Sabine Leidig

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Sabine Leidig (2017)
Sabine Leidig (2014) at a demonstration against the 50th NATO Security Conference

Sabine Leidig (born August 7, 1961 in Heidelberg ) is a German politician , trade unionist and was managing director of Attac Germany from 2002 to 2009 . Since September 2009 she has been a member of the Bundestag for the Die Linke party .

Life and work

Sabine Leidig grew up in and around Heidelberg . After her professional training as a biology laboratory assistant from 1979, she worked for ten years at the Institute for Immunology and Genetics at the German Cancer Research Center . Since 1975 she has been a member of the ecumenical music theater youth group "Green Wave". From 1980 she was a youth representative and then a staff councilor at the German Cancer Research Center. Her union activities included youth, educational and cultural work. Leidig was a member of the DKP from 1982 to 1991 and thereafter independent until 2009. At times she was deputy district chairman of the DKP in Heidelberg and responsible for the Marxist Workers' Education (MAB).

In 1992, Sabine Leidig was elected full-time youth education officer in the DGB Baden-Württemberg for North Baden and in 1996 as DGB regional chairwoman for Central Baden . She was on the board of the city ​​and district youth council and at times as a women's representative on the board of the state youth council. In addition, she worked in the Working Group & Trade Union of the PDS , in the initiative “Trade Unionists Against War” and in the national and international networking of trade union leftists.

From January 1, 2003 until her election to the German Bundestag in September 2009, Leidig was the federal manager of the globalization-critical network Attac Germany in the federal office in Frankfurt am Main . Here, among other things, she was responsible for finances and personnel, worked in the coordination group, kept in touch with member organizations and other organizations within alliances and worked on the educational work and in particular the strategic organizational development of Attac. She was also significantly involved in the development and implementation of nationwide events such as Attac advice and summer academies, in various campaigns such as “ Lidl is not to be approved” or Bahn für Alle . Also at the protests at the G8 summit in Heiligendamm 2007 , and at congresses such as the European Attac Summer University in 2008 and the Capitalism Congress in 2009.

Member of the Bundestag

Sabine Leidig (middle) with Katja Kipping and Torsten Felstehausen at an election campaign event in Kassel (2017)

Before the federal election in 2009 she became a member of the party Die Linke , for which she ran for election on list number 1 in Hesse. For the 2013 Bundestag election and 2017 Bundestag election , she was re-elected to number 1 on her party's Hessian state list and entered the Bundestag via the state list. In addition, she ran as a direct candidate in the Bundestag constituency of Odenwald (2009), Bundestag constituency Hanau (2013) and Bundestag constituency Werra-Meißner - Hersfeld-Rotenburg (2017).

Sabine Leidig was transport policy spokeswoman for the left-wing parliamentary group from 2009 to 2017 . In the 17th legislature, she was a member of the study commission Growth, Prosperity, Quality of Life - Paths to Sustainable Business and Social Progress in the Social Market Economy until the final report was presented . She headed project group 5: The world of work, consumer behavior and lifestyles .

She is a member of the Bundestag's Committee on Transport and Digital Infrastructure, with a focus on rail, was a deputy member of the Committee on Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (2009–2013) and is currently a deputy member of the Committee on Food and Agriculture . She is also a member of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Sustainable Development and is on the board of the cross-faction parliamentary group on rail transport .

In 2017 she was elected commissioner for social movements of her group and to the group executive committee.

Other political activities

Together with others she has set up a homepage on ecological topics.

On June 24, 2012 Sabine Leidig was elected as spokeswoman for the board of the Solidarity Modern Institute .

During the protest against Stuttgart 21 , she appeared several times as a speaker. At the International Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in September 2014, she was involved in issues of growth criticism .

From 2016 to 2018 she was a member of the executive committee of the party Die Linke . In 2019 she was one of the founding members of the Federal Working Group on Climate Justice in and with the party Die Linke.


Web links

Commons : Sabine Leidig  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Profile page of Sabine Leidig at the parliamentary group Die Linke in the Bundestag (as of December 11, 2018)
  2. Brochure "Ready on your marks ... Practical guide to promoting women and girls in youth work committees", editors: Sabine Leidig, Sibylle Steegmüller, Thea Koss, Astrid Suerkemper ( Memento of the original from January 14, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Manfred Giebenhain / NRhZ-Online : Interview with Sabine Leidig (online flyer No. 216 from September 23, 2009)
  4. Everyone wants to see themselves represented: Left faction presents new personnel table
  5. Homepage
  6. New faces at the ISM