Sea wolves, corsairs of the world's oceans

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Seewölfe, Korsaren der Weltmeere is a booklet series that was published by Pabel-Moewig-Verlag from 1975 to 1990 in a total of 760 editions.

The first eleven issues of this series were still translations of a large part of the Fox novels by Adam Hardy (Kenneth Bulmer) from English, in which it was about the naval officer George Abercrombie Fox, comparable z. B. the maritime book series Hornblower by CS Forester (Cecil Lewis Troughton Smith) or Bolitho by Alexander Kent (Douglas Reeman) .

With issue twelve, the series was switched to the publisher's own novels, which, from 1975 to 1990, in 749 issues by various authors, described the adventures of Phillip Hasard Killigrew, known as the sea wolf. He involuntarily began his service in 1576 on board the "Marygold" under the command of Sir Francis Drake .

The series appeared up to volume 28 in pocket booklet format with a length of 130 pages and a price of DM 1.80, then in the usual booklet format with 64 pages and a price that rose from DM 1.50 to DM 3.00 at the end . The editions appeared up to and including volume 52 fortnightly, then weekly.

The series was discontinued in 1990 surprisingly without notice, which left the ongoing storyline not completed. Nevertheless, in view of the number of issues it has reached, it must be counted among the most successful or at least long-lasting magazine novel series on the German market.

From 1979 to 1985 a parallel series of paperback books was published under the title Sea Wolves, Adventures on Seven Seas , which, however, unlike the booklet series, dealt with the adventures of the cabin boy Howard Bonty in a somewhat later epoch. 57 titles appeared in the series, volumes 1 to 29 were published by Moewig-Verlag, the following titles by Pabel. The price rose from initially DM 4.80 to DM 5.80 in the end. The paperbacks appeared monthly up to volume 41 and every two months thereafter.

In addition, six volumes of a hardcover edition appeared in 1976 and seven volumes as a second edition in 1976/1977. In 1997/1998 seven volumes appeared in the Maritim series of Ullstein pocket books. All of these titles are from Adam Hardy aka Kenneth Bulmer.

Table of contents

The Adventures of PH Killigrew began in 1576, when in a dive bar in it Plymouth the Press Gang (then were "useful" men to serve on the ships "persuaded", or simply kidnapped) of the "Mary gold" fell into the hands. Killigrew - who was nicknamed "Sea Wolf" during the brawl with the Pressgang - was given the order (in the first novel) for a prize squad to sail a captured Spanish ship to England after a very short time . With this, however, he attacked a Spanish slave ship and freed the slaves from West Africa, with a colored man - Batuti - joining his crew. He then lost his first prize, but instead hijacked a Spanish silver ship - the Isabella - and brought it to Plymouth to hand it over to Drake and the Queen - Elizabeth I. After clashes with local authorities who tried to steal and embezzle the silver cargo, he and his prize squad rejoined Francis Drake. They took part in a landing operation against Irish insurgents in Dungarvanbai , who were supported and supplied with arms by Spain. On this occasion the "Isabella" was sunk, and a large part of P. H. Killigrew's crew was taken prisoner in Spain. Killigrew subsequently traveled secretly to Spain - with Francis Drake's permission - and freed his crew from a Spanish galley . On this occasion he steals another shipment of silver, which he brings to England.

Back in Plymouth, he set out for the New World on board Francis Drake's ship "Pelican", which was later renamed the " Golden Hind ". This voyage, which led around Cape Horn and along the South American west coast to Panama , was undertaken with the declared aim of capturing Spanish treasure ships there. During this voyage, the sea wolf and his men feel increasingly repulsed by the cruelty of the Spaniards towards the native Indians with whom they are confronted. At the same time there were disputes within the English occupations, especially with the nobles who were on board, some of whom turned out to be criminal and irresponsible. When one of these tried to murder the professional Francis Drakes - Edwin Carberry - by knocking him overboard at night, and Drake refuses to punish the culprit, the killigrew sea wolf and his crew split up in an argument with Drake. Carberry joins the sea wolf.

During an interlude on the island of Mocha, Hasard and his men save numerous natives from the Araucanian tribe from Spanish enslavement. He has a passionate night with their leader, Arkana. A daughter, Araua, arises from this connection.

Phillip Hasard Killigrew and his supporters hijack Spanish ships several times, each renamed "Isabella II" to IV and later sunk again. They cross Panama by land, hijack another ship in the Caribbean and clash with extremely brutal pirates under the leadership of the Black Caligu, but find Siri Tong - the daughter of a Portuguese and a Chinese woman - and Thorfin Njal - in the "Red Corsair" a Scandinavian who dresses like a Viking - new allies. Some former Caribbean pirates, including the Huguenot Jean Ribault , join the crew.

In the Caribbean they liberate several residents of P. H. Killigrew's hometown Falmouth , who had been kidnapped by the Spaniards and shipped to their Latin American possessions for forced labor, before they travel home to England with an immense loot of treasure. Among those rescued are both the father and sister of one of Killigrew's shipmates - Donegal Daniel O'Flynn - and Big Old Shane, the blacksmith of Arwenack Castle, but also a corrupt and criminal justice of the peace . Killigrew marries the young woman, Gwendolyn O'Flynn, during the crossing. When he and his men reached the certain for the queen treasure loot England, they face embezzlement trial and murderous intrigues exposed to both of his foster father - as well as the criminal judge and the corrupt local authorities in Plymouth and - Sir John Killigrew London out . Hasard's oldest stepbrother is killed.

Finally, Killigrew is able to hand over the treasure to Elisabeth and receives a letter of piracy , which is revoked shortly afterwards. In Ireland and Cádiz , the sea wolf traces its true origin and finds out that it has nothing to do with the Arwenack killigrews, but rather the illegitimate son of a Spaniard from the de Coria family and a German Knight of Malta named Godefroy von Manteuffel is. As a result of slander and continued attacks, the sea wolf and its crew then have to flee England and sail back to the Caribbean in a new ship - the "Isabella VIII" - which they bought for their share of the treasure booty.

There PH Killigrew and his crew have to deal again with brutal pirates and the Spaniards. His wife, who has now given birth to two sons at home in England - Philip and Hasard - is murdered, and PH Killigrew's English enemies kidnap the small children to the Mediterranean Sea , as far as the coast of the Levant. The sea wolf pursues the kidnappers of his children, but cannot save his sons and believes them - almost inevitably - to be dead. He succeeds in freeing his father from a Turkish galley, but he too dies violently.

Hasard returns to the Caribbean and sets off on a trip to China with his new allies and a mysterious black sailor that the buccaneers found on the beach of a Caribbean island . On board this ship, which is described as something between junk and galleon, are the mummified remains of a Chinese mandarin , which Siri Tong absolutely wants to bring back to his homeland. The two ships - the Isabella VIII and the Black Sailor - circumnavigate Cape Horn, cross the Pacific and reach China, where they have to endure a variety of battles and adventures before they can fulfill their self-chosen mission. The sea wolf then travels back to Europe through the Indian Ocean and around Africa. This leads to fights with the Portuguese do Velho, who has received a special order from the Spanish crown to eliminate the sea wolf.

In Tangier, where the sea wolf's crew is doing necessary repair work on the ship, they surprisingly rediscover the children Philip and Hasard, who are by no means dead, but - now five - are in the hands of a group of jesters. The sea wolf succeeds in bringing the children, who initially do not even know that he is their father, to the Isabella. While the little boys first have to slowly learn English (they grew up with the Turkish / Arabic language) and are good for numerous funny scenes, the sea wolf meets Francis Drake again off Cadiz. He takes part in his attack on the Spanish port city and brings his sons to their English homeland, where he is knighted by the queen for his services. The sea wolf also fought on the side of England in the battle against the Spanish Armada . However, he falls out again with Drake and leaves England with his sons in anger.

With the children and Siri Tong - designed to help him in the education of both boys - sailing he and his men from the Snake Island - their base in the Caribbean, on which the trunk of the Mapuche has settled - north to the Northwest Passage to search. With a lot of luck, the corsairs will succeed. You will find and drive through this dangerous route and then cruise through the Pacific to finally reach Australia - long before the historic discovery . Siri-Tong separates from the sea wolves on Bora Bora as they take over a former English war galleon, which they renamed the Red Dragon.

