Sleepwalker (2017)

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German title Sleepwalker
Original title Sleepwalker
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2017
length 88 minutes
Director Elliott Lester
script Jack Olsen
production Sharon Bordas ,
Jennifer Glynn ,
Hannah Pillemer ,
Michael Rolff
music Mark D. Todd
camera Pieter Vermeer
cut Nicholas Wayman-Harris

Sleepwalker (Original title: Sleepwalker ) is an American mystery thriller from 2017 . The film, which was directed by Elliott Lester , is about a sleepwalking student who finds herself in a different reality several times after waking up.


The College -Studentin Sarah Foster is caught by the police as she was back in her nightgown as a sleepwalker goes through the city. Since the suicide of her husband Jonathon, who worked as a writer, she suffers from insomnia . A few days later she speaks to Dr. Cooper, whose student she was once, on sleepwalking and a recurring nightmare in which she is attacked by an unknown man. Cooper arranges treatment for her in the sleep laboratory . During a walk in the cemetery, Sarah talks about it with her flat share friend Dawn, who in turn tells of her personal interest in Professor Owen. Then an attractive man gets out of a black car and Sarah imagines he is single.

In the evening in the sleep laboratory, Dr. Koslov tells her that her neural activity is monitored at night. He also provides her Dr. Scott White, the head of the laboratory. It's the man Sarah saw in the cemetery. He tells her that a student was buried and that he was there with a colleague. Sarah confides in him that she loved her husband, but not his work as a writer.

The next morning she wakes up in another room after a quiet, dreamless night. White takes her case. He reports irregularities in the theta waves and asks them to stay overnight in the laboratory. Sarah soon realizes that something is wrong.

In the classroom she doubts her lecturer's statement that love stories are nothing more than a dopamine kick or bipolar disorder . However, she is much more irritated when he addresses her as Miss Wells and a student repeats this name. Dawn, her driver's license, her diary and a dedication in her husband's book also confirm this surname. At Dr. Cooper is turned away by her assistant. In the sleep laboratory, Dr. Koslov gave her a log of her dream about a pursuit. She denies having dreamed anything, but sees her signature on the form.

After another night of observation, Sarah briefly mentions a fear to White, but neither she nor the machines noticed a dream that night. In the library she looks for books on psychology. She speaks to an employee about selective forgetting, who names a possible cause of partial retrograde amnesia , which can be cured by returning to everyday life. With additional hallucinations, however, a psychosis is also possible. In the apartment, instead of Dawn, Sarah meets another young woman named Nicole, who Dawn doesn't know, but who probably knows about Sarah's sleepwalking. When Nicole leaves, Sarah gets a call from an unknown, threatening voice who describes himself as her stalker "out in the dark". She goes to Dr. Cooper, who, however, remembers neither her nor the conversation. At home, she locks herself in her bedroom and tells herself that she is Sarah Foster. Then she has another nightmare in which she is attacked from behind and suffocated with a plastic bag. She wakes up in a strange house, in whose mailbox there is a letter to the "current resident". In her nightgown she goes to her apartment, where she sees a second woman next to Nicole, but she does not come in herself. She spends the rest of the night in a room next to the pool in the residential complex.

In the daylight she sees the two women leaving the apartment. Then she breaks a window with a brick. In the apartment she puts on a blouse and skirt that are too big for her. The stalker answers the phone again and says that he continues to watch her and wants to feel her. Sarah then grabs a few tablets and alcohol and locks herself in a storage room next to the washing machine. Water runs under the door.

After Sarah wakes up again, she goes to her apartment, where the window is no longer broken. Dawn is just coming out, and when asked, Sarah claims she spent the last night in the sleep lab. She finds White's home address and rides her bike there. On the way there she passes the strange house where she last woke up. White is currently renovating and is welcoming the insecure patient. He listens to Sarah recount her confusing experience and then calls Dr. Cooper who remembers. White tells Sarah that she has unusual sleep patterns that could affect her perception. She asks what if the world changes dramatically and runs away. Shortly before her apartment she thinks she can see the stalker behind her, but instead White reappears. He takes her home with him. She tells him that she is afraid to fall asleep because then she could change everything again. White reacts with the explanation that messenger substances in the brain trigger emotions when dreaming, which the rational part of the brain processes into a story. She insists that the strange house was real, but doesn't want anything to do with the resident. At the sight of a thunderstorm, she wonders if there is salvation and why White is helping her. He replied that they would get through this together and that everything would make sense. Sarah stays with him. In the nightmare she is first wrapped in foil and then sees an unknown woman in bed from whom she is driven away.

