Siegbert Droese

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Frank Siegbert Droese (born June 7, 1969 in Leipzig ) is a German politician of the Alternative for Germany party (AfD) and a hotel clerk . He belongs to their ethnic group The Wing . In September 2017 he was elected to the 19th Bundestag . From then until February 2018 he was temporarily chairman of the AfD Saxony .

Education, job, family

Droese grew up as the youngest of three siblings in a Christian family in the GDR . Until he graduated from school, he competed in competitive sport as a javelin athlete. From 1986 to 1988 he trained as a restaurant specialist at the Interhotel Leipzig. In July 1989, he fled across Hungary's open border to the west. In Hamburg he took a job at the Hotel Atlantic and learned the profession of hotel clerk . He started his training at the Hotel Merkur in Leipzig. In 1991 he returned there. He worked as an assistant until 1994, then until 1997 in the Food & Beverage department , and from 1998 to 2014 self-employed in the hotel and catering department in Leipzig. He opened a restaurant downtown, which he ran until November 2013. From 2015 to 2017 he was a manager and member of the management team at F & B. Droese is married and has four children.

Political offices

In September 2013 Droese joined the AfD. In 2015 he became chairman of the AfD district association in Leipzig. At the state party conference in February 2016, he was elected deputy chairman of the AfD regional association of Saxony with 86.4 percent of the votes cast. In 2016, the Leipzig AfD district association nominated Droese as a candidate for the Leipzig II constituency in the 2017 federal election . In March 2017, the state party conference of the AfD Saxony elected him to third place on the state list.

With 15.0% of the votes cast, he reached third place in his constituency and thus entered the German Bundestag via the state list. By the escape of Frauke Petry from the AFD he enlisted as her former deputy, on in the office as Acting Chairman of AFD Saxony, however, waived the state convention of the AFD Saxony Hoyerswerda in February 2018 to to run for this office. Before the state elections in 2019, Droese declared the goal to make the AfD the strongest parliamentary group in Saxony and to provide the prime minister there. However, he does not seek the office himself.

Siegbert Droese has been a member of the Leipzig City Council and chairman of the AfD parliamentary group since the local elections in Saxony in 2019 .

In the 19th German Bundestag , Droese is a full member of the Committee for European Union Affairs . He is also represented as a deputy member of the sports committee.

Political positions

As a Bundestag candidate in 2017, Droese stated that he was not interested in politics during the GDR era or after his return to Leipzig. The former block parties had been completely untrustworthy for him from 1989 onwards. He cited his critical stance on the EU as the reason for joining the AfD: the euro had doubled many prices, the EU bureaucracy had put more and more shackles on Germany, and the later zero interest rate policy had expropriated the savings of German pensioners. The European monetary system is facing an epochal crisis. Chancellor Angela Merkel made an untenable promise of stability. Germany needs a European regulatory policy and a permanent seat on the UN Security Council in order to make the enemy state clause superfluous. The Russia sanctions should be lifted. The refugee policy must be radically changed. Refugees who have committed criminal offenses, confessed Taliban fighters and everyone “who only wants to immigrate to the German welfare system” must be expelled immediately. Otherwise our social systems would collapse and “sooner or later conditions will prevail like in the countries of origin”. The police in Saxony must be adequately equipped for their tasks in view of increasing crime.

Droese is a member of the European Committee of the German Bundestag. He advocates a "Europe of Fatherlands" and better relations with Russia. As the AfD group's rapporteur for the Western Balkans, he is in favor of a privileged partnership instead of EU enlargement.

He wants to criminalize budget infidelity in the state. In the 2017 election campaign, “Die Welt” reported that he was in high private debt and that his income was being monitored at the time. He advertises on social networks with slogans such as “Free gun ownership for every law-abiding German”, “Well-fortified citizens serve freedom” and “People's arming helps to neutralize Koran warheads”. He describes the Federal Republic as "actually existing FRG socialism", Angela Merkel as a "post-Stalinist" or as " SED shrapnel in the chancellor's bunker" and claimed that Germany is " closer to a totalitarian state than a liberal one". Because many Saxons are "fed up with the CDU as they once were with the Stasi ", he expects another revolution like that of October 1989.

Droese was temporarily a member of the Volkisch-National Patriotic Platform , but, according to his own statements, left it before the AfD's federal party conference in July 2015. He signed the " Erfurt Resolution ". In January 2017, right-wing extremist Tatjana Festerling appeared at Legida , the Leipzig offshoot of the Islamic and xenophobic Dresden demonstration alliance Pegida , and offered an alliance with the AfD. Thereupon Droese campaigned in a press release for cooperation between the AfD and Pegida and for a joint large-scale demonstration in Leipzig. While the Patriotic Platform supported this, a majority at the following district party conference of the AfD Leipzig rejected direct, official cooperation despite recognized “political intersections”.

