Samuel Landauer

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Tomb created by Fritz Landauer for Samuel Landauer

Samuel Landauer (born February 22, 1846 in Hürben , Bavaria , † February 18, 1937 in Augsburg ) was a German orientalist and librarian of the Jewish faith .

Landauer attended the yeshiva in Eisenstadt , Hungary , for three years , and then from 1863 to the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium in Mainz , where he passed the school-leaving exam in 1867. He then studied history, philosophy, classical philology and especially oriental languages at the University of Munich . There he received his doctorate in 1872 with an Arabic dissertation on the psychology of Ibn Sinâ . He presumably continued his studies at the universities of Leipzig , Leiden and Strasbourg (here with Theodor Nöldeke ). In 1875 he completed his habilitation in oriental languages at the University of Strasbourg and was appointed private lecturer, from 1875 he worked at the university library of Strasbourg, in 1884 he was appointed librarian there, and in 1894 he was appointed honorary professor of oriental languages. At the end of 1918 he was expelled and moved to Augsburg. There he prepared an edition of the Targum (the Aramaic translation) of the later prophets on behalf of the Academy for the Science of Judaism , which appeared in 1931. His grave is in the Jewish cemetery in Augsburg .

Landauer created mainly editions of Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic and Persian texts and published them. For the Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca he was publishing a Hebrew version of the commentary of Themistius for signature of Aristotle On the Heavens commissioned.

Fonts (selection)

  • Contribution to the psychology of Ibn Sinâ. Introduction, text and translation with commentary (Sections I – III). Dissertation Munich 1872
    • The psychology of Ibn Sînâ. In: Journal of the German Oriental Society. Volume 29, 1876, pp. 335-418; Reprinted in: Fuat Sezgin (Ed.): Studies on Ibn Sīnā (d. 1037) and his medical works. 4 volumes. Frankfurt am Main 1996 (= Publications of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science. Ed. Von Fuat Sezgin, Volume 10-13: Islamic Medicine. ) Volume 1, pp. 65-148. - Edition and translation of Avicenna's writing.
  • Sa'adja's Kitâb al-Amânât . Leiden, 1880
  • Catalog of the Hebrew, Arabic, Persian and Turkish manuscripts of the Imperial University and State Library of Strasbourg . Strasbourg 1881
  • Firdusi Schahname. Leiden, 1884
  • The manuscripts of the Grand Ducal Badische Hof- und Landesbibliothek in Karlsruhe, oriental manuscripts . 1892
  • The Masorah to the Onkelos. Amsterdam, 1896
  • Themistii In libros Aristotelis De caelo paraphrasis. Hebraice et Latine ( Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 5, 4). Berlin 1902


  • Esriel Hildesheimer, Mordechai Eliav: Das Berliner Rabbinerseminar 1873-1938 , Berlin 2008, ISBN 9783938485460 , pp. 167–168

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