Euler's theorem (prime numbers)

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One of Leonhard Euler's numerous theorems in the mathematical branch of analysis is Euler's theorem on the summation of the reciprocal values of prime numbers . This means that the series formed from these reciprocal values diverges . The proof of this theorem rests essentially on the fundamental theorem of arithmetic and the divergence of the harmonic series .

Formulation of the sentence

The following applies to the sequence of all prime numbers:


A possible proof using only elementary results of analysis is the following:

It applies to Euler's number

so that for every prime number the inequality

consists. Hence, using fractions and the natural logarithm , we get :

Now let be any natural number and let it be the finite sequence of all prime numbers up to the number .

The following then applies:

In connection with the known limit value

It is therefore sufficient to prove the asserted divergence to show that

with growing also grows across all borders.

The latter results from first including the properties of the geometric series and thereby the identity

derives. Since absolutely convergent series always occur in the last product within the brackets on the right-hand side , it is possible to multiply them taking into account the distributive law .

So, because of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, multiplying the brackets gives the reciprocal of every natural number of the form

with exactly once.

This gives you the following identity :

However, this implies the inequality

and since the harmonic series diverges, the evidence is given.


From his considerations on the Euler product of the Riemann zeta function , Euler was able to show his theorem in 1737. He also had an idea of ​​the magnitude of the partial sums:

“The sum of the reciprocal series of prime numbers is infinitely large, but infinitely times smaller than the sum of the harmonic series . And the sum of those is practically the logarithm of this sum. "

For him, his solution was an indicator that the prime numbers must be much closer than the square numbers, since in solving the Basel problem he had proven that the infinite sum of the reciprocal values ​​of all square numbers tends towards a finite limit. However, this argument is only of a heuristic nature - to this day it is not even known whether there is always a prime number between two neighboring square numbers (this question is also known as the Legendre's conjecture ).

Notes and additions

  • The sentence goes back to the year 1737.
  • It follows immediately from the theorem that there are infinitely many prime numbers.
  • With a little more analysis it can even be shown more clearly that for real numbers the inequality
exists, equal to the Meissel-Mertens constant
(Follow A077761 in OEIS )
is and that for real numbers there is always the inequality
has, it follows from the sentence that “there are more prime numbers than square numbers in a well-defined sense.” “Nevertheless, it is an open and apparently very difficult problem whether there is always a prime number between two consecutive square numbers.”
  • Potentiates one in the above prime reciprocal number of all prime numbers with an exponent we always wins instead of a divergent a convergent series with finite limit:
Leonhard Euler systematically calculated these series values ​​in the Introductio for even whole numbers and specified them with an accuracy of 15 decimal places. So he calls u. a. the following approximations :
(Follow A085548 in OEIS )
(Follow A085964 in OEIS )
(Follow A085966 in OEIS )
(Follow A085968 in OEIS )
(Follow A078437 in OEIS )
  • On the other hand there is the problem posed by Paul Erdős and - as far as is known today - as yet unsolved problem, whether the alternating series
converges or diverges. However, according to Erdős, it is known that the related series
is divergent.


References and comments

  1. Euler: Introduction ... (§ 273) . S. 226-227 .
  2. ^ Schmidt: Introduction ... p. 5-6 .
  3. Ischebeck: invitation ... S. 38-39 .
  4. Knopp: Theory ... (§§ 17, 58) . S. 146-147, 461 .
  5. ^ Leonhard Euler : Variae observationes circa series infinitas. April 25, 1737, Commentarii academiae scientiarum imperialis Petropolitanae 9, 1744, pp. 160–188 (Latin; Euler product as “Theorema 19” on p. 187 f. ). German translation (PDF) by Alexander Aycock.
  6. Knopp: p. 461.
  7. Ischebeck: pp. 38–39.
  8. ^ Rosser, Schoenfeld: Approximate formulas for some functions of prime numbers . In: Illinois. J. Math. Band 6 , p. 64 ff .
  9. Sándor Mitrinović-Crstici: Handbook ... S. 257-258 .
  10. ^ Schmidt: p. 6.
  11. Ischebeck: p. 40.
  12. Because the associated Zeta series is a convergent majorante .
  13. Euler: Introduction ... (§ 282) . S. 237 .
  14. Finch: Mathematical Constants (Section 2.2) . S. 94 ff., 96 .
  15. Finch: p. 96.
  16. Guy: Unsolved Problems ... (Section E7) . S. 316 .