In 2016, the AfD Leipzig campaigned with a car bearing the license plate "L-AH1818". Right-wing extremists use and understand the letters in question as initials, the numbers as codes for the first and eighth letters of the alphabet, both as a reference to the name Adolf Hitler (see right-wing extremist symbols and signs ). Another car of the AfD Leipzig carried the license plate "L-GD 3345", which is understood as a right-wing extremist code for Greater Germany between 1933 and 1945. Droese stated that neither he nor any other AfD member was the owner of the vehicle in question and the AfD district association was not aware of the significance and explosiveness of these numerical codes. After inquiries, he described a visit to Adolf Hitler's headquarters in Wolfsschanze as nothing special. During the visit to Wolfsschanze, a photo of Droese was taken in front of the bunker there, on which he had himself photographed with his hand on his heart.

Daniel Fiß , whose political roots lie in the neo-Nazi scene in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and who is one of the leading members of the Identitarian Movement , has been working in Droese's Bundestag office since March 2019 . Siegbert Droese states that Fiß was only hired for two months and would be working on a project "in the area of ​​graphic design and development". He does not see a problem with the political background of his employee, since he “sees no reason to snoop around in his private life before hiring an employee and it is a project-related short-term employment”.

Droese describes himself as “nationally liberal”. Various media reports on the political orientation of AfD members of the Bundestag include him in the ethnic wing of the AfD or classify him as “ultra-right”. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution names Droese by name several times in its report on the classification of the AfD as a test case . He is listed there as an example of "right-wing extremist motives" in the party, specifically because of his "references to National Socialist symbols" and because of his representation of the conspiracy theory of " Umvolkung ".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Philip Fiedler: AfD direct candidate Siegbert Droese. Mephisto 97.6, August 2, 2017
  2. ^ A b c d Siegbert Droese: candidacy for the new state executive as deputy state chairman. ( Memento of the original from September 26, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. AfD Saxony, 2016 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. a b Klaus Staeubert: Siegbert Droese (AFD): "I want to tell people what is going." Leipziger Volkszeitung (LVZ), September 4, 2017
  4. a b c d e "Siegbert the Strong" in the AfD Wonderland. Die Welt , November 2, 2017
  5. When it comes to Pegida, Frauke Petry gives way. , Die Welt, February 28, 2016
  6. Björn Meine: AfD Leipzig nominated Siegbert Droese and Christoph Neumann. LVZ, October 31, 2017
  7. Petry remains AfD top candidate for Saxony. ( Memento of the original from September 9, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. MDR, March 27, 2017; @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Bundestag election 2017: Six people from Leipzig move into the new Bundestag - 38 from Saxony. LVZ, September 25, 2017
  9. State party conference in Hoyerswerda Urban new AfD leader in Saxony - Leipziger Droese withdraws candidacy , Leipziger Volkszeitung, February 5, 2018
  10. These are Leipzig's new city councils - with photos of all members of the parliament. Retrieved June 15, 2019 .
  11. ^ Parliamentary groups in the Leipzig City Council. Retrieved February 17, 2020 .
  12. ^ German Bundestag - Biographies. Retrieved May 2, 2020 .
  13. How much Pegida party does the AfD want to be? Cruiser online, May 24, 2016
  14. Questionable license plate: Does the AfD drive around Leipzig with Adolf Hitler license plates? Der Stern, August 22, 2016
  15. Did the AfD not recognize the Nazi symbolism? | MDR.DE. Retrieved February 17, 2020 .
  16. Katja Thorwarth: The AfD man and the Wolfsschanze. In: Frankfurter Rundschau of February 5, 2018 (accessed February 5, 2018).
  17. Kölner Stadtanzeiger, de: Identitarian Movement. AfD member employs board of right grouping (April 4, 2019) ; accessed on April 10, 2019
  18. Kai Biermann, Astrid Geisler, Tilman Steffen: Right-wing extremism: Identitarian boss has a job in the Bundestag . In: The time . April 4, 2019, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed April 15, 2019]).
  19. Kai Biermann, Astrid Geisler, Tilman Steffen: Right-wing extremism: Identitarian boss has a job in the Bundestag . In: The time . April 4, 2019, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed April 15, 2019]).
  20. Severin Weiland: AfD candidates: Everything that is right. Der Spiegel , September 20, 2017; Katja Riedel, Sebastian Pittelkow, Antonie Rietzschel, Oliver Das Gupta: These MPs sit in the Bundestag for the AfD. Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), September 24, 2017
  21. Maria Fiedler: These are the radicals in the AfD parliamentary group. Der Tagesspiegel , September 25, 2017
  22. Kai Biermann, Astrid Geisler, Christina Holzinger, Paul Middelhoff, Karsten Polke-Majewski, Tilman Steffen: AfD parliamentary group: Right to extreme in the Bundestag. Zeit Online, September 21, 2017
  23. Verfassungsschutz report on the AfD. January 28, 2019, accessed November 6, 2019 .