The sea wolves then sail back to the New World through the Indian Ocean and around the southern tip of Africa. There they promptly clash with pirates from Tortuga , who want to snatch their base and treasures on Snake Island from them. After this threat has been averted, the sea wolf and his men plunge into the next adventure: During their journey through the Indian Ocean, they captured an ancient map showing the so-called "Channel of the Pharaohs", a waterway that connects the Nile with the red Sea and thus connects with the Indian Ocean. So they set off with their «Isabella VIII» to explore this unknown shipping route.

After a series of adventures along the Mediterranean coast, the "Isabella VIII" actually sails up the Nile, and the corsairs are lured into a trap by cunning grave robbers and desert robbers in the so-called "Channel of the Pharaohs": the waterway is completely silted up and by no means navigable for large ships, and the galleon is lost in the sandstorm. After they had to give up their ship, the sea wolves - as the Isabella crew is called after the battle name of their leader - return to England in three groups, where they commission a new ship - the Isabella IX - at the Ezekiel Ramsgates shipyard. While their new ship is still under construction, P. H. Killigrew and his men, on behalf of their queen, undertake an expedition with the galleons Hornet and Fidelity against Breton privateers who, incited by the Spaniards, are supposed to provoke a war between England and France. The mission is successful despite the betrayal of privateer captain Easton Terry, with the old enemy Lucio do Velho also reappearing and being killed. The sea wolves get a new ally in Jerry Reeves, boatswain of the Fidelity.

After completing this task, Elisabeth I commissioned the sea wolf with a trip to the Baltic Sea with the aim of establishing trade connections while bypassing the Hanseatic League . In the course of these ventures with the new Isabella IX, P. H. Killigrew met his cousin Arne von Manteuffel from Kolberg , who accompanied him to the Caribbean, as did the shipbuilder Ramsgate, who had been driven out of England by hostility. On departure from England, the sea wolves again conflict with corrupt nobles, in this case the young Marquess Henry of Battingham and the arrogant Sir Andrew Clifford. Disappointed, the sea wolves leave the Old World with Jean Ribault and Jerry Reeves on board the new ships Le Vengeur III and Tortuga.

Back in the Caribbean, Philip Hasard Killigrew and his allies found the “Brotherhood of Privateers” (later “League of Corsairs”) in order to create a kind of council and government system for their hideaway - Snake Island. They are relocating Indians persecuted by the Spaniards - the Timucuas  - from Florida to Coral Island, which is adjacent to Snake Island, on the one hand to ensure that the Snake Island is supplied with food, and on the other to protect the Indio people from extinction. They also have to deal with various brutal pirates - among others. the mestizo Mardengo, Caligula and the Black Queen - as well as the corrupt governor of Cuba and other Spanish officials who would like to see the sea wolves destroyed and are after their looted treasures. During this time, Hasard's cousin Arne von Manteuffel opened a mock trading office in Havana, which the corsairs used as a spy post and to buy goods - especially timber for Ezekiel Ramsgate's shipyard.

The Spaniards send the special envoy Don Juan de Alcazar, who is supposed to neutralize the sea wolf. De Alcazar is a competent and honest man who even manages to find Hasard. He fails, however, in particular because of the corruption of officials in the Spanish administration under the leadership of Don Antonio de Quintanilla, Governor of Cuba, and finally deserted to avoid arrest or death.

A major attack initiated by Quintanilla by a Spanish fleet under Capitan Cubera on Snake Island, the coordinates of which were revealed by the Black Queen, can be repulsed, with the last ships sinking in a hurricane. The Le Vengeuer III is lost.

Soon after, the Black Queen is defeated and her ship, the two-decker Caribbean Queen, becomes the property of the corsair alliance. But the next enemy is already waiting: Sir John Killigrew, Sir Andrew Clifford and Henry of Battingham managed, through intrigue, to be sent to the Caribbean by the English crown with the order to arrest the sea wolf. Hasard is critically injured in a duel when Clifford shoots him in the back. Nevertheless, the corsairs manage to fend off the enemies who are killed in the process.

An expedition to Potosí with the aim of an attack on the local silver mine is planned and carried out, whereby the sea wolves, reinforced by other members of the corsair alliance, cross over the land route Panama and capture two suitable ships on the Pacific side. The company succeeds, but ends tragically for Hasard when his daughter Araua is killed by an arrow. Back in the Caribbean, the next stroke of fate follows: When a volcanic eruption, the snake island sinks into the sea. All Araucans and Timucuas die and some ships as well as the entire treasure booty are lost. By fortunate coincidence, Arne von Manteufel with his "Wappen von Kolberg" as well as Siri-Tong and Thorfin Njal with the "Caribbean Queen" were on the way so that they survived the catastrophe. This also applies to Jerry Reeves and the galleon of the sea wolves, the Isabella IX, as well as Old O'Flynn and his Empress of Sea II.

The Federation of Corsairs decided to start over on an island belonging to the Bahamas and set up a new base there. Attacks by the Spaniards are repulsed and treasure ships are again captured. The corsairs can also win conflicts with other pirates, and the new base grows and thrives. Don Juan de Alcazar is freed from captivity in the forepeak of a Spanish ship, and he joins the corsair alliance.

Don Antonio de Quintanilla, the corrupt governor of Havana, who was on his way to Spain to be appointed viceroy for part of the Spanish possessions in the New World, is captured by the League of Corsairs. Contrary to the original demands of some members - namely the Viking Torfin Nijal and Juan de Alcazars - he is not executed, but is supposed to do physical work in the base to "purify" him. In Havana, de Escobedo, a former criminal port captain , seizes power and, as governor by his own grace, rules even worse than Quintanilla. When he tries to dig up a treasure trove that Quintanilla had hidden during his time as governor, he is arrested by a Spanish captain and imprisoned in Havana. The sea wolves hold the treasure. As a result, they have to deal with a stubborn Spanish captain general and English pirates under the command of One Eye Doolins, who is attempting to rescue the former location of Snake Island. The latter is viewed as desecration of the grave by the sea wolf and his comrades in arms, and accordingly fought vehemently. Then the sea wolves in the immediate vicinity of their new base have to deal with a sect of pseudo-Puritan fanatics who have emigrated from England and who are driven out after a bloody conflict.

In Havana a general chaos breaks out in the meantime without a governor when the mob from the port district, pillaging and murdering, takes over the regiment. The situation is made even worse when de Escobedo escapes the dungeon and takes the lead in the riot. To protect his cousin Arne, who sits with his office in Havana in the middle of the chaos and the innocent civilian population of the city, Hassard and his sea wolves intervene and help the few decent Spanish officers who are desperately defending the governor's palace. After de Escobedo and another ringleader were hanged, the sea wolves accidentally stumble upon the Corsican pirate de la Rocca - called the pearl wolf - and cunningly stole a book from him in which he noted the hiding places of his stolen pearls . While de la Rocca and his crew, whom the Corsican wanted to cheat, perish in the hurricane , the sea wolves retrieve the pearls buried at a variety of points in the Caribbean.

In 1595 Daniel O'Flynn unexpectedly met a large English fleet under John Hawkins and Francis Drake with the small caravel "Empress of Sea" . Again there are conflicts with Drake, which go back to the dispute which started decades ago, and Drake ignores all attempts to warn him of the Spanish armament in the colonies. The English attack on Puerto Rico fails with great losses, and Drake also dies of an illness.

The sea wolves have the impression that the corsair alliance has to acquire new weapons in order to be able to hold its own against the Spaniards. It is decided to carry out an expedition to China to purchase incendiary devices. The crew of Isabella IX, reinforced by the Spaniard Don Juan de Alcazar, set off by land and reached the Pacific coast. There the galleon "Santa Barbera" and her new expedition ship are captured.

After various battles, they manage to reach China and buy incendiary devices. Then you start your journey home through the Indian Ocean. In an Arab port, the sea wolf receives information about a navigable passage through the Persian Gulf, which should lead into the Mediterranean or Black Sea. The crew changes the route and reaches Baghdad on the Tigris . After Baghdad, however, the Santa Barbera is lost in a storm, and you travel on by river boats. Eventually the sea wolves must realize that they have been deceived once again - there is no sea route north.

The crew made their way overland to the Black Sea and captured a Dubas, a small sailing ship. After a stopover in Istanbul, Arab pirates succeed in taking a chebeck . Via Venice and other Italian ports it goes to the western Mediterranean, where one learns of the death of Philip II of Spain. To appear appropriate in England, the sea wolves hijack a Spanish treasure ship. After various attacks, you can safely reach London, where the kings are delighted to see Hasard again and are also happy to receive the treasure. However, there are again clashes with corrupt nobles and other dignitaries.

