich Knittermeyer. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1970
  • 242/243 Vorländer, Karl; Vorländer, Karl; Knittermeyer, Hinrich: History of Philosophy. 3, philosophy of the renaissance, beginning of the natural sciences / edit. by Hinrich Knittermeyer. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1965
  • 244 Kubie, Lawrence S .: Subject area Psychology: Psychoanalysis and genius: the creative process. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 245 Taube, Mortimer: Subject area natural sciences: The myth of the thinking machine: critical considerations on cybernetics. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 248/249 Baumgarth, Christa: subject area art history, literary history: history of futurism: [Balla, Boccioni, Carrà, Marinetti, Palazzeschi, Prampolini, Russolo, Sant'Elia]. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 250/251 Garin, Eugenio; Keßler, Eckhard: History and documents of occidental pedagogy. 2, humanism; Source selection for the German edition: Eckhard Keßler. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 252/253 Conrady, Karl Otto; Rüdiger, Horst: Subject area literary studies: Introduction to modern German literary studies: with contributions from Horst Rüdiger u. Peter Szondi et al. Text example on the history of German philology. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 254/255 Braun-Feldweg, Wilhelm: Industrial design today: Environment from the factory. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 256/257 Kosiol, Erich: The company as an economic action center: Introduction to business administration. Reinbek: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verl., 1966
  • 258/259 Wright, Frank Lloyd: Subject architecture: A testament: to the new architecture. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 260 Eliade, Mircea : Subject area religious studies: cosmos and history: the myth of the eternal return. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 261/262 Vorländer, Karl; Vorländer, Karl; Knittermeyer, Hinrich: History of Philosophy. 4, Philosophy of the Modern Age / arr. by Hinrich Knittermeyer. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 263/265 Schmölders, Günter: Psychology of money. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 266/267 Davidson, Basil: Subject history: From slave trade to colonization: African-European relations between 1500 and 1900. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966
  • 268/269 Garin, Eugenio: History and documents of occidental pedagogy. 3, From the Reformation to John Locke / Eugenio Garin. Source selection for d. German edition: Eckhard Keßler. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1967
  • 270/71 Eggers, Hans: German language history. 3, The Early New High German. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1969
  • 272/273 Hillmann, Günther: Subject Politics: Self-criticism of Communism: Texts of the Opposition. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1967
  • 274/275 Grønbech, Vilhelm Peter: Subject cultural history: Gods and people: Greek intellectual history. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1967
  • 276 Lukács, Georg: Subject area literary studies: The burial of old Germany: essays on German literature of the 19th century. Reinbek (Hamburg): Rowohlt, 1970
  • 277/278 Copland, Aaron: From listening to music correctly: a composer to his audience. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1967
  • 279/280 Matthes, Joachim : Subject Sociology: Introduction to the Sociology of Religion. 1, religion and society. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1967
  • 281/282 Vorländer, Karl; Vorländer, Karl; Knittermeyer, Hinrich: History of Philosophy. 5, Philosophy of the Modern Age: The Enlightenment / Ed. by Karl Vorländer. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1967
  • 283/284 Carmichael, Joel: Subject History: The Russian Revolution: from popular uprising to Bolshevik victory; February - October 1917 Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1967
  • 288 Hoffer, Eric; Wagmuth, Wolfram [translator]: Subject Sociology: The fear of the new: Freedom as a challenge and a task. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1968
  • 289 Kellerer, Christian: Subject Psychology: Objet trouvé, Surrealism, Zen: on the psychology of modern art. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1972
  • 289 Kellerer, Christian: Subject area psychology: Objet trouvé and surrealism: on the psychology of modern art. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1969
  • 290/291 Krauss, Werner: Subject area literary studies: basic problems of literary studies: for the interpretation of literary works; with a text attachment. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1968
  • 292/293 Adorno, Theodor W .: Introduction to the sociology of music: twelve theoretical lectures. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1970
  • 294/295 Wiener, Norbert: Subject area natural sciences: Cybernetics: Regulation and transmission of messages in living beings and machines. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1968
  • 296/297 Raupach, Hans: System of the Soviet economy: theory and practice. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1968
  • 298/299 Apel, Hans: German parliamentarism: unreflected affirmation of democracy? Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1968
  • 300/301 Szyrocki, Marian. rororo knowledge: The German literature of the baroque: an introduction. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1968
  • 302/303 Jonas, Friedrich. History of sociology. 1, Enlightenment, Liberalism, Idealism: with source texts. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenb. Ed., 1968
  • 304/305: Jonas, Friedrich; Jonas, Friedrich: History of Sociology. 2, socialism, positivism, historicism. With source texts. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenb. Ed., 1970
  • 306/307 Jonas, Friedrich: History of Sociology. 3, French and Italian Sociology. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenb. Ed., 1969
  • 308/309 Jonas, Friedrich: History of Sociology. 4, German and American Sociology. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenb. Ed., 1972
  • 310/311 Schiwy, Günther; Saussure, Ferdinand de: Philosophy: French structuralism: fashion, method, ideology; with e. Appended with texts by Ferdinand de Saussure. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1970
  • 312/313 Matthes, Joachim: Subject Sociology: Introduction to the Sociology of Religion. 2, Church and Society / Joachim Matthes. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1969
  • 314/16 Lukács, Georg: Russian literature, Russian revolution: Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostojewskij, Fadejew, Makarenko, Scholochow, Solzhenitsyn. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1969
