Rudi Weichmann

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Rudi Weichmann (born December 30, 1926 in Regensburg ; † June 21, 2013 there ) was a German metal sculptor and craftsman .


The house at Wiesmeierweg 7 in Regensburg, where Weichmann's studio was located in the basement .
The house Gesandersstrasse 11 in Regensburg, in which the "Kunsthof Weichmann" is located below.

Weichmann completed his training as a belt maker and then an apprenticeship as a gold and silversmith in Aachen with his father Franz Weichmann , among other things a metal sculptor and designer in the workshops at Haber & Brandner from 1920 to 1942 and founder of the "Kunstgewerbliche Werkstätten Franz Weichmann" . He then studied goldsmithing with Franz Rickert and sculpture with Anton Hiller at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich from 1951 to 1955 . In 1958 he married the photographer Helga Weichmann-Schaum , with whom he had two sons.

From 1965 until shortly before his death he was active as a freelance artist in the studio at Wiesmeierweg 7 and also produced works for his father's family business "Kunsthof Weichmann" at Gesandersstrasse 11 in Regensburg's old town, the manager of which is now Uschi Weichmann, wife of his son Rupert "Rupi" Weichmann, is.

Weichmann's works include sculptures made of copper, silver, bronze, brass and iron of various shapes, sizes and motifs. Copies are regularly from exhibitions of the art and trade association Regensburg and the BBK Niederbayern / Oberpfalz , where he was a member since 1948 and from 1965 to 1969 2nd chairman. 2009, in the TV documentary series between Spessart and Karwendel the Bavarian television reports about him.

Well-known art-in-building works are the “St. Odilie "at the former eye clinic Regensburg (" Klier-Klinik ") in Landshuter Strasse 9, the" Sauere Gockel "at the old people's and nursing home Bürgerheim Kumpfmühl in Kumpfmühler Str. 52 a and" Die Großer Scheiben "at the vocational training center (together with Klaus Caspers ). The "golden Bruckmandl", which was cast in large quantities, based on a form his father rediscovered by Rudi Weichmann, which represents the statue at the top of the stone bridge in miniature form, also gained local fame . The small brass sculpture was awarded by various institutions. A wreath made of metal for the war memorial in the Regensburg city park was stolen, only one sheet of which remained.

In memory of Franz and Rudi Weichmann, a permanent exhibition is to be set up in the "Kunsthof Weichmann" and a catalog raisonné is to be created. The " Dare to object - price for civil courage " designed by PW Gabriel Winkler by Pax Christi Regensburg ( diocese office Regensburg ) was cast in Weichmann's studio.



  • The Regensburg artist Rudi Weichmann. In: The Upper Palatinate. Ed. 83, pp. 250-252.
  • PW Gabriel Winkler: And said goodbye quietly in parting. In: in the picture. Issue 4/13, BBK Niederbayern / Oberpfalz, p. 6.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Obituaries , Mittelbayerische Zeitung , 6 Jul 2013.
  2. Rudi Weichmann ( Memento of the original from April 9, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , BBK Bavaria.
  3. Die Kunst des Gürtlers - with Rudi Weichmann in Regensburg (film from the series Between Spessart and Karwendel ), Bayerisches Fernsehen, 2009.
  4. Helmut Wanner: Meeting Point for Bruckmandl and Spatz , Mittelbayerische Zeitung, December 5, 2014.
  5. ^ Prize for civil courage , pax christi Regensburg.
  6. in Fig. 4/13 ( Memento of the original from April 9, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , BBK Niederbayern / Upper Palatinate