The Queen asked the sea wolf to escort a small convoy of emigrants to North America. A group of "gentleman adventurers" is sailing with dubious intentions in the convoy, and a series of intrigues and arguments arise because individual captains of the emigrant ships also pursue their own interests. Adverse winds hold the ships up, there are epidemics and hunger on board. One of the ships even sinks, but most of the emigrants can be saved. Eventually the North American coast is reached, but the tests are not over for the emigrants, as there are still conflicts with the Indians living there.

After completing their mission, the sea wolves sail on to their Caribbean homeland. There are new arguments with pirates and dubious traders before Hasard carries out his biggest fishing expedition to date: the hijacking of an entire convoy of Spanish treasure ships. The sea wolves lead the galleons as far as England to give them to the Queen as a present. On the way there are fights with Spanish ships as well as with pirates, and there are renewed clashes with greedy English nobles.

A new mission by the English Queen takes Hasard and his crew to India with their Schebeck in order to establish trade contacts there. After a few experiences the sea wolves reach this strange, mysterious land. There are also numerous adventures here. Among other things, there is a conflict with the aristocratic leadership of a large English warship that was also dispatched to Indian waters.

The sea wolves are captured by an intrigue and sentenced to forced labor, but are able to free themselves again. Finally they sail on towards the islands of Indonesia. On the way home across the Pacific, they come across the famous Manila galleon, which they had captured during their first circumnavigation, and begin the hunt for this treasure ship.

Between the adventures in India and the description of the following voyage home via Indonesia and the Pacific, individual novels are interspersed time and again, which describe the experiences of the members of the Corsair League who stayed behind in the Caribbean, who have to deal with ungrateful English shipwrecked, Spaniards and rival pirates .


The authors of the series were:

pseudonym real name Title number
Sean Beaufort Hanns Kneifel 44
John Brix Jonas Brix 2
Cliff Carpenter ??? 1
John Roscoe Craig Rainer Delfs 18th
John Curtis Hermann Werner Peters 31
Burt Frederick Horst Friedrichs 94
William Garnett Hans Maeter 4th
Adam Hardy Kenneth Bulmer 11
Davis J. Harbord Wilhelm Kopp 68
Kevin Kelly Susanne Wiemer 27
Ralph Malorny Gerhart Hartsch 1
Fred McMason Manfred Wegener 172
Frank Moorfield Heribert Bauer 39
Jan J. Moreno Hubert Haensel 35
Roy Palmer Holger Friedrichs 211
Joe Vence Gisela Seeger-Ays 1

Most of the cover pictures are from Firuz Askin (411 issues). The covers of the first 11 volumes are by Richard Clifton-Dey (Volumes 1–4, 11) and William Francis Phillipps (Volumes 5–10). The cover images of the issues from volume 529 are by Kurt Maurmann.

