Siegmund Kalinski

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Siegmund Kalinski (born March 21, 1927 in Krakow ; † December 10, 2015 ) was a Polish- German general practitioner and journalist . He was a Holocaust survivor .


Origin and Persecution

Siegmund Kalinski was born in 1927 as the youngest of three children of the Jewish businessman Leopold Klausner. His parents were forcibly relocated to the Bochnia ghetto after 1939 . In 1942, with the first deportations , his father was evacuated, and shortly afterwards his mother. He never saw his parents again. The sister had lived in Palestine since 1935 , the brother went underground.

He himself was deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1943 and, after a few weeks, to Auschwitz III Monowitz . There he met prisoners who were already known to him, who helped him and whose execution he had to attend: Janek Grossfeld from Krakow, Nathan Weissman from Lodz and Leo Yehuda Diament from Gelsenkirchen. Siegmund Kalinski later said: “I owe my life to these three, Leo, Janek and Nathan. They helped me in the first difficult days in Auschwitz, they took me out of 'Kieskommando No. 9', where half of all prisoners who had moved out in the morning did not come back every day and 'got' me a place in Kommando 79 (locksmiths), later in command 26 (technical warehouse), where the work was not quite as exhausting and one could at least have the hope of returning to the warehouse in the evening. "

He survived the death march that began on January 18, 1945 via Gleiwitz , Mauthausen , Sachsenhausen , Oranienburg and Flossenbürg . At the end of April 1945 Kalinski managed to escape by swimming in an empty ammunition box across the Rhine to the French army.

Return to Krakow

Kalinski returned to his homeland at the age of 18. Almost none of his relatives had survived. The name Klausner was "Polonized" and changed to Kalinski. In 1947 he passed the Abitur examination in Kraków and began studying medicine there. He earned his living as an emcee and freelance journalist . After graduating, he worked, among other things, as a hospital and works doctor in Katowice .

As a doctor and journalist in Germany

Kalinski fled to Vienna in 1963 and came to Germany in 1965. As an assistant doctor he worked in Rheydt , North Rhine-Westphalia, then in the hospital in Frankfurt-Höchst . In 1968 he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD and naturalized. He established himself as a general practitioner in Frankfurt am Main. After he had received the specialist certification and in 1977 the authorization to continue training in general medicine, he trained more than fifty doctors and in 1984 became a lecturer in general medicine at the University of Frankfurt am Main. In 1992 he qualified as a professor at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow with a thesis in general medicine as the basis of health care for the population . In March 1996 he gave up his medical practice to a successor.

For many years, Siegmund Kalinski was active in medical professional policy and as a medical journalist. In the Ärzte-Zeitung he published almost 1,500 columns under the pseudonym Ironius. In 1980 he became a member of the delegate assembly of the State Medical Association (LÄK) Hessen, in 1996 he became a member of the board. From 1981 to 1996 he was a member of the business committee in Frankfurt am Main at the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV) Hessen.

Kalinski was a member of the Council of Survivors of the Fritz Bauer Institute in Frankfurt am Main, a study and documentation center on the history and effects of the Holocaust.

Publications (selection)

  • Siegmund Kalinski: Memories of People in the Hell of Auschwitz. In: Doctors newspaper . January 27, 2005, p. 2.
  • Siegmund Drexler, Siegmund Kalinski, Hans Mausbach: Medical fate under persecution, 1933–1945 in Frankfurt am Main and Offenbach: a memorandum . Publishing house for academic writings, Frankfurt am Main 1990.

Awards (selection)

  • Johanna Kirchner Medal of the City of Frankfurt (1992)
  • Dr. Richard Hammer Medal from the State Medical Association of Hesse (1992)
  • Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class (1996)
  • Honorary plaque of the State Medical Association of Hesse in silver (1997)
  • Paracelsus Medal of the German Medical Association (2008)
  • Kaspar Roos Medal of the NAV Virchow Association (2009)


Individual evidence

  1. NAV-Virchow-Bund mourns Siegmund Kalinski ( Memento of the original from December 22, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Website of the NAV-Virchow-Bund , December 16, 2015, accessed on December 16, 2015. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ Andreas Jordan: Family Diament from Gelsenkirchen. Gelsenzentrum - portal for urban and contemporary history, December 2007 / November 2011.
  3. ^ Doctor, journalist and professional politician: "Ironius" is 85 . In: Doctors newspaper . March 21, 2012.
  4. ^ NAV-Virchow-Bund: Certificate for the Kaspar Roos Medal for Dr. Siegmund Kalinski (2009)