Simon Vinkenoog

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Simon Vinkenoog June 10, 2006

Simon Vinkenoog (born July 18, 1928 in Amsterdam , † July 12, 2009 there ) was a Dutch author , poet and lecturer .

Live and act

Vinkenoog grew up in the De Pijp district of Amsterdam and received his “Mulo” diploma in 1944 . He then worked at Em. Querido's Uitgeverij publishing house and married, the marriage lasted six months. In 1948 he went to Paris with his second wife, where he worked as an employee in the “Books and Publications” department at UNESCO (1949 to 1956).
In Paris he founded the magazine "Blurb", which he also sent to the Netherlands. The magazine dealt with recent developments in culture and society. In it he propagated “ phenomena of consciousness” ( Bewustzijnsverschijnselen ), later referred to as counterculture or “ alternative movement ”, also called “ expansion of consciousness ”. “Blurb” appeared in eight editions with articles by Remo Campert, Armando , Hugo Claus , and WF Hermann, among others , and in the 1950s, together with the literature of the Beat Generation in the Netherlands, played a key role in not adapting to traditional forms of literature. With Atonaal , Vinkenoog compiled the first anthology of literature from the 1950s in 1951. In 1950 his first volume of poetry, Wondkoort , was published, after which more than 30 books by him appeared in poetry and prose.

When he published his book "Vinkenoog Verzameld" on October 12, 2008

He was best known in the Netherlands as a poet and prose writer. On December 9, 1962, he organized the first happening in Amsterdam, inspired by the Fluxus movement with the participation of Robert Jasper Grootveld . Over time, Vinkenoog developed more and more into a lecturer who spoke in numerous lectures with great poetic intensity and enthusiasm on topics such as "Sex, Drugs, Love and Rock 'n Roll". In 1966 he was the initiator of a “poetry manifestation” in the Carré Theater . His lecture in this theater was the cornerstone for his later “podium art” and earned him the name “lecture artist”. It was also a symbol of the social revolution of the 1960s.

He also organized numerous poetry events in Amsterdam. He became known as the "oldest hippie in the Netherlands". After a stay in hospital in June 2009, he published a final report on his homepage with the words: “ Greetings, sun brothers and sun sisters. Simon Vinkenoog, Wohlgemut "(" Gegroet, zonnebroeders en zonnegesters. Simon Vinkenoog, welgemoed ")

Literarily influenced by the "Beat Generation", among others friends with the author and poet Allen Ginsberg , he always remained the personification of the hippie generation throughout his life. He had experience with various hallucinogenic drugs and wrote about them in the magazines "Bres" and "Wereld in Bewegungsing " ( world in motion ). “Simon Vinkenoog. Poet and Troubadour. Magician and Guru. Living volcano with often spewing smoke. Joint? Cult figure and literary source of inspiration ”says the“ Katholieke Radio Omroep ”(KRO, Catholic Broadcasting). In 2004 he was elected “Poet of the Fatherland”, but was not recognized by the initiators NRC Handelsblad , NPS and Poetry Internationale .

At the beginning of 2006 he started a new project with the one-man band "Spinvis" (by Erik de Jong). Vinkenoog read out poems that had appeared on a CD with the title “Ja!”.

On June 19, 2009, his right lower leg was amputated because of major problems with his blood vessels and unbearable pain. He was on the mend when on July 12, 2009, a cerebral haemorrhage occurred and he fell into a coma from which he never awoke. On July 18, 2009 he was buried in the Sint Barbara cemetery in Amsterdam West . Vinkenoog has been married six times and has four children.


Bibliography (selection)

1950 - Wondkoorts , Gedichte
1951 - Atonaal , Anthologie
1952 - Land zonder Nacht , Gedichte
1953 - Heren Zeventien , proeve van waarneming
1954 - Zo lang te water , een alibi (Roman)
1955 - Lessen uit de nieuwe school van taboes en other poems
1956 - Tweespraak , poems (together with Hans Andreus)
1957 - Onder eigen dak , poems
1962 - Hoogseizoen (novel)
1966 - Eerste poems (1949–1965) 1968 - Weergaloos: ontdekkingen naar de waarheid
1971 - Aan het daglicht (autobiography)
1976 - Mij ​​best , poems
1978 - De others wereld , prose
1979 - Bestaan ​​en begaan (1972–1978)
1980 - Jack Kerouac in Amsterdam
1986 - Coito ergo Sum: samenspraak der eenwording
1987 - Leven en dood van Marcel Polak , biography
1988 - Op het eerste gehoor , poems
1993 - Louter genieten , poems
1996 - Het hoogste woord: De stem van Simon Vinkenoog
1998 - Vreugdevuur , poems
2000 - De ware Adam (poems)
2001 - Me and my peepee (translation of poems by Allen Ginsberg)
2004 - Goede raad i s vuur (poetic
handout )
2006 - Zonneklaar , poems
2008 - Am * dam Madmaster


1960 - Stem uit de groef
2006 - Yes! ("Met Spinvis")
2008 - Ritmebox (met "Spinvis")

Web links

Individual evidence

Commons : Simon Vinkenoog  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  1. Biography under: “De Nederlandse en Vlaamse Auteurs”. Author: GJ van Bork and PJ Verkruijse . Bibliography and biography in: Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren (dbnl). Dutch, accessed August 22, 2010
  2. Diploma for, among others: Dutch, French, German, geography, geometry, history, biology, algebra. No longer exists in this form today.
  3. ^ "Collectie Simon Vinkenoog", biography . At the IISG , Amsterdam. Dutch, accessed August 23, 2010
  4. With photo and video . Dutch, accessed August 23, 2010
  5. S. Vinkenoog, archive: June 2006 . With numerous photos. Dutch, accessed September 4, 2012
  6. Profile: Simon Vinkenoog. Broadcast on September 20, 2006 . Dutch, accessed August 23, 2010 [website currently unavailable: September 4, 2012]
  7. Literatuurplein of February 23, 2004. S. Vinkenoog elected as Poet of the Fatherland . Dutch, accessed August 22, 2010