Track list

No. author title date
001 Adam Hardy His Majesty Lieutenant 04/15/1975
002 Adam Hardy The prey frigate 04/29/1975
003 Adam Hardy The duel 05/13/1975
004 Adam Hardy The prize ship May 27, 1975
005 Adam Hardy The Spanish triplane 06/10/1975
006 Adam Hardy Court martial 06/24/1975
007 Adam Hardy Under the flag of the admiral 07/08/1975
008 Adam Hardy Land sharks and tar jackets 07/22/1975
009 Adam Hardy Remove the flag, bastard! 08/05/1975
010 Adam Hardy The fire August 19, 1975
011 Adam Hardy Full broadside 09/02/1975
012 Davis J. Harbord The Cornish Buccaneer 09/16/1975
013 Davis J. Harbord Black cargo 09/30/1975
014 John Roscoe Craig Under a false flag 10/14/1975
015 John Roscoe Craig Hunt through the Bay of Biscay October 28, 1975
016 John Curtis Duel in the pirate bay 11/11/1975
017 Davis J. Harbord Enemy in the dark 11/25/1975
018 John Curtis Coastal sharks December 9, 1975
019 John Roscoe Craig On Ireland's coasts December 23, 1975
020 Davis J. Harbord Chased to death 01/06/1976
021 John Roscoe Craig The battle in Dungarvanbai 01/20/1976
022 William Garnett In the hail of bullets 02/03/1976
023 Roy Palmer Fight to make the tatters fly 02/17/1976
024 John Curtis In the trap of the Spaniards 03/02/1976
025 William Garnett The last voyage of the "Isabella" March 16, 1976
026 William Garnett The island of birds 03/30/1976
027 John Curtis Men in chains 04/13/1976
028 William Garnett Devil on board 04/27/1976
029 Davis J. Harbord Flashing blades 05/11/1976
030 John Roscoe Craig Board dish 05/25/1976
031 John Curtis Cape of Demons 06/08/1976
032 John Roscoe Craig The island of the wild 06/22/1976
033 John Curtis The thunder of cannons in Death Bay 07/06/1976
034 Joe Vence The raid 07/20/1976
035 Roy Palmer The powder ship 08/03/1976
036 John Curtis Caribbean pirates 08/17/1976
037 Roy Palmer The island of the dead 08/31/1976
038 John Roscoe Craig The man of iron 09/14/1976
039 Roy Palmer The fire eater 09/28/1976
040 John Roscoe Craig The ghost ship 10/12/1976
041 Roy Palmer The hell of Panama 10/26/1976
042 John Curtis In the hail of the broadsides 11/9/1976
043 John Curtis Harbor hyenas 11/23/1976
044 Roy Palmer The treasure grotto December 07, 1976
045 John Curtis Enemy coast December 21, 1976
046 Davis J. Harbord Boarding party 01/04/1977
047 Roy Palmer The golden anchor January 18, 1977
048 Roy Palmer Stormy Caribbean 02/01/1977
049 John Curtis Calipu, the pirate 02/15/1977
050 Roy Palmer The trap in the reef 03/01/1977
051 John Curtis Man overboard! 03/15/1977
052 Roy Palmer The island of Columbus 03/29/1977
053 John Roscoe Craig The night of the sharks 04/12/1977
054 Roy Palmer The shipwrecked 04/19/1977
055 John Curtis A man is being keeled 04/26/1977
056 Roy Palmer The black day of "Isabella" 05/03/1977
057 Roy Palmer Night battle 05/10/1977
058 Fred McMason Three Irish privateers 05/17/1977
059 Burt Frederick Duel off Cornwall 05/24/1977
060 Burt Frederick The lonely coastal wolf 05/31/1977
061 Fred McMason Beach robbers 06/07/1977
062 Roy Palmer The sea wolf returns 06/14/1977
063 Roy Palmer Storm over Arwenack Castle 06/21/1977
064 Fred McMason River pirates 06/28/1977
065 Fred McMason An anchor for the queen 07/05/1977
066 Burt Frederick The secret of the cog 07/12/1977
067 Roy Palmer Before the top and the rig 07/19/1977
068 Burt Frederick execution 07/26/1977
069 Roy Palmer The pirate galley 08/02/1977
070 Roy Palmer The Knight of Malta 08/09/1977
071 John Curtis Rebels at sea 08/16/1977
072 John Curtis The Queen's henchmen 08/23/1977
073 Fred McMason Fire on board 08/30/1977
074 Fred McMason In the sea of ​​dead souls 09/06/1977
075 Fred McMason The Red Corsair 09/13/1977
076 John Curtis Settlement off Tortuga's coasts 09/20/1977
077 Roy Palmer Wolves in sheep's clothing 09/27/1977
078 Fred McMason Mutiny on Snake Island 04/10/1977
079 Davis J. Harbord The pirate's nest 10/11/1977
080 John Brix Hunting in the Mediterranean October 18, 1977
081 John Brix The hammerhead shark 10/25/1977
082 Fred McMason The Maltese treasure 11/01/1977
083 Roy Palmer Breakthrough to Malta 11/08/1977
084 Roy Palmer The pirate trap 11/15/1977
085 Roy Palmer In the hail of fire from Gibraltar 11/22/1977
086 Fred McMason The Jonas 11/29/1977
087 Fred McMason At the eye of the gods December 06, 1977
088 Roy Palmer The death ship 02/13/1977
089 Kelly Kevin Deadly spell December 20, 1977
090 Roy Palmer On a pirate trip December 27, 1977
091 Fred McMason The Bay of Man Eaters 03/01/1978
092 Fred McMason The hell reef 01/10/1978
093 Fred McMason The legacy of the dead captain January 17, 1978
094 Roy Palmer Prisoners of Devil's Island 01/24/1978
095 Cliff Carpenter In the feverish hell of Guyana January 31, 1978
096 Kelly Kevin Hour of retribution 02/07/1978
097 Roy Palmer The crocodile men 02/14/1978
098 Roy Palmer The way to Eldorado 02/21/1978
099 Roy Palmer Inca gold 02/28/1978
100 Fred McMason The dragon ship 07.03.1978
101 Fred McMason The sunken city 03/14/1978
102 Roy Palmer Stranded off Bahia 03/21/1978
103 Roy Palmer Trapped in quicksand 03/28/1978
104 Fred McMason Rebellion on the Silver Sands 04/04/1978
105 Roy Palmer Giants of the deep sea 04/11/1978
106 Roy Palmer The lake of fire 04/18/1978
107 Fred McMason At the Cape of Storms 04/25/1978
108 Fred McMason Caught in the pack ice 05/02/1978
109 John Curtis Arcana, the serpent 05/09/1978
110 Kelly Kevin The island of the stone giants 05/16/1978
111 Kelly Kevin The curse of the dead Spaniard 05/23/1978
112 Kelly Kevin The gallows bay 05/30/1978
113 Roy Palmer The island of dragons 06/06/1978
114 Roy Palmer Kill the Sea Wolf! 06/13/1978
115 Roy Palmer The duel 06/20/1978
116 Kelly Kevin Pirates of the South Seas 06/27/1978
117 Kelly Kevin The odyssey of "Isabella" 07/04/1978
118 Kelly Kevin The Maya treasure 07/11/1978
119 Roy Palmer The Manila Galleon 07/18/1978
120 Roy Palmer The Thief Islands 07/25/1978
121 Fred McMason On strange seas 08/01/1978
122 Fred McMason Horror of the Devil's Lake 08/08/1978
123 Roy Palmer Plague on board 08/15/1978
124 Roy Palmer Happening 08/22/1978
125 Fred McMason The river bride 08/29/1978
126 Fred McMason In the realm of the dragon 09/05/1978
127 Roy Palmer The executioner's sword 09/12/1978
128 Fred McMason Pirate hunt 09/19/1978
129 Roy Palmer The Scourge of the Yellow Sea 09/26/1978
130 Roy Palmer The forbidden city 10/03/1978
131 Roy Palmer The Law of the Great Chan 10/10/1978
132 Fred McMason Ready to board! 10/17/1978
133 Fred McMason Chinese vengeance October 24, 1978
134 Roy Palmer The monk of Formosa 10/31/1978
135 Roy Palmer In the typhoon 07/11/1978
136 Fred McMason Among headhunters 11/14/1978
137 Roy Palmer The tiger of Malacca 11/21/1978
138 Roy Palmer The treasure in Bengkalis Bay 11/28/1978
139 Fred McMason When the rats disembark ... December 05, 1978
140 Fred McMason The atoll of horror 12/12/1978
141 Roy Palmer Caught in the Kalms December 19, 1978
142 Fred McMason The slave ship December 25, 1978
143 Roy Palmer Off the coast of Africa 01/02/1979
144 Fred McMason Wild Atlantic 01/09/1979
145 Roy Palmer In the land of the Bushmen January 16, 1979
146 Roy Palmer Attack at night 01/23/1979
147 Roy Palmer Trapped 01/30/1979
148 Fred McMason Pirate gold 02/06/1979
149 Kelly Kevin The son of the desert 02/13/1979
150 Davis J. Harbord Incident in Tangier 02/20/1979
151 Fred McMason Outwitted 02/27/1979
152 Roy Palmer Night of decision 03/06/1979
153 Roy Palmer The admiral's galleon March 13, 1979
154 John Curtis Capsized 03/20/1979
155 Fred McMason Raid on Cadiz 03/27/1979
