Schmuttertal High School Diedorf

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Schmuttertal High School Diedorf
Schmuttertal high school
type of school Natural science, technology, economics and social science high school with a social science profile
School number 0069
founding 2010

Square 1 86420 Diedorf

place Diedorf
country Bavaria
Country Germany
Coordinates 48 ° 21 '25 "  N , 10 ° 46' 31"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 21 '25 "  N , 10 ° 46' 31"  E
carrier state
student 832 (school year 2019/2020)
Teachers 55
management Günter Manhardt, Head of School
Klaus Drechsel, Deputy. Headmaster
Andrea Link, employee d. Schulltg.

The Schmuttertal Gymnasium Diedorf is a beginning of the 21st century in the Bavarian market town Diedorf based school . The new building, completed in 2015, was built as a plus energy house and was awarded the German Architecture Prize 2017, among other things .

The name of the high school refers to its location in the valley of the Schmutter , which flows in natural meanders less than 100 meters to the northwest of the school .


The Schmuttertal-Gymnasium Diedorf was founded in 2010. In the first year only classes from grade five were formed and lessons were taught on the third floor of the Diedorf Middle School. In the following year, students and teachers temporarily moved into containers for around four years before they could move to the then completed new building in 2015.


The architects' consortium Florian Nagler and Hermann Kaufmann (ZT GmbH) was commissioned with the construction of the new school (completion in 2016) . They designed the innovative building as a model project for a plus energy house. Architecturally and pedagogically designed "open learning landscapes" were created in the sense of a new learning and teaching concept. The building is a timber frame construction and consists of four structures. In addition to classic classrooms, it also offers rooms for individual or group work. When it opened, it was considered to be the largest wooden building in Europe .

Promotion and Awards

The German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) funded the construction with 1.1 million euros.

At the end of November 2016, the school building ensemble was awarded the DGNB “ Sustainable Building prize by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) and the German Sustainability Award Foundation as part of the 9th German Sustainability Day . The use of renewable raw materials in the wooden construction, which required little " gray energy " and also ensured a good CO 2 balance , was recognized. In addition, the use of highly efficient building technology systems and a photovoltaic system made it possible to generate additional "plus energy". In addition, the ensemble of buildings blends in “in an outstanding way with the landscape on the edge of the Augsburg - Western Forestsnature park . Architects and clients created "an exciting learning landscape with an exemplary new design and manufacturing methodology", in which an inexpensive system was achieved in just two years of construction using modular production.

In 2017, the jury decided to award the state German Architecture Prize (DAP) from among 160 submissions to the architects of the Schmuttertal-Gymnasium. The resource-saving plus energy house is a clever and delicately designed building that has "consistently found convincing answers to the essential aesthetic, functional and procedural issues of architecture". Federal Building Minister Barbara Hendricks described the building as "future-oriented sustainable architecture", while the President of the Federal Chamber of Architects Barbara Ettinger-Brinckmann welcomed the focus on the "socially important topic of school building".

The Schmuttertal-Gymnasium Diedorf was also awarded the German Timber Construction Prize in mid-2017 . The double award is similar to that which the Sauerbruch Hutton office received two years earlier for the church and the community center of the Immanuel parish in Cologne .

The school has adopted the butterfly (originally: Dunkler Wiesenknopf-Antbläuling ) of the biodiversity project Schmuttertal in its logo .


  • Annual report ... / SGD, Schmuttertal-Gymnasium Diedorf , appears annually
  • Papilon (school newspaper) / SGD, Schmuttertal- Gymnasium, appears annually


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Rebecca Stegmann: Students form a long moving chain / Next school year the Schmuttertal high school students are allowed to move into their new school. But now it was the turn of the chairs. on the website of the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper on July 31, 2015, last accessed on August 13, 2017
  2. Imprint on the school website
  3. Be. K .: German Architecture Prize 2017 awarded ... on the website of the Deutsche Bauzeitung (DBZ) [undated], last accessed on August 13, 2017
  4. Schmuttertal High School, Diedorf. (No longer available online.) Hermann Kaufmann ZT GmbH, archived from the original on October 28, 2017 ; Retrieved October 26, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. ^ Hermann Kaufmann ZT GmbH. (No longer available online.) Hermann Kaufmann ZT GmbH, archived from the original on October 28, 2017 ; Retrieved October 26, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. oV : Aktuell , in Deutsche Bauzeitung , edition 01/2017; The DGNB “Sustainable Building” award 2016 goes to the Schmuttertal-Gymnasium in Diedorf, Bavaria ... on the DBZ website [undated], last accessed on August 13, 2017
  7. Martin Deibl: So that the Schmuttertal remains a natural paradise , Augsburger Allgemeine, June 25, 2010,, accessed on May 25, 2017.
  8. Logo , Schmuttertal-Gymnasium homepage ,, accessed on May 25, 2017.