Lanegg Castle

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Lanegg Castle seen from the southwest

The Castle Lanegg sale in the Tyrolean market town of Brixlegg north of Mehrn in the KG Zimmermoos in Faberstraße.

The listed building, also called Lanegg Tower and Lanegg Residence , was mentioned in a document in 1568. The castle was owned by the Faber von Lanegg family from 1600 to the beginning of the 19th century.

The building, probably from the late Middle Ages, is a compact four- story residential tower with an almost square floor plan. A round stair tower was added in the 16th century. Painted coats of arms, the imperial eagle and the Tyrolean eagle are above the entrance door. There are a few Gothic windows above. The irregularly arranged slits of light in the basement are original, the regularly arranged windows on the residential floors are modern. In the north facade on the second floor, on a richly profiled console, stands the figure of the Standing Madonna and Child from the 16th century.

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Individual evidence

  1. Dehio Tirol 1980 , p. 215

Coordinates: 47 ° 25 '36.8 "  N , 11 ° 52' 57.7"  E