156 Davis J. Harbord Azores prey 04/03/1979
157 Roy Palmer Northward 04/10/1979
158 Roy Palmer Merciless hunt 04/17/1979
159 Kelly Kevin Vagabonds at sea 04/24/1979
160 Kelly Kevin The rebel nest 05/01/1979
161 Kelly Kevin Storm over Bilbao 05/08/1979
162 Burt Frederick Seaman's grave 05/15/1979
163 Roy Palmer The ambush 05/22/1979
164 Fred McMason Bastards 05/29/1979
165 Roy Palmer The mysterious stranger 06/05/1979
166 Kelly Kevin Harbor rats 06/12/1979
167 Kelly Kevin Wight's trap 06/19/1979
168 Roy Palmer The second face of the Old O'Flynn 06/26/1979
169 Burt Frederick The juggler of Saint Mary 07/03/1979
170 Davis J. Harbord The accolade 07/10/1979
171 Davis J. Harbord Enemy in sight 07/17/1979
172 Fred McMason The ships of hell 07/24/1979
173 John Curtis North Sea - Murder Sea 07/31/1979
174 Kelly Kevin Reef pirates 08/07/1979
175 Roy Palmer ... and had death on board 08/14/1979
176 Burt Frederick The winner 08/21/1979
177 Davis J. Harbord Revenge before Plymouth 08/28/1979
178 Roy Palmer The cannons of São Miguel 09/04/1979
179 Fred McMason Course to Snake Island 09/11/1979
180 John Curtis The brotherhood of privateers 09/18/1979
181 Kelly Kevin Under the black flag 09/25/1979
182 Kelly Kevin The galleon of the dead 10/02/1979
183 Roy Palmer The message in a bottle 10/09/1979
184 John Curtis Wind force 12 10/16/1979
185 Burt Frederick The Chiefs' Bay October 23, 1979
186 Fred McMason Lost in the Arctic Ocean 10/30/1979
187 Fred McMason The fight with the whale 11/06/1979
188 Roy Palmer Nanoq, the polar bear 11/13/1979
189 Roy Palmer The Thule Hunters 11/20/1979
190 Roy Palmer The Northwest Passage 11/27/1979
191 Kelly Kevin The shipwreck December 04, 1979
192 Kelly Kevin The killer whales December 11, 1979
193 Fred McMason In the land of the Northmen December 18, 1979
194 Fred McMason The island of the seven eyes December 25, 1979
195 Roy Palmer In the sea of ​​calm 01/01/1980
196 Burt Frederick The pearl fishermen 01/08/1980
197 Roy Palmer The devil's lagoon January 15, 1980
198 Fred McMason The death voyage of the "Cape Horn" 01/22/1980
199 Roy Palmer Captured on Rarotonga 01/29/1980
200 John Curtis The white god of Bora Bora 02/05/1980
201 Roy Palmer Satan's log 02/12/1980
202 Roy Palmer In the trade wind 02/19/1980
203 Roy Palmer The surf wave 02/26/1980
204 Kelly Kevin Nuami, pearl of the South Seas 03/04/1980
205 Fred McMason The Leper Islands 03/11/1980
206 Kelly Kevin In the Gulf of Papua 03/18/1980
207 Fred McMason The Great Barrier Reef 03/25/1980
208 Burt Frederick The enigmatic continent 04/01/1980
209 Roy Palmer In the land of geysers April 8, 1980
210 Roy Palmer Night raid 04/15/1980
211 Roy Palmer The island of taboo 04/22/1980
212 Fred McMason The black pirate 04/29/1980
213 Kelly Kevin The lord of the islands 05/06/1980
214 Kelly Kevin The damned of the seas 05/13/1980
215 Fred McMason Dance of Death in Bali 05/20/1980
216 Davis J. Harbord The island of the mountains of fire May 27, 1980
217 Burt Frederick Captain one-eye 06/03/1980
218 Roy Palmer The chain convict 06/10/1980
219 Roy Palmer The soul seller 06/17/1980
220 Fred McMason Exiled to Yao Yai 06/24/1980
221 Roy Palmer Quarantined 07/01/1980
222 Kelly Kevin Isabella's Odyssey 07/08/1980
223 Kelly Kevin The Black Pagoda 07/15/1980
224 John Curtis In the realm of the Indras 07/22/1980
225 Roy Palmer Chandra's revenge 07/29/1980
226 Roy Palmer The mummy of Gudur 08/05/1980
227 Burt Frederick The King of Ceylon 08/12/1980
228 Fred McMason The secret of the nautical chart August 19, 1980
229 Fred McMason A grave in the ocean 08/26/1980
230 Ralph Malorny On a long journey 09/02/1980
231 Roy Palmer The Tristan da Cunhas Islands 09/09/1980
232 Roy Palmer The colonists 09/16/1980
233 Kelly Kevin On the black reef 09/23/1980
234 Kelly Kevin The Amazons of Parnaibo 09/30/1980
235 Frank Moorfield The Icoraci wreck 07.10.1980
236 Roy Palmer Archipelago of the Brown Devils 10/14/1980
237 Burt Frederick The ship from Drachensund October 21, 1980
238 Roy Palmer The sinking of the "Novara" October 28, 1980
239 John Roscoe Craig Caribbean sharks 04/11/1980
240 John Roscoe Craig Attack on the silver fleet 11/11/1980
241 Fred McMason The ruler of Tortuga 11/18/1980
242 Fred McMason Put in iron 11/25/1980
243 John Curtis Assault on Snake Island December 2nd, 1980
244 John Curtis The cunning of the snakes December 9, 1980
245 John Roscoe Craig The Battle of the Caicos Islands December 16, 1980
246 Roy Palmer Atlantic course December 23, 1980
247 Burt Frederick The citadel of the privateers 12/30/1980
248 Roy Palmer The pillars of Hercules 01/06/1981
249 Roy Palmer At the Cape of Hell 01/13/1981
250 John Roscoe Craig The iron eater 01/20/1981
251 Frank Moorfield Death shadow on the horizon 01/27/1981
252 Roy Palmer Tuscan beach devil 02/03/1981
253 Burt Frederick The pirate king of Naples 02/10/1981
254 John Roscoe Craig Bandit Bay 02/17/1981
255 Fred McMason The bull of Crete 02/24/1981
256 Roy Palmer Selim, the pirate 03/03/1981
257 Frank Moorfield The night of the dervishes 03/10/1981
258 Roy Palmer Death course to Cyprus 03/17/1981
259 Fred McMason The secret of the dolphin March 24, 1981
260 Roy Palmer Human sharks 03/31/1981
261 Fred McMason Lured into the trap 04/07/1981
262 Roy Palmer Attack of the Saracens 04/14/1981
263 Davis J. Harbord In the land of the pharaohs 04/21/1981
264 Fred McMason Nile robbers 04/28/1981
265 Roy Palmer The pact with the Scheitan 05/05/1981
266 Fred McMason The legend of Abydos 05/12/1981
267 Davis J. Harbord In the valley of the kings 05/19/1981
268 John Curtis The Temple of Isis 05/26/1981
269 Frank Moorfield In the fetters of Aswan 06/02/1981
270 John Roscoe Craig The city of the dead 06/09/1981
271 Davis J. Harbord In the clutches of Horus 06/16/1981
272 Fred McMason Harbingers of doom 06/23/1981
273 Roy Palmer In the channel of death 06/30/1981
274 Fred McMason The end of "Isabella VIII." 07/07/1981
275 Roy Palmer Death before your eyes 07/14/1981
276 John Roscoe Craig Hunted by the Spaniards 07/21/1981
277 Frank Moorfield The wreck of the "San Marco" 07/28/1981
278 Roy Palmer On the cross 08/04/1981
279 Fred McMason The last man of the "Arethusa" 08/11/1981
280 Frank Moorfield On a dangerous course 08/18/1981
281 Roy Palmer West of Sicily 08/25/1981
282 Fred McMason Stratagem in Sardinia 09/01/1981
283 Roy Palmer Course for Gibraltar 09/08/1981
284 Fred McMason Hunted by Uluch Ali 09/15/1981
285 Davis J. Harbord Gone by the storm 09/22/1981
286 Davis J. Harbord Interlude in Cadiz 09/29/1981
287 John Curtis Departure of the Vikings 10/06/1981
288 Roy Palmer In Galway dungeon 10/13/1981
289 Roy Palmer The robbery of the Irish woman 10/20/1981
290 Burt Frederick In the land of the rebels 10/27/1981
291 Roy Palmer In the clutches of the lord 11/03/1981
292 Roy Palmer The treasure of the Spaniards 11/10/1981
293 Fred McMason Meeting point "Bloody Mary" 11/17/1981
294 Frank Moorfield Laid on the keel 11/24/1981
295 Davis J. Harbord Serious error December 01, 1981
296 Davis J. Harbord On behalf of the queen December 8, 1981
297 Roy Palmer The ruse of the sea wolf December 15, 1981
298 John Roscoe Craig Crew of the devil 12/22/1981
299 John Roscoe Craig Huguenot revenge 12/29/1981
300 Roy Palmer The hunchback from Quimper 05/01/1982
301 Davis J. Harbord The opponent 01/12/1982
302 Frank Moorfield One hit in the water 01/19/1982
303 Fred McMason In the hands of the enemy 01/26/1982
304 Frank Moorfield The Vikings attack 02/02/1982
305 Roy Palmer The brood of Satan 02/09/1982
306 Davis J. Harbord For life and death 02/16/1982