  • 317 Bloch, Ernst: Philosophy: Karl Marx and humanity: utopian fantasy and world change. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1970
  • 317 Bloch, Ernst; Grassi, Ernesto (ed.): Philosophy: Karl Marx and humanity: utopian fantasy and world change. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1969
  • 320 Bense, Max: Introduction to the information-theoretical aesthetics: foundation and application in text theory. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1969
  • 321 Kragh, Börje: Economic research in practice: Forecasts and their application in economic policy. Reinbek (near Hamburg): Rowohlt, 1969
  • 322/324 Borcherdt, Hans Heinrich : The European theater in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1969
  • 325 Trepp, Leo : Judaism: history and living present. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1979
  • 327/28 Lukács, Georg: Marxism and Stalinism: political essays. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1970
  • 329 Kiss, Gábor: Marxism as sociology: theory and empiricism in the social sciences of the GDR, USSR, Poland, the ČSSR, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania. Reinbek (near Hamburg): Rowohlt, 1971
  • 330/331 Andreae, Clemens-August: Subject economics: Economics of leisure time: on the economic theory of the modern world of work. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1970
  • 332 Schaff, Adam: Marxism and the human individual. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1970
  • 333 Adorno, Theodor W .: Nerve Points in New Music: Selected from sound figures. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1969
  • 334/335 Claus, Jürgen: Expansion of art: Contributions to the theory and practice of public art. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1970
  • 336 Read Capital. 1. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1972
  • 337 Read Capital. 2. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1972
  • 338 Schmidt, Ralf-Bodo; Berthel, Jürgen. Business investments: structures, decisions, calculations. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1970
  • 339/341 Opp, Karl-Dieter: Methodology of the social sciences: Introduction to problems of their theories. Reinbek (near Hamburg): Rowohlt, 1970
  • 342/343 Hillmann, Günther: Rororo Knowledge: The liberation of work: the development of cooperative self-organization and the dissolution of bureaucratic-hierarchical rule. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1970
  • 344/346 Pfeiffer, Rudolf; Arnold, Marlene [translator]: History of classical philology: from the beginnings to the end of Hellenism. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1970
  • 347 Bloch, Ernst: Atheism in Christianity: to the religion of the exodus and the empire. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1972
  • 359 Israel, Joachim: The term alienation: macrosociolog. Under from Marx to Sociology d. Present. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1977
  • 361 Gouldner, Alvin Ward: The Western Sociology in Crisis. 2. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1974
  • 362 Krysmanski, Hans Jürgen : Sociology of the conflict: materials and models. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1971
  • 363 Petrović, Gajo: Philosophy and Revolution: Models for an Interpretation of Marx; with source texts. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1971
  • 364 Erdmann, Johann Eduard: The German idealism. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1971
  • 365 Erdmann, Johann Eduard: History of Philosophy. 7, Philosophy of the Modern Era: German Idealism / Johann Eduard Erdmann. With e. Attachment source texts and Bibliogr. by Barbara Gerl. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1971
  • 366 Caesar, Beatrice: Authority in the family: a contribution to the problem of class-specific socialization. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1980
  • 368 Lüth, Paul: Critical medicine: to theory-practice problems of medicine and health systems. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1972
  • 372 Assunto, Rosario: Theory of literature among writers of the 20th century. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1975
  • 373 Grochla, Erwin: Operational planning and information systems: development and current aspects. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1975
  • 374 Mayer-Tasch, Peter Cornelius: The citizens' initiative movement: the active citizen as a legal and political science problem. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1977
  • 377 Rosenmayr, Leopold; Rosenmayr, Hilde: The old person in society. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1978
  • 378 Friedrichs, Jürgen; Brenner, Michael (ed.): Urban developments in capitalist and socialist countries. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1978
  • 379 Schmölders, Günter: Behavioral research in economic life. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1978
  • 382 O'Neill, John; Boer, Klaus [translator]: Revolution or Subversion? Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1978
  • 384 Israel, Joachim: The term dialectic: epistemology, language and dialectical social science. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1979
  • 385 Camus, Albert ; Lauble, Michael [translator]: rororo Knowledge: Christian metaphysics and Neoplatonism: diplome d'études superieures de philosophie; 1936, edited from the estate, Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1978
  • 388 Izutsu, Toshihiko : Philosophy of Zen Buddhism. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1983
  • 389 Sebeok, Thomas Albert: Theory and history of semiotics. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1979
  • 390 Kon, Igorʹ Semenovič: Friendship: History and social psychology of friendship as a social institution and individual relationship. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1979
  • 394 Zinn, Karl Georg: The self-destruction of the growth society: political action in the economic system.Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1980
  • 425 Eggers, Hans: German language history. 1, Old High German and Middle High German. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1986
  • 426 Eggers, Hans; Eggers, Hans: German language history. 2, Early New High German and New High German. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1986

Note: Continued as an uncounted sub-series of: Rororo, see web links. (DNB)


  • Grassi, Ernesto: The Second Enlightenment: Encyclopedia Today. With lexical index to volumes 1-75 and portrait photos of the authors of the rde with short biography. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1958 (Rowohlts Deutsche Enzyklopädie (rde) 76/77)
  • Sonja Asal: Between Humanism and Second Enlightenment. Ernesto Grassi's journalistic entrepreneurship , in: Sonja Asal, Annette Meyer (Eds.): Ernesto Grassi in Munich . Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2020

Web links