Institute for Modern Solidarity

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Institute Solidarity Modern eV
ISM logo
purpose Development of socio-political ideas and concepts of action in the sense of general and equal human rights and free democracy on the basis of a socially compulsory and ecologically sustainable economic system to stimulate and influence the formation of public opinion and political will
Chair: Five board spokesmen
Executive Director: Axel Troost
Establishment date: January 31, 2010
Seat : Berlin

The Solidarity Modern Institute (ISM) is a political think tank in the legal form of a registered association . Its aim is to lead a cross-party and cross-organizational debate of different left currents.


175 people were involved in the establishment on January 31, 2010, among them Hermann Scheer , Elmar Altvater , Andrea Ypsilanti , Sven Giegold , Katja Kipping , Wolfgang Nešković , Andreas Fischer-Lescano , Franz Alt , Pascal Hesse and other politicians and academics. A number of academics, trade unionists, representatives of the extra-parliamentary movement and non-governmental organizations as well as other public figures, such as the theologian Friedrich Schorlemmer, are also involved .


The institute's own claim is to be able to act independently of party politics. The focus is less on building future government coalitions than on the debate about economic, ecological and social questions and the creation of new answers to them. In the founding appeal, the initiators demand a political alternative to neoliberalism that must be committed to the basic values ​​of "free self-determination and cross-border solidarity". The aim is to develop a counter- hegemony to the neoliberal principles that prevail from the point of view of the institute. Katja Kipping spoke of a counterpart to the New Social Market Economy initiative . The aim is to unite divergent ideas of the left, specifically the strivings for justice that have grown out of industrial modernity and the ideals of postmodernism , which are more oriented towards freedom and self-determination, and develop new concepts from them. In this way, a tendency to split the left that existed in the past and thus the risk of incapacity for action and politics is to be overcome. The term "solidary modernity" is defined as follows:

"By the term solidary modernity, we understand the urgently needed reconciliation between the emancipatory approaches of industrial and postmodernism and their further development into a socio-ecological answer to the questions of the new age."

Maintaining a living democracy from which new concepts should be developed in a self-determined manner is seen as the basis. In contrast, turbo-capitalism and post-democracy are named as “the contours of real neoliberalism”.



Speakers of the board elected on April 23, 2018 are:

Members are:

Board of Trustees

Speakers of the Board of Trustees are:

Members are:

Cultural Advisory Board

The members of the cultural advisory board decided in 2013 are Fritz R. Glunk , Dieter Kramer, Klaus-Dieter Stork and Martin Wimmer.


Some politicians from the SPD , Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen and Die Linke welcomed the establishment of the institute. Alexander Bonde of the Greens told the FAZ that the strengthening of camp thinking was a mistake and that the association called the "Ypsilanti Institute for Applied Cuba Sciences".

The ISM met with sharp criticism from Hermann Gröhe (CDU) and Christian Lindner (FDP); Gröhe assessed the establishment as “nothing more than an experimental laboratory for red-red experiments”.

Albrecht Müller welcomed the founding, but criticized the academic language of the founding call and criticized some of the authors' theses. He emphasized the importance of a broad base for the success of the project.


The institute publishes political texts by institute members in the ISM series of food for thought and is a partner of the Energy in Citizens' Hand Campaign .

Publications (ed.)

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b The founding members of the ISM
  2. Ypsilanti reports back with the left “think tank”. Handelsblatt, February 1, 2010. / “Institute Solidarity Modernity”: Ypsilanti creates red-red-green think tank. FAZnet from January 30, 2010. / taz: Red-red-green think tanks : Norway as a model. from January 30, 2010. / Süddeutsche Zeitung: Left think tank: Programmatic fertilizers. ( Memento of the original from February 2, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. dated January 30, 2010. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Uwe Kalbe: More than consensus on latte macchiato. The goal is an institute that organizes intellectual resistance against neoliberalism (interview with Katja Kipping ). Neues Deutschland , February 1, 2010, accessed January 24, 2018 .
  4. ^ Founding appeal of the Solidarity Modern Institute., January 31, 2010, accessed on January 24, 2018 .
  5. Board of Directors
  6. ^ Board of Trustees
  7. ^ Forum Ecological-Social Market Economy , Movum , Die Linke Baden-Württemberg
  8. Head of Politics and Planning at the ver.di union, member of the Broadcasting Council of Deutsche Welle (2014–2017)
  9. Cultural Advisory Board
  10. Left “think tank” is supposed to mobilize voters  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Berliner Zeitung, February 1, 2010.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  11. Mechthild Küpper: “Ypsilanti Institute for Applied Cuba Sciences” FAZ, February 1, 2010.
  12. Union and FDP rant-red-green red against a "think tank" for. ( Memento of the original from September 28, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ( ddp ) February 1, 2010. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  13. ↑ Back to top February 5, 2010
  14. ^ ISM: Food for thought
  15. Campaign start: Energy in the hands of the citizen