307 Frank Moorfield Course into the unknown 02/23/1982
308 Roy Palmer Hunting on the high seas 02.03.1982
309 Burt Frederick Merciless hunt 03/09/1982
310 Fred McMason Hour of reckoning March 16, 1982
311 Davis J. Harbord Mortal enemies 03/23/1982
312 Roy Palmer Victorious return 03/30/1982
313 John Curtis The revenge of the Red Corsair 04/06/1982
314 Fred McMason The launch 04/13/1982
315 Fred McMason The maiden voyage 04/20/1982
316 Roy Palmer The Friesian trap 04/27/1982
317 Roy Palmer With a sealed order 05/04/1982
318 Frank Moorfield The Oresund Pirates 05/11/1982
319 Fred McMason Harbor ballad 05/18/1982
320 Burt Frederick The gold of the Baltic Sea 05/25/1982
321 Roy Palmer Fire in the ship! 06/01/1982
322 Fred McMason The fearless 06/08/1982
323 Roy Palmer The runestone 06/15/1982
324 Frank Moorfield Brander on the attack 06/22/1982
325 Burt Frederick The board dog 06/29/1982
326 Roy Palmer The fire devils 07/06/1982
327 Roy Palmer The Avengers of Abo 07/13/1982
328 Fred McMason Battle for Kotka 07/20/1982
329 Burt Frederick Duel on the high seas 07/27/1982
330 Frank Moorfield Driven hunt 08/03/1982
331 Fred McMason The bull of Wiborg 08/10/1982
332 Roy Palmer In the bay of Narva 08/17/1982
333 Roy Palmer The boatswain of the "Kolberg coat of arms" 08/24/1982
334 Burt Frederick Iron storm 08/31/1982
335 Frank Moorfield On the Amber Coast 09/07/1982
336 Fred McMason Incident at midnight 09/14/1982
337 Roy Palmer Assassination 09/21/1982
338 Burt Frederick Honor deal 09/28/1982
339 Davis J. Harbord Towards the north 05/10/1982
340 Davis J. Harbord The Viking's Thule 10/12/1982
341 Roy Palmer On the cliffs of Rockall Bank October 19, 1982
342 Burt Frederick Assault on Rame Head 10/26/1982
343 John Curtis The Red Corsair's ultimatum 11/02/1982
344 Burt Frederick Departure to the Caribbean 11/09/1982
345 Roy Palmer The catch shot 11/16/1982
346 Burt Frederick Caught on Flores 11/23/1982
347 Frank Moorfield The survivors of the "San Mateo" 11/30/1982
348 Davis J. Harbord The end of the "Vencedor" 07.12.1982
349 Fred McMason Corsairs of the Caribbean 12/14/1982
350 Roy Palmer Attack on Fort St. Augustine December 21, 1982
351 Roy Palmer Mala fever 12/28/1982
352 Burt Frederick Off the coast of Florida 01/04/1983
353 John Curtis The hatred of the Seminoles 01/11/1983
354 Roy Palmer The pirate's nest January 18, 1983
355 Roy Palmer The sea wolf intervenes 01/25/1983
356 John Curtis The curse of the snake god 02/01/1983
357 Davis J. Harbord The battle of the Timucuas 02/08/1983
358 Burt Frederick The death trap 02/15/1983
359 Frank Moorfield The enemy from the bayou 02/22/1983
360 Davis J. Harbord In the Mississippi Delta 03/01/1983
361 Fred McMason The fight for Tortuga 03/08/1983
362 Frank Moorfield Gold rush 03/15/1983
363 Davis J. Harbord Avenger of the Spanish Crown March 22, 1983
364 Burt Frederick The hurricane 03/29/1983
365 Roy Palmer The grave on the Rio Grande 04/05/1983
366 Fred McMason Jean Ribault, the avenger 04/12/1983
367 Davis J. Harbord The Vera Cruz gold mine 04/19/1983
368 Burt Frederick In the Gulf of Mexico 04/26/1983
369 Roy Palmer Escaped death 05/03/1983
370 Davis J. Harbord The end of Mardengo 05/10/1983
371 Frank Moorfield Departure to Coral Island 05/17/1983
372 Burt Frederick The mutineers' pact with the devil 05/24/1983
373 Roy Palmer The murder coast of Honduras 05/31/1983
374 Roy Palmer Raid on El Triunfo 06/07/1983
375 Roy Palmer The battle for Gran Cayman 06/14/1983
376 Frank Moorfield The women's galleon 06/21/1983
377 Roy Palmer Cannons thunder off Tortuga 06/28/1983
378 Roy Palmer The death slide 07/05/1983
379 Roy Palmer Life and death rivals 07/12/1983
380 Burt Frederick El Tiburon, the shark killer 07/19/1983
381 Fred McMason Satan's boat of the dead 07/26/1983
382 Davis J. Harbord The man in Havana 08/02/1983
383 Roy Palmer The Pearl Galleon 08/09/1983
384 Fred McMason Old O'Flynn's bridal trip 08/16/1983
385 Burt Frederick Horrors of the coast 08/23/1983
386 Burt Frederick The night of the long knives 08/30/1983
387 Roy Palmer On a ramming course 09/06/1983
388 Roy Palmer The devil's silver 13.09.1983
389 Roy Palmer A man is exposed 09/20/1983
390 Fred McMason In the hands of the Spaniards 09/27/1983
391 Burt Frederick Fight them down 04/10/1983
392 Roy Palmer Enemy in sight 10/11/1983
393 Roy Palmer The duel on Lobos Gay October 18, 1983
394 Fred McMason The fighter 10/25/1983
395 Roy Palmer The Escape of Caligula 11/01/1983
396 Frank Moorfield Mutiny on the Caribian Queen 11/08/1983
397 Burt Frederick Storm drive to Hispaniola 11/15/1983
398 Roy Palmer Decision at dawn 11/22/1983
399 Fred McMason Convoy of powder ships 11/29/1983
400 Davis J. Harbord Flag of freedom December 6, 1983
401 Roy Palmer In the wake of the storm god 12/13/1983
402 Burt Frederick The convoy battle December 20, 1983
403 Fred McMason Hunter and hunted December 27, 1983
404 Roy Palmer Slave Freight for Spain 03/01/1984
405 Burt Frederick Storm over the Bahamas 01/10/1984
406 Roy Palmer The guilty verdict January 17, 1984
407 Roy Palmer The chebec from Algiers 01/24/1984
408 Burt Frederick The Black Queen's hatred 01/31/1984
409 Frank Moorfield The governor's henchmen 02/07/1984
410 Fred McMason Witch hunt 02/14/1984
411 Roy Palmer The game of foxes 02/21/1984
412 Frank Moorfield On a war march 02/28/1984
413 Burt Frederick Fight in the dark 03/06/1984
414 Roy Palmer Run to the enemy! 03/13/1984
415 Roy Palmer Towards the Spaniards 03/20/1984
416 Burt Frederick In the gate to hell 03/27/1984
417 Roy Palmer One night inferno 04/03/1984
418 Burt Frederick Desertion 04/10/1984
419 Roy Palmer Too tough to die 04/17/1984
420 Roy Palmer On cut and prick 04/24/1984
421 Frank Moorfield Fight without mercy 05/01/1984
422 Fred McMason Danger to the Snake Temple 05/08/1984
423 Roy Palmer Caribbean unleashed 05/15/1984
424 Roy Palmer The decoy 05/22/1984
425 Roy Palmer The coup of Caligula 05/29/1984
426 Roy Palmer Havana cauldron 06/05/1984
427 Roy Palmer Geusen blood 06/12/1984
428 Fred McMason The bait 06/19/1984
429 Roy Palmer The hostage 06/26/1984
430 Frank Moorfield The night of the winner 07/03/1984
431 Fred McMason Old enemies 07/10/1984
432 Burt Frederick Siren sounds 07/17/1984
433 Roy Palmer Shadow of death 07/24/1984
434 Roy Palmer The Red Corsair strikes 07/31/1984
435 Burt Frederick A crew of rags 08/07/1984
436 Roy Palmer Sir John's Gallows 08/14/1984
437 Frank Moorfield A man's honor 08/21/1984
438 Fred McMason The admiral 08/28/1984
439 Roy Palmer Snap cocks in the wake 09/04/1984
440 Davis J. Harbord The monkey galleon 09/11/1984
441 Roy Palmer The treasure cellar 09/18/1984
442 Fred McMason Rats on board 09/25/1984
443 Roy Palmer In the hail of arrows 10/02/1984
444 Roy Palmer Shipwreck 10/09/1984
445 Fred McMason Without mercy 10/16/1984
446 Roy Palmer Wolves in the convoy October 23, 1984
447 Roy Palmer Law of the thumb 10/30/1984
448 Roy Palmer Slaves for Potosi 11/06/1984
449 Burt Frederick The Galleon of the Comedians 11/13/1984
450 Fred McMason Terror from the deep 11/20/1984
451 Roy Palmer Off the coast of Peru 11/27/1984
452 Frank Moorfield Harbor thugs 04/12/1984
453 Burt Frederick Course for Arica 12/11/1984
454 Fred McMason Bridge of death December 18, 1984
455 Roy Palmer The she-wolf December 25, 1984
456 Burt Frederick Icy heights 01/01/1985
457 Davis J. Harbord On the Silberberg 01/08/1985
458 Roy Palmer Avalanche of death January 15, 1985
459 Roy Palmer The red rooster 01/22/1985
460 Burt Frederick The powder tower 01/29/1985
461 Roy Palmer Saboteurs 02/05/1985
