Siegmund Grimm

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Siegmund Grimm , also Sigmund Grymm and other variants, (born around 1480 in Zwickau ; died 1530 in Augsburg ) was a doctor , pharmacist , publisher , printer and co-owner of an office in Augsburg.

Sigmund Grimm studied in Basel and Freiburg im Breisgau before moving to Augsburg in 1507. In 1513 he married Margarete Welser, a relative of Konrad Peutinger , namesake of the Tabula Peutingeriana . As a member of one of the most respected families in Augsburg, Grimm was accepted into the city's medical community and soon afterwards set up a pharmacy. Before 1517 he founded a printing company and in 1517 took on the merchant Marx Würsung , who had also been an entrepreneur as an accountant since 1508 , as a partner . The workshop management was in the hands of Sympert or Simprecht Ruff.

The range initially included Latin and humanistic literature. In 1519 they were able to win over the Petrarca master , who has not yet been identified, for the illustrations . Until 1520 he made the woodcuts for a German edition of Francesco Petrarca's De remediis utriusque fortunae , which was to appear under the title Von der Artzney bayder Glück . The translation was done by Sebastian Brant , the author of the Ship of Fools published in 1494 . However, this demanding edition was not printed during the lifetime of the two printers. In 1520 Grimm and Würsung printed by Ludwig Senfl edited motets collection Liber selectarum cantionum , as well as Aristotle ' De anima .

In 1521 Marx Würsung died and the program of the printing house was completely changed. Texts with Reformation content were now printed . Most of the writings of Ulrich von Hutten were represented, for example , who had already published his ad Bilibaldum Pirckheymer epistola vitae suae rationem exponens from 1518 , his call to war against the Turks under the title Ad principes Germanos ut bellum Turcis inferant and the Aula dialogus to the von der Offizin published contemporary authors counted.

Soon after, Siegmund Grimm ran into financial difficulties. From 1524 onwards, prints appeared increasingly under the name of his factor Sympert Ruff, and by 1525 he could no longer pay the stuira minor , the poll tax . In 1527 the claims against him amounted to more than 5,700 guilders and he was forced to sell or pledge his houses and the printing works including printing machines. Grimm was primarily indebted to other accountants in Zurich , Strasbourg and Basel , and Augsburg bankers and merchants, including the Fuggers , were among his creditors. Some of the proceedings were brought before the Reich Chamber of Commerce. As a result of this economic hardship, the Petrarca master's printing blocks came into the possession of Heinrich Steiner , the aspiring printer of Augsburg in those years, who himself had to file for bankruptcy less than twenty years later . First, however, in 1532 he printed the edition of Petrarch planned by Grimm and Würsung, in the preface of which he pointed out that Grimm and Würsung had already had the first part of the translation done at their own expense, but could no longer go to print due to their death.


  • Hans-Jörg Künast: "Printed to Augspurg". Book printing and book trade in Augsburg between 1468 and 1555 (= Studia Augustana. Volume 8). De Gruyter, Tübingen 1997.
  • Ernst Kelchner:  Grimm, Siegmund . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 9, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1879, p. 690.

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  1. Grimm, Sigmund ( VD 16 ); Grimm, Sigismund; Grymm, Sigismund; Grymm, Sigmund; Grim, Sigismundus
  2. Hans-Jörg Künast: "Getruck zu Augspurg". Book printing and book trade in Augsburg between 1468 and 1555 (= Studia Augustana. Volume 8). De Gruyter, Tübingen 1997, p. 69 states 1531, but does not maintain this in the Augsburg city dictionary , there: before October 1530.
  3. a b c d Hans-Jörg Künast: Grimm. Sigmund (Grym). In: Augsburger Stadtlexikon online (accessed June 13, 2017).
  4. a b Ernst Kelchner:  Grimm, Siegmund . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 9, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1879, p. 690.
  5. Hans-Jörg Künast: "Getruck zu Augspurg". Book printing and book trade in Augsburg between 1468 and 1555 (= Studia Augustana. Volume 8). De Gruyter, Tübingen 1997, p. 54.
  6. Hans-Jörg Künast: "Getruck zu Augspurg". Book printing and book trade in Augsburg between 1468 and 1555 (= Studia Augustana. Volume 8). De Gruyter, Tübingen 1997, p. 67.
  7. Hans-Jörg Künast: "Getruck zu Augspurg". Book printing and book trade in Augsburg between 1468 and 1555 (= Studia Augustana. Volume 8). De Gruyter, Tübingen 1997, p. 68.