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Scapania nemorea

Scapania nemorea

Department : Liverworts (Marchantiophyta)
Class : Jungermanniopsida
Subclass : Jungermanniidae
Order : Lophocial
Family : Scapaniaceae
Genre : Scapania
Scientific name
(Dumort.) Dumort.

Scapania is a genus of liverwort of the order Lophoziales .


The plants have keeled folded leaves. The leaves are divided up to half or even to the base into two lobes of unequal size, with the upper lobe usually being smaller. Sub-leaves are not formed.

Distribution and systematics

Scapania is the eponymous genus of the Scapaniaceae family . The 50 or so species are mainly found in the northern hemisphere. There are around 40 species in Europe and Macaronesia , including the following in Germany:

supporting documents

Web links

Commons : Scapania  - collection of images, videos and audio files