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Shaggy Schillerporling (Inonotus hispidus)

Shaggy Schillerporling ( Inonotus hispidus )

Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Bristle disks (Hymenochaetales)
Family : Bristle disk relatives (Hymenochaetaceae)
Genre : Schillerporlings
Scientific name
P. Karst.

The Schillerporlinge ( Inonotus ) are a genus of mushrooms from the family of the bristle disk relatives .

The type species is the flat Schillerporling ( Inonotus cuticularis ).


Macroscopic features

The Schillerporlinge form annual, resupinate (adjacent to the substrate), effus reflexes (with protruding hat edges adjacent to the substrate) or console-like fruiting bodies, which can be seated or weakly stalked. The surface of the fruiting body is usually yellowish to brown in color, it can be bald or hairy, and there is no hard surface crust. The fruit layer is tubular, the tubes are not layered, the pores are small. When young, the flesh of the fruiting bodies is juicy, soft and rusty to dark brown in color; when dry, it is hard and brittle and comparatively light. KOH turns the fresh meat black. The tubular layer of the Schillerporlinge creates an alternating (shimmering) silver glow over a yellow-brown background in fresh fruiting bodies viewed from an oblique side, depending on the incidence of light.

Microscopic features

Microscopically, the Schillerporlinge are characterized by a monomitic hyphae structure , the generative hyphae are colorless to yellowish, buckles are missing, in the fruit layer there may be brown, conically-apically pointed setae or setal hyphae, some of which are hook-shaped. The basidia are short, ellipsoidal-clubbed, colorless and four-pore, a basal buckle is missing. The spores of the Schillerporlinge are spherical or short elliptical and smooth, they are somewhat thick-walled and inamyolide (does not turn blue with iodine reagent). The spore powder can be white, yellowish or brown.


The Schillerporlinge are saprobiontic or parasitic wood dwellers, which, depending on the type, can attack hardwood or coniferous wood and which cause white rot in the infected wood .


The Schillerporlinge are closely related to the fire sponges , which form perennial fruiting bodies with a dimitic hyphae structure. Some studies indicate that the two genera cannot be separated from one another and either should be grouped together in a common genus Phellinus in the broader sense or divided into several smaller genera.


The genus in the broader sense contains around 60 species worldwide. The following species occur or are to be expected in Europe:

Schillerporlinge ( Inonotus ) in Europe
German name Scientific name Author quote
Oak Schillerporling Inocutis dryophila (Berkeley 1847) Fiasson & Niemelä 1984
Fuchsia Schillerporling Inocutis rheades (Persoon 1825) Fiasson & Niemelä 1984
Tamarisk Schillerporling Inocutis tamaricis (Patouillard 1904) Fiasson & Niemelä 1984
German name Scientific name Author quote
Subiculum Schillerporling Inonotopsis subiculosa (Peck 1879) Parmasto 1973
Inonotus s. st.
German name Scientific name Author quote
Anderson's Schillerporling Inonotus andersonii (Ellis & Everhart 1890) Černý 1963
Flat Schillerporling Inonotus cuticularis (Bulliard 1790: Fries 1821) P. Karsten 1880
Shaggy Schillerporling Inonotus hispidus (Bulliard 1785: Fries 1821) P. Karsten 1880
Spechtloch Schillerporling Inonotus nidus-pici Pilát 1942 ex Pilát 1953
Schieferporling , synonym: Chaga Inonotus obliquus (Persoon 1801: Fries 1821) Pilát 1942
Rick's Schillerporling Inonotus rickii (Patouillard 1908) DA Reid 1957
Elm Schillerporling Inonotus ulmicola Corfixen 1990
German name Scientific name Author quote
Beech Schillerporling Mensularia hastifera (Pouzar 1981) T. Wagner & M. Fischer 2001
Knotty Schillerporling Mensularia nodulosa (Fries 1838) T. Wagner & M. Fischer 2001
Alder Schillerporling Mensularia radiata (Sowerby 1799: Frieze 1821) Lázaro Ibiza 1916
German name Scientific name Author quote
Dripping Schillerporling Pseudoinonotus dryadeus (Persoon 1800: Fries 1821) T. Wagner & M. Fischer 2001
German name Scientific name Author quote
Spruce felt porling Onnia leporina (Fries 1852) H. Jahn 1978
Filzporling with handles Onnia tomentosa (Fries 1821: Fries 1821) P. Karsten 1889
Triangular felt head Onnia triquetra (Fries 1849) Imazeki in S. Ito 1955


Some Schillerporlinge are harmful as wood destroyers and parasites on fruit or park trees, they are out of the question as edible mushrooms.

The leaning Schillerporling is an important medicinal mushroom from mycotherapy , it is known here under the name Chaga .



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Petter Adolf Karsten: Symbolae ad mycologiam Fennicam. VI . In: Meddelanden af ​​Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica . tape 5 , 1879, p. 15-46 .
  2. ^ Andreas Bresinsky: From fire sponges and Schillerporlingen . In: The Tintling . tape 54 . Karin Monday, January 2008, ISSN  1430-595X , p. 4-18 .
  3. Eric Strittmatter: Mushroom Taxa Database. February 4, 2007, accessed July 19, 2012 .
  4. Doris Richtsteig u. a .: Vital mushroom advice: Vital mushrooms - power from nature: Inonotus obliquus - Schillerporling slate - Chaga. In: 2016, accessed September 20, 2019 .

Web links

Commons : Schillerporlinge ( Inonotus )  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files