Sarah leaves the mysterious house from the earlier dream in her nightgown and re-enters White's house at dawn without finding him there. She puts on the clothes from the day before, but they are too big for her. At her own apartment she looks at the window, which is now covered with cardboard. She asks for Dr. White, but is not recognized. A very different looking man introduces himself as White. He knows a woman by the name of Sarah Wells, but it's not Sarah who is standing in front of him. In the classroom, Sarah sees a quote that says there is no need to know who you are because the purpose of life is to become something different from what it was at the beginning. She also sees the unknown woman in the ranks of the students, which increases her panic. Since the police are standing in front of her apartment, she hides again in the storage room, into which water flows again.

Then Sarah wakes up the next time in the sleep laboratory. The well-known White tells her that she was a sleepwalker again and that the police delivered her to his apartment late that evening. She can't remember anything but according to the records she dreamed all night. She tells of the last experiences in the other world. According to White, the stalker is an anchor element that connects the two worlds. When White asks her the reason for her husband's suicide, she claims to have written about it in her diary, but cannot remember the event after therapy. In front of her apartment, she reads her diary and does not let herself be distracted by the fact that Nicole is coming by. On a public computer, she looks at an old newspaper report that says the writer Jonathon Gray was shot by a confused fan. She shows the report to White. He thinks he only has information about the man's death from her, and she only knows it from Dr. Cooper, she says. After returning to her apartment, she is attacked by the stalker, but is able to free herself, whereupon the perpetrator freaks out. When White comes by a little later after her call, the apartment is intact and there is no trace of the attacker to be seen. Cooper joins them and Sarah is confronted with another dream protocol. Although White tries to calm his patient down, Sarah is taken to a clinic and fixed to the bed against her resistance.

That same evening, White meets with Cooper, who suddenly doesn't seem to know Sarah and who also denies an afternoon encounter. He drives back to the clinic to pick up Sarah, who is writhing in bed despite heavy sedation . White frees her and takes her home with him. There she is terrified of falling asleep again and he tells her about Cooper's strange reaction. Then he lies down with her so that she can fall asleep.

Sarah wakes up with her head on his chest, still in hospital clothes. In the conversation that followed, she tells him that she can now remember a lot. Her pursuer was Warren Lambert and was obsessed with Jonathon. The robbery in her apartment did not happen, according to White just a breaking memory. Jonathon had an affair with an admirer, which she discovered during a visit to his office. Sarah broke up with him, but then the admirer shot him. In White's dark house, Sarah is attacked by the stalker who tries to suffocate her from behind with a plastic bag. But White comes to the rescue in time and knocks down the attacker. The arriving police officer says the attacker is known and addresses Sarah by the name Foster. Then Sarah and White have sex.

At night Sarah sleepwalked again in her famous white nightgown. She sees the unknown woman first in the sleep laboratory and then in the house from the dream, where she asks in vain for her name. Because of the rain, she goes back to the sleep laboratory. There the stranger wakes up at the sight of Sarah. The other White addresses the stranger as "Sarah", but does not see Sarah in her nightgown. The well-known White comes to Sarah and looks for an explanation. He finds a video in which the stranger reports that she feels persecuted and that a woman is standing by her bed at night. In another flashback, Sarah shoots Jonathon herself, who speaks in White's voice. In the sleep lab, Sarah says that she is the other woman's nightmare. White's real I am treating this woman. But White insists there is an explanation. Sarah then says that Jonathon is her great love. However, she is not his wife, but the other woman, and her name is Anna. You shot yourself. After the explanation, she tells him something about love and identity and he says they are in an intermediate world. However, she says she created him to know the truth.

Then a woman wakes up in the Los Angeles University Hospital in the long-term coma department . She wears an oxygen mask and is tied to the bed. A nurse who looks like the stalker from the previous sequences comes to her. He addresses her as Anna and strokes her face soothingly. Water drips onto the patient's feet. Then the sleepwalker, who calls herself Sarah Foster, can be seen on the street again.


The shooting took place in Los Angeles at the end of 2014 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ahna O'Reilly, Richard Armitage Rise To Thriller 'Sleepwalker'. Deadline, November 18, 2014, accessed on January 21, 2019 .