Swiss youth publications

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Schweizer Jugendschriften was a series of booklets published by Heinrich Hintermann “on behalf of a commission appointed by the youth welfare office of the Canton of Zurich”. They were recommended by the Education Department of the Canton of Zurich , the School Board of the City of Zurich and the Swiss Pro Juventute Foundation .

Booklet series

In the format of the popular booklet novels , this edition belongs to the so-called good youth literature . These booklets were published by various organizations, especially in Austria and Switzerland , in order to form a counterpart to the normal “junk booklets”.

The task of Swiss youth publications should be to protect young people from “dirty and trash literature ”. To this end, demanding, entertaining and inexpensive literature was published as a role model , which was disseminated in schools and at home. The editors were convinced that this would prepare the youth for a constructive coexistence. The successor in Switzerland was the Schweizerische Jugendschriftenwerk , which published a similar series from 1932.

Edition history

The Swiss youth publications ran from 1923 to 1925. They consisted of 60 issues. The first issue was a double volume, while all subsequent issues were single issues.

The booklets were 32-48 pages thick, had a colored cover picture and cost 20 cts.

Issues published

# author title year
1/2 Alfred de Quervain Swiss Greenland Expedition 1923
03 Ulrich Kollbrunner My trip to Abyssinia 1923
04 Gottfried Keller Clothes make the man 1923
05 - Character images from foreign zones: South America 1923
06 - Character images from foreign zones: Asia 1923
07 - Character images from foreign zones: Africa 1923
08 - Character images from foreign zones: North America 1923
09 Wilhelm Hauff The dwarf nose 1923
10 Wilhelm Hauff The story of little Muck & the story of Kalif Storch 1923
11 - Hunting stories 1923
12 Ulrich Kollbrunner Interesting moves from d. Animal life 1923
13 Isabella Kaiser among others Night train, Holi ho, Chia hu! 1923
14th Marg. Weiss Zug u. a. Luisen's Christmas 1923
15th Friedrich Gerstäcker The bad conscience 1923
16 Wilhelm Hauff The young Englishman 1923
17th Friedrich Gerstäcker The gold bars 1923
18th - Alla-eddin and the magic lamp 1923
19th - Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions 1923
20th Brockmann-Jerosch A study trip through Jamaica & Dr. Brockmann-Jerosch 1923
21st - The Swiss Robinson 1923
22nd - The Swiss Robinson 1923
23 - The Swiss Robinson
24 - The Swiss Robinson
25th Arranged by Reinhold Ruegg The legend of d. Gudrun 1923
26th Hans Zulliger The pile dwellers 1923
27 without specification Little stories and Verses f. small people 1923
28 Jeremias Gotthelf Elsi, d. strange maid 1923
29 Gottfried Keller Mirror, d. kitten 1923
30th Brothers Grimm Rumpelstiltskin 1923
31 Ludwig Bechstein
Clemens Brentano
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
From the brave little tailor 1923
32 Theodor Storm The Regentrude 1923
33 Theodor Storm Bulemann's house 1923
34 Eduard Mörike The farmer us son 1923
35 Henry M. Stanley On d. Congo to the mouth 1923
36 H. Chr. Andersen The mermaid 1923
37 Gottfried Keller The poor baroness 1923
38 Ernst Eschmann Three Graubünden hunters 1923
39 Walter Schweizer Under the spell of Fusijama 1923
40 Ulrich Kollbrunner India 1923
41 Charles Sealsfield Lost in the prairie 1923
42 Richard A. Kirchgraber Geographical character pictures from France 1923
43 JH Campe , H. Hintermann Robinson 1923
44 JH Campe, H. Hintermann Robinson 1923
45 JH Campe, H. Hintermann Robinson 1923
46 JH Campe, H. Hintermann Robinson 1923
47 Theodor Storm The mirror of Cyprianus 1923
48 GA citizens Münchhausen's lake adventure 1924
49 Friedrich Gerstäcker Germerlshausen 1924
50 Felix Moeschlin How Hans became an apprentice after all 1924
51 without specification Sinbad the Navigator 1924
52 Emanuel Stickelberger Late atonement 1924
53 Hans Schraner Mountain sagas 1924
54 Hans Zulliger After the wonderland El Dorado 1924
55 Hans Zulliger In the land of the Aztecs 1924
56 Hans Zulliger Montezuma and its city 1924
57 Hans Zulliger Reconquering Mexico 1924
58 Josef Reinhart The wood maker Karli 1924
59 Gottfried Keller The virgin and the devil 1923
60 Justinus Kerner The homeless 1924

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