School with a special educational focus

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School with a special educational
focus on types of school
Country Austria
Type of school (general) School with a special educational goal
ISCED level various
within the framework of school autonomy

School with special educational focus in general schools with autonomous focus or with special consideration or in vocational schools with training focus , is called in the education system in Austria schools under the school autonomy one deviates from the fundamental type of school curriculum with special educational content and educational objectives have.

School trials, school focuses, school types

These focal points are generally first worked out in the form of a school trial, successful concepts then develop into independent school forms - today, for example, the Wirtschaftskundliches Realgymnasium is a completely independent school form alongside the Realgymnasium and the (general) grammar school .

School types with special educational focuses

The focus is on:

Web links


See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Austrian school systematics , status 2011/12