462 Roy Palmer Secret mission 02/12/1985
463 Fred McMason The kite ships 02/19/1985
464 Fred McMason On the knife edge 02/26/1985
465 Burt Frederick Behind bars 05.03.1985
466 Roy Palmer Without pardon 03/12/1985
467 Fred McMason Storm over Panama March 19, 1985
468 Roy Palmer On the Caribbean coast March 26, 1985
469 Roy Palmer The last stand of the "El Toro" 04/02/1985
470 Fred McMason The "Golden Hen" 04/09/1985
471 Burt Frederick One man's decision 04/16/1985
472 Roy Palmer massacre 04/23/1985
473 Fred McMason Ghost ships 04/30/1985
474 Roy Palmer The wild horde 05/07/1985
475 Fred McMason On Cherokee Bay 05/14/1985
476 Roy Palmer To new shores May 21, 1985
477 Fred McMason The ghosts of Old O'Flynn May 28, 1985
478 Roy Palmer Captured 06/04/1985
479 Fred McMason Counterattack 06/11/1985
480 Roy Palmer Full broadside 06/18/1985
481 Burt Frederick On course for prey 06/25/1985
482 Roy Palmer The hunters 07/02/1985
483 Roy Palmer The flayer 07/09/1985
484 Fred McMason Cruise to hell 07/16/1985
485 Burt Frederick The Devil's Islands 07/23/1985
486 Fred McMason In chains 07/30/1985
487 Roy Palmer In the roadstead in front of Havana 08/06/1985
488 Fred McMason Coast Pirates 08/13/1985
489 Roy Palmer Doomed to die 08/20/1985
490 Burt Frederick On the big bench 08/27/1985
491 Fred McMason On the Gulf of Batabanó 09/03/1985
492 Roy Palmer Greed for gold 09/10/1985
493 Frank Moorfield Open fire! 09/17/1985
494 Fred McMason The devil's servants 09/24/1985
495 Burt Frederick At the treasure bay 10/01/1985
496 Roy Palmer Coast of Death 10/08/1985
497 Roy Palmer Hard fists October 15, 1985
498 Roy Palmer A one-eyed son of a dog 10/22/1985
499 Burt Frederick Where the Snake Island sank October 29, 1985
500 Davis J. Harbord Heavenly Knights of the Deep 05/11/1985
501 Roy Palmer The end of a hunt 11/12/1985
502 Roy Palmer In the clink of edged weapons November 19, 1985
503 Burt Frederick On the banks of the Caicos Islands 11/26/1985
504 Roy Palmer Hunter in the wake December 3rd, 1985
505 Roy Palmer The port fortress December 10, 1985
506 Fred McMason The black beard December 17, 1985
507 Roy Palmer The executioners December 24, 1985
508 Burt Frederick Duel under water December 31, 1985
509 Roy Palmer Zion Castle 07/01/1986
510 Roy Palmer blockade 01/14/1986
511 Fred McMason The devil's last lot 01/21/1986
512 Fred McMason After the storm 01/28/1986
513 Burt Frederick Murder boys 02/04/1986
514 Fred McMason Taken by surprise! 02/11/1986
515 Burt Frederick The ghost ship 02/18/1986
516 Fred McMason The last of the "San Jacinto" 02/25/1986
517 Burt Frederick The devil is going on 03/04/1986
518 Burt Frederick A stronghold 03/11/1986
519 Roy Palmer In the shadow of the night 03/18/1986
520 Roy Palmer Martial law 03/25/1986
521 Roy Palmer On the way to hell 04/01/1986
522 Burt Frederick The Corsican 04/08/1986
523 Roy Palmer Scouts 04/15/1986
524 Fred McMason Fire free for della Rocca 04/22/1986
525 Burt Frederick Escape to the front 04/29/1986
526 Roy Palmer Death at midnight 05/06/1986
527 Fred McMason And the sea went up ... 05/13/1986
528 Davis J. Harbord South! 05/20/1986
529 Burt Frederick The trap 05/27/1986
530 Roy Palmer Barrage 06/03/1986
531 Frank Moorfield Battle on the Campira Pass 06/10/1986
532 Fred McMason Death of an admiral 06/17/1986
533 Burt Frederick Through the hell of the Yucatán 06/24/1986
534 Burt Frederick The bay of the gallows 07/01/1986
535 Fred McMason Drive into the unknown 07/08/1986
536 Fred McMason The curse of Nan Madol 07/15/1986
537 Davis J. Harbord Scourge of the coast 07/22/1986
538 Davis J. Harbord The island fort 07/29/1986
539 Roy Palmer On death course 08/05/1986
540 Frank Moorfield The Satan Reefs 08/12/1986
541 Roy Palmer Minions of the emperor 08/19/1986
542 Burt Frederick Blood companions 08/26/1986
543 Davis J. Harbord Blockade breakers 09/02/1986
544 Fred McMason ... and the devil will get them all 09/09/1986
545 Davis J. Harbord Fire over the Banda Sea 09/16/1986
546 Burt Frederick Under full gear to hell 09/23/1986
547 Roy Palmer The Satan of Coconut 09/30/1986
548 Burt Frederick Decision in the Bay of Pigs 07.10.1986
549 Roy Palmer Drumming in the night 10/14/1986
550 Fred McMason Odyssey of Dead Souls 10/21/1986
551 Burt Frederick Island of the Damned 10/28/1986
552 Davis J. Harbord Under the spell of the magician 04/11/1986
553 Fred McMason Mirage 11/11/1986
554 Burt Frederick The Sultan's Bride 11/18/1986
555 Roy Palmer Death in the harem 11/25/1986
556 Davis J. Harbord The pirates of Abu Dhabi 12/02/1986
557 Fred McMason Pearl hunter 12/09/1986
558 Burt Frederick The devils of the Arabian coast December 16, 1986
559 Roy Palmer River robbers December 23, 1986
560 Fred McMason The daughter of the caliph 12/30/1986
561 Burt Frederick Heavenly dog ​​on board! 01/06/1987
562 Roy Palmer The idol 01/13/1987
563 Davis J. Harbord Camel driver 01/20/1987
564 Fred McMason In the clutches of the Tigris 01/27/1987
565 Burt Frederick The ruse of the pepper sacks 02/03/1987
566 Roy Palmer Wild waters 02/10/1987
567 Roy Palmer Surrounded 02/17/1987
568 Burt Frederick Satan in a silk robe 02/24/1987
569 Fred McMason On the trail of Noah's Ark 03/03/1987
570 Roy Palmer Breakthrough to the Black Sea 03/10/1987
571 Burt Frederick Old Donegals wish tree 03/17/1987
572 Fred McMason Black Sea pirates March 24, 1987
573 Burt Frederick Colony of the Greeks March 31, 1987
574 Fred McMason Raid at dawn 04/07/1987
575 Davis J. Harbord Known as a sore thumb 04/14/1987
576 Roy Palmer Dying in Istanbul 04/21/1987
577 Fred McMason The Turkish galley 04/28/1987
578 Burt Frederick The lord of hell 05/05/1987
579 Davis J. Harbord Juggler 05/12/1987
580 Fred McMason Gypsies of the sea 05/19/1987
581 Burt Frederick The executioner's ship 05/26/1987
582 Fred McMason The island of demons 06/02/1987
583 Burt Frederick "Bull of Piraeus" 06/09/1987
584 Roy Palmer The galeas 06/16/1987
585 Burt Frederick The dream island 06/23/1987
586 Burt Frederick Sunk in the reefs 06/30/1987
587 Davis J. Harbord The San Nicole Convicts 07/07/1987
588 Fred McMason Dance of death of the gallows birds 07/14/1987
589 Burt Frederick The ships sinkers 07/21/1987
590 Sean Beaufort The testament 07/28/1987
591 Burt Frederick The dead gondola 08/04/1987
592 Fred McMason Lagoon of death 08/11/1987
593 Burt Frederick dance on the volcano 08/18/1987
594 Davis J. Harbord In the catacombs of Palermo 08/25/1987
595 Burt Frederick Blood revenge 09/01/1987
596 Roy Palmer Storm over Mallorca 09/08/1987
597 Fred McMason King's scout 09/15/1987
598 Fred McMason Cadiz company 09/22/1987
599 Frank Moorfield The monks from the Rio Tejo 09/29/1987
600 Davis J. Harbord The savages of the "Empress of Sea" 10/06/1987
601 Burt Frederick The silver ship 10/13/1987
602 Sean Beaufort The day of the culverines 10/20/1987
603 Sean Beaufort A bastard is being hunted 10/27/1987
604 Burt Frederick Cunning foxes 11/03/1987
605 Burt Frederick The robbery coast 11/10/1987
606 Fred McMason A bastard is buried too 11/17/1987
607 Sean Beaufort The gold trap 11/24/1987
608 Burt Frederick Thames Vulture December 01, 1987
609 Davis J. Harbord Duel on the Thames 12/08/1987
610 Frank Moorfield Liars, lords and rags December 15, 1987
611 Sean Beaufort Dark streets in London 12/22/1987
612 Burt Frederick Witch hell 12/29/1987
613 Fred McMason The gateway to Hades 05/01/1988
614 Burt Frederick Dutch gold 01/12/1988
615 Sean Beaufort In the freezing storm 01/19/1988
616 Sean Beaufort Along the deadly cliffs 01/26/1988
617 Fred McMason The ship out of the fog 02/02/1988
618 Frank Moorfield The Black Ravens Bay 02/09/1988
619 Sean Beaufort The lost of the rock islands 02/16/1988
620 Davis J. Harbord Arwenack's legacy 02/23/1988
621 Burt Frederick The pilgrim ships 03/01/1988
622 Fred McMason Departure to the New World 03/08/1988
623 Sean Beaufort Panic on the "Discoverer" 03/15/1988
624 Burt Frederick Cholera on board March 22, 1988
625 Fred McMason No closed season for rats March 29, 1988
626 Sean Beaufort Fire on the “Pilgrim” 04/05/1988
627 Fred McMason Lost in the Atlantic 04/12/1988
628 Jan J. Moreno Death comes before dawn 04/19/1988
629 Sean Beaufort The ships of the desperate 04/26/1988
630 Jan J. Moreno Indian gold 05/03/1988
631 Burt Frederick Bloody coast 05/10/1988
632 Sean Beaufort Settlement of dangers 05/17/1988
633 Fred McMason Unscrupulous deserters May 24, 1988
634 Burt Frederick The hatred of the Indians 05/31/1988
635 Sean Beaufort Gold rush in the coastal fog 06/07/1988
636 Sean Beaufort The marauders 06/14/1988
637 Jan J. Moreno Between the lines 06/21/1988
638 Frank Moorfield The tomb of the jaguar 06/28/1988
639 Fred McMason Mist spirits 07/05/1988
640 Davis J. Harbord Thorfin Njal - the berserk 07/12/1988
641 Jan J. Moreno The spirit of knock haunts at night 07/19/1988
642 Jan J. Moreno The island of eternal youth 07/26/1988
643 Fred McMason Captured on Tir Nan Og 08/02/1988
644 Sean Beaufort The slave mine 08/09/1988
645 Davis J. Harbord The Rum Island 08/16/1988
646 Sean Beaufort The skeleton galleon on the reef 08/23/1988
647 Fred McMason The death of the king 08/30/1988
648 Jan J. Moreno The gallows is waiting for Sam Roskill 09/06/1988
649 Frank Moorfield Treasure ships for the queen 09/13/1988
650 Fred McMason A Don is being tricked 09/20/1988
651 Fred McMason The big raid 09/27/1988
652 Sean Beaufort Coast of Murderers 04/10/1988
653 Jan J. Moreno Slave ship "Aguila" 10/11/1988
654 Sean Beaufort The guns from Boa Vista October 18, 1988
655 Fred McMason The trick of Jean Ribault 10/25/1988
656 Davis J. Harbord Smoke over the sea 11/01/1988
657 Jan J. Moreno Smoldering fire 11/08/1988
658 Sean Beaufort The ship of the wrong Spaniards 11/15/1988
659 Fred McMason Irish snap cocks 11/22/1988
660 Davis J. Harbord The Count's Bloodhound 11/29/1988
661 Jan J. Moreno Duel before England December 6, 1988
662 Sean Beaufort A meal for the Geusen December 13, 1988
663 Davis J. Harbord Thames rats December 20, 1988
664 Fred McMason The treasure of Santo Antao December 27, 1988
665 Fred McMason The "death" of Old O'Flynn 03/01/1989
666 Sean Beaufort Lost between the islands 01/10/1989
667 Jan J. Moreno The Horror of Ascension January 17, 1989
668 Frank Moorfield Captured in Madagascar 01/24/1989
669 Davis J. Harbord Chased like mad dogs 01/31/1989
670 Fred McMason The temple of Shiva 02/07/1989
671 Sean Beaufort The Surat pirate 02/14/1989
672 Jan J. Moreno Betrayed and sold 02/21/1989
673 Fred McMason Sentenced to death 02/28/1989
674 Davis J. Harbord A crew of wild white devils 03/07/1989
675 Sean Beaufort The night of the hunters 03/14/1989
676 Jan J. Moreno Go to hell! 03/21/1989
677 Fred McMason Failed mission 03/28/1989
678 Fred McMason The Skeleton Coast 04/04/1989
679 Frank Moorfield Towers of Silence 04/11/1989
680 Sean Beaufort Battle of Bombay 04/18/1989
681 Jan J. Moreno Sharks and heroes 04/25/1989
682 Fred McMason The royal press gang 05/02/1989
683 Sean Beaufort The robber dhow 05/09/1989
684 Davis J. Harbord A ship full of fools 05/16/1989
685 Fred McMason Cannons thunder at the Mandavi 05/23/1989
686 Jan J. Moreno inferno 05/30/1989
687 Fred McMason False friends 06/06/1989
688 Jan J. Moreno Accumulated 06/13/1989
689 Frank Moorfield The demon of the sea 06/20/1989
690 Jan J. Moreno The Isle of the Lords 06/27/1989
691 Fred McMason Noah's Ark 07/04/1989
692 Jan J. Moreno The black death 07/11/1989
693 Sean Beaufort Death ship at anchor 07/18/1989
694 Sean Beaufort The bad luck charms 07/25/1989
695 Fred McMason The treasure robber 08/01/1989
696 Jan J. Moreno an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth 08/08/1989
697 Sean Beaufort Gold for the Mughal 08/15/1989
698 Fred McMason Geusen on a pirate voyage 08/22/1989
699 Jan J. Moreno Man overboard 08/29/1989
700 Frank McMason The time wave 09/05/1989
701 Jan J. Moreno The gold caravan 09/12/1989
702 Fred McMason The Sultan's Galley 09/19/1989
703 Sean Beaufort The thief caravel 09/26/1989
704 Jan J. Moreno Night battle 10/03/1989
705 Sean Beaufort The rats of Madras 10/10/1989
706 Fred McMason The tiger of Kanchipuram 10/17/1989
707 Jan J. Moreno revenge October 24, 1989
708 Sean Beaufort The vengeance of the false sultan 10/31/1989
709 Fred McMason In the sulfur hell of Kavali 11/07/1989
710 Frank Moorfield Danger on Great Abaco 11/14/1989
711 Fred McMason Ghosts on board 11/21/1989
712 Sean Beaufort Death in the sulfur mine 11/28/1989
713 Jan J. Moreno Hell on earth 05.12.1989
714 Sean Beaufort The jungle wolves 12/12/1989
715 Fred McMason Scum of the seas December 19, 1989
716 Sean Beaufort Counterstrike December 26, 1989
717 Sean Beaufort Storm trip to Madras 01/02/1990
718 Fred McMason Sunk in the storm 09/01/1990
719 Jan J. Moreno Bloody turn of the year January 16, 1990
720 Sean Beaufort The wreck in the hunger bay 01/23/1990
721 Fred McMason Put to fight 01/30/1990
722 Jan J. Moreno With fire, sword and crucifix 02/06/1990
723 Davis J. Harbord Tough as a cat 02/13/1990
724 Davis J. Harbord A night for corsairs 02/20/1990
725 Fred McMason The despot of Malacca 02/27/1990
726 Sean Beaufort Desperate search 03/06/1990
727 Jan J. Moreno fight to survive March 13, 1990
728 Fred McMason Merciless hunters 03/20/1990
729 Sean Beaufort In the dungeon of Malacca March 27, 1990
730 Jan J. Moreno The wrong Portuguese 04/03/1990
731 Fred McMason The devilish dwarfs 04/10/1990
732 Sean Beaufort The deadly curse April 17, 1990
733 Davis J. Harbord The battle in the Florida Keys April 24, 1990
734 Jan J. Moreno Die before Batavia 05/01/1990
735 Fred McMason Panoga - the god of the sea 05/08/1990
736 Sean Beaufort Dangerous friendship 05/15/1990
737 Jan J. Moreno The samurai's sword May 22, 1990
738 Davis J. Harbord A dinghy called "Little Isabella" May 29, 1990
739 Fred McMason Bloody pearls 06/05/1990
740 Frank Moorfield Dark shadows over Bali 06/12/1990
741 Sean Beaufort The horror of the night 06/19/1990
742 Jan J. Moreno Isle of Dragons 06/26/1990
743 Fred McMason Komodo - island of horror 07/03/1990
744 Davis J. Harbord Night ghosts 07/10/1990
745 Jan J. Moreno The Padres of the "Navegante" 07/17/1990
746 Fred McMason Hunt for the silver ship 07/24/1990
747 Davis J. Harbord The pack of Greeks 07/31/1990
748 Jan J. Moreno The white goddess of New Guinea 08/07/1990
749 Fred McMason In the hands of the Spaniards 08/14/1990
750 Davis J. Harbord Deadly steel 08/21/1990
751 Sean Beaufort The sea is boiling 08/28/1990
752 Fred McMason Battle in the Coral Sea 09/04/1990
753 Jan J. Moreno Daredevil 09/11/1990
754 Davis J. Harbord Two rascals September 18, 1990
755 Sean Beaufort The trail in the waves 09/25/1990
756 Fred McMason Black Islands archipelago 10/02/1990
757 Jan J. Moreno At the wrong time 10/09/1990
758 Davis J. Harbord The court of the corsairs October 16, 1990
759 Jan J. Moreno Horror on board October 23, 1990
760 Sean Beaufort The gold island 10/30/1990


  • Jochen Bärtle: Götzen, Gold and Globetrotter: German adventure novels from 1960 to 2015. BoD 2016, ISBN 978-3-7392-3689-6 , pp